I want to give a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to all of my students who competed in nosework this weekend and the AKC trial and the CPE trial!!! Many titles were earned as well as many memories with our dogs!
Susan and Otis had fun competing in AKC this weekend and earned their Excellent Buried, Excellent Container, Excellent Interior, Excellent Exterior and overall Scentwork Excellent titles! Susan and Otis also earned High in Trial in Excellent on Saturday!!!! Otis got eight 1st place, one 2nd place and one 3rd place!!! Susan and Otis also moved up to Master and earned 3 Q’s in the Master level (1 interior, 1 exterior and 1 container)!!!!
Gaby and Lucy competed at the AKC trial this weekend and earned the novice buried, advanced container, advanced interior and advanced exterior and overall Scentwork Novice title!!! They earned seven 1st places, three 2nd places, one 3rd place and one 4th place!
Marvel and I competed at the AKC trial this weekend and earned his Master Interior title!!! Marvel also earned High in Trial in Master on Saturday!!!!!!!!! In interiors Marvel got all 3 legs with a 1st place, a 2nd place and a 4th place. In exterior Marvel got 2 legs with a 1st place and a 3rd place. In buried Marvel got 2 legs with two 2nd places. In containers Marvel got 1 leg with a 1st place!
Leah and Merlin in his first ever trial over the weekend earned his CPE Level 1 title!! In level 2 he earned 2 exterior legs, 2 vehicle legs, 1 interior leg and 1 container leg! Merlin also earned several placements!!!
Tara and Goose competed in a CPE trial this weekend and earned their level 1 title!!! They earned five 1st places, two 2nd places and one 4th place!!!!!