Pet Xpress Transport LLC is based in Chattanooga, TN offering safe and reliable transportation options for your pets whether it's a local trip or anywhere in the United States. Every precaution is taken to ensure they arrive safely at your home. Pet Xpress Transport LLC is a registered USDA Class T-Carrier and carries animal bailee insurance for your pet. Local trips include pick up and delivery f
rom local veterinarian appointments, grooming appointments, or doggie daycare within the Chattanooga, Ooltewah, Harrison, or surrounding area. If you have a question about our local services please contact us. Long-distance trips are offered to assist you with relocating your pet(s) to their new home. Two types of ground transportation trips are offered, solo VIP trips and group trips. During solo VIP trips your pet(s) will be the only ones transported. Group trips are usually along a designated route with several other pets to reduce the cost to each owner. A good way to think of group trips is like ride-sharing. Please contact me for more information on the types of ground transportation and routes. Air flight nanny services are offered to allow your pet to fly in the cabin with me to quickly get your pet to their new home. I work with all major airlines and do not fly standby to ensure the timely delivery of your pet. No matter the method of transportation I do everything possible to make you and your pet’s journey as stress-free as possible. Please feel free to contact me anytime concerning our pet transportation services.