The premium Koi of the week are shining bright!
Our Auction Koi quality is unmatched and as you can see, we have high-quality Koi on our auction year-round. Now it's time to find YOUR Koi at YOUR Price!
We appreciate your participation at
Take a peek at next weeks auction Koi!
Here are the grow out from the last grow out auction. Some. Very 🍀 LUCKY customers.
Currently 12-14 inches.
Congratulations 🎉🎊🍾🎈
Ginrin Karashigoi of the Yellow Monkey Bloodline from Dainichi Koi Farm!
This beauty is listed on our Online Auction ending tomorrow at 4pm PST!
Behind the scenes of our Weekly Auction!
Measuring this 46cm Black Diamond from Dainichi Koi Farm.
Bin in the Bowl
Next auction is the first of its kind, ever! Free boarding on all koi until spring! Happy bidding!
Auction starts this Sunday 10/20/2024 and ends Sunday 10/27/2024.
Cotskoi Auction - Weekly Koi Auction Ending July 21st, 2024
Enjoy this sneak peak of this weeks auction video by Ashton.
I appreciate all of your support!
Please subscribe to the YouTube channel! You can do so via the link below:
Cotskoi Auction - Weekly Auction Koi ending 7.7.24.
Every week we showcase the auction Koi listed, give you tips on Koi terms and point out considerable characteristics of each Koi. While all in one video!
Please enjoy the video. And be sure to checkout the auction Koi for this week!