Happy New Year!!
We hope everyone had a great new years celebration and are ready for an awesome 2025!
We continue to have a number of dogs in need of rehoming. We can only continue to operate with the generous support/donations of people concerned with helping these dogs succeed. Thank you to everybody that has donated, adopted, fostered, and share our posts.
Stay tuned for updates on current dogs with specific needs.
Yep, she’s a water dog 💦🐶❤️
Poppy is 3.5 months old and about 6 lbs of Lagotto cuteness. She is tiny, but mighty. Despite not being able to see, she knows her roots,  and like most Lagotto Puppies… She loves digging her water! 💦💦💦💦
🏡 This girl is ready for her new home (medical release ❤️🩹). We prefer a home close to Atlanta, Georgia.
✅ If interested in Poppy, please fill out our application at www.lagottodogrescue.org In the “special needs” section, mention that you are interested in Poppy.
❤️ Baby Poppy showing off all aspects of a well-adjusted Lagotto.
💦Showing her regular lagotto side by digging in her water 💦… just like most Lagotto Romagnolos do. Oh Poppy, ❤️.
❤️Poppy is now 12 weeks old and located in Georgia. She is ready for her forever home.
🏥We prefer a home close to her current neurologist and ophthalmologist in Georgia (Poppy has some head trauma as a wee baby which caused her to lose her vision. She is beating the odds and has a 50% chance of regaining some vision).
❤️ If interested in Poppy, please fill out our application at www.lagottodogrescue.org and in the section about Special Needs, please mention that you are interested in Poppy.
This cute girl is making so much progress! One would never guess that she is blind. In the video it almost appears that she is using “echo location” if that’s even possible for a dog. Poppy is becoming more and more confident and is walking around with her head up, tail wagging … and, as seen in the video, barking to her own beat. Poppy is available to a very special home who will continue with her medical care 🏥 while continuing to raise her to be a happy, healthy and socialized puppy. If interested in Poppy, please apply at www.lagottodogrescue.org and in the medical/special needs area, fill in that you are interested in Poppy. #lagotto #lagottoromagnolo_daily #lagottoofinstagram #lagottopuppy🐶 #lagottorescue #blindpuppy
Poppy is soo sweet and we are all in love with her 💕. She is 11 weeks old, but only a wee 4 lbs. This tiny little one is as sweet and loving as they come. She is seen here bring her toys … and slippers … to her favorite bed. She has the nose of a lagotto and can navigate familiar places with ease. She loves her toys and likes to arrange and sleep with them all. This special girl will be looking for a dedicated home to call her own. A calm place full of love and kind people. She has a 50% chance of regaining some vision. She needs a home in within driving distance to Georgia. If interested in Poppy, please submit an application at www.lagottodogrescue.org #lagotto #lagottoromagnolo_daily #lagottoofinstagram #lagottopuppy🐶 #lagottolove #lagottodogs #lagottorescue #lagottodogrescue #blindpuppy #blindpuppyneedsahome #blindpuppytraining
❤️Look at Poppy Go!!!
❤️🩹She has improved so much and continues to exceed expectations!!!
❤️She has mapped out and memorized her Foster home and no longer walks in circles!
❤️Her tail is up and she confidently navigates from one room to another. Watch how she uses her nose to help figure out where to go next! Her foster family has helped this pup beyond measure!
❤️🩹The vet today did say that Poppy does still appear to be blind in both eyes, and besides being itty bitty, she is doing fantastic.
🏠She needs a new home who understands her medical needs, is home most or all of the day, has no, or very gentle older children, possibly has an older sweet dog to show Poppy around, rarely remodels or rearrange furniture, is willing to train and socialize this sweet girl. No flying, the new family must come to meet Poppy in person in GA.
✅If you think Poppy would be a good fit for your home and lifestyle, please apply at www.lagottodogrescue.org #lagottoromagnolo #lagottoromagnolo_daily #lagottoofinstagram #lagottopuppy🐶 #lagottodogrescue #lagottorescue.org
Poppy continues to amaze her team of vets, Foster Family, LRDR and all who have come to know her. We’ll be posting more videos and pictures of her this week.
Applications will be opened up as soon as we have a medical release for her.
In the meantime, if interested in Poppy, or any LRDR dog, please complete the Maddie’s University course on Brining Home a New Dog located on the homepage of our website: www.lagottodogrescue.org
📢 📣 UPDATE 7/26/23 — Yellow Boy has been ADOPTED 📣📢 Thanks for all the interest ❤️
⭐️Yellow Boy is AVAILABLE in MA (or surrounding states … willing to travel if new family can help organize). ⭐️
✅He is outgoing, active and LOVES water 💦 ! He will do best in a home that “does more.” This boy wants and needs adventure and training.
✅He is ready now! He is too exuberant for most small kids. Serious Inquiries please apply at www.lagottodogrescue.org.
✅Also complete the “Bringing a New Dog Home” Course from Maddie’s University (a link is on the homepage of our website).
Look at Sweet Poppy Go!
Her movement continues to improve and she is doing a wonderful job navigating her surroundings and overcoming her blindness! Watch how she navigates the room, including a surface change and a corner! She is as sweet as they come and smart too!
Applications are NOT yet open for Poppy. She has a team of wonderful vets, volunteers and fans cheering her on.