Massage can have a positive impact on the menatal state of your horse. I recently had a client that lost one of her two horses. The remaining horse fell into a depression. She wouldn’t eat, didn’t drink much and laid down and didn’t want to get up. It went on long enough that her owner was pretty worried and wondered what she could do to help her horse. This is a horse that I massage fairly regularly and the owner thought maybe a massage would help, so she scheduled an appointment. During the massage the horse showed definite signs of releasing tension. Her eyes were soft and she had big sighs. The appointment finished with some myofascial release work around her mouth. It seemed as if most of the tension was held there. After I was done she yawned for several minutes after the massage was over. She seemed a little brighter. I asked the owner to let me know how her horse was d**g. A few days later she texted me and said, “by the day after the massage she was eating better… I think she really started coming out of it after the massage so it must’ve helped!
It is so rewarding to see how massage can have such a positive impact! It is also great to work with owners that care so deeply about their horses!