Unique Newfoundland Puppies

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  • Unique Newfoundland Puppies

Unique Newfoundland Puppies The Newfoundland is good-humored, gentle, and protective of its family. It is affectionate and devoted, known for its friendliness to all people and animals.

The Newfoundland tends to slobber and creates a mess when drinking. Newfoundlands have a deep bark and make moderately good watchdogs (they are a little too friendly with strangers).

Newfoundland puppies(Available)

Newfoundland puppies(Available)

Newfoundland puppies~~Newfies

Newfoundland puppies~~Newfies

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The Newfoundland (commonly called ‘Newf’ or ‘Newfie’) originated in Newfoundland, Canada, descending from a mix of indig...

The Newfoundland (commonly called ‘Newf’ or ‘Newfie’) originated in Newfoundland, Canada, descending from a mix of indigenous breeds with either Viking dogs or the mastiffs of Portuguese fishermen. The resulting breed, present by the 1600’s, was a black dog which loved swimming in cold waters; the black and white ‘Landseer’ Newfoundland developed a century later. The Newfoundland served as a helpful assistant by pulling heavy fishing nets or other equipment and rescuing sailors who had fallen overboard. Local laws limiting dog ownership to one dog per man kept the Newfoundland’s numbers low in its home country, but it was exported to Europe, where its numbers grew as it became a popular show dog. In 1832, a Newfoundland name ‘Hairy Dog’ and its owners saved 180 Irish immigrants from the wrecked ship ‘Despatch’. A Newfoundland also reportedly saved Napoleon Bonaparte when he went overboard during his escape from Elba. Well-known Newfoundlands include ‘Sable Chief’, mascot of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment and ‘Nana’ from ‘Peter Pan’. Presidents Rutherford B. Hayes and James Buchanan had pet Newfoundlands. English poet Lord Byron had a pet Newfoundland for whom he wrote ‘Epitaph to a Dog’, which begins ‘Near this spot are deposited the remains of one who possessed beauty without vanity, strength without insolence, courage without ferocity, and all the virtues of man, without his vices. This praise, which would be unmeaning flattery if inscribed over human ashes, is but a just tribute to the memory of Boatswain, a dog.’

The Newfoundland has a shoulder height of 56-76 cm (22-30 in) and weighs 50-69 kg (110-152 lbs). Some have been recorded at up to 90 kg (200 lbs). Newfoundlands have a broad head, small, deep set eyes, and triangular ears. They have a flat back, tail carried low, and webbed feet.




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