SAMMY!!! He is available and looking for his forever home.He is four months old, potty trained, crate trained doggie door trained. Loves kids, adults other pets. He is an amazing dog.We are not able to keep him with us because we have female GRs that he is related to.If you are interested please send me a private message for more information about Sammy.
Puppies first time eating solids
Puppies first solid meal.
Puppies are 4 weeks old on Friday!
More pictures and videos to come. These sweet little adorable puppies are almost 4 weeks old.
This week we will start solid food (mush) and add a litter box to their area to begin potty training.
Contact me if you are interested in learning more about these beauties. We have males and females still available.
Go home date is 7/17.
Puppies available now!!
We still have three males and one female available to go home.
These sweet babies are so easy to hang out with. They love their food, running and playing outside, Kids and Adults are their favorites and of course other animals.
Send me a message on facebook messenger or call/text 623-341-6274
We still have puppies available from this litter. I will be posting updated pictures of the available pups tomorrow. We have two females and three males available.
ROXY/Barrett Litter 2024
We still have puppies available from this litter!
These puppies are so sweet and just a joy to have around!
We still have two boys available. Go home day is February 14th.
Send me a message for more information. 💙💙
Lou/Bo Litter
We still have two boy available!! Contact me for more information.
Say hello to George and Sammy!
These two boys are still available.
The go-home day will be on or around February 14th.
They were born on December 21st
Please send me a message for more information.