Carolyn learning the concept of liberty..the push pull dynamic..connection and disconnection! Nice job!
Miss juliet playing at liberty with the bridge.
Backing into a help the rushing non thinking SLOW DOWN AND THINK!
Some fun education happening this week! Stay tuned for more educational videos posted weekly!
From learning to understand the concepts of liberty..the push and pull dynamic.. connection and disconnection.. to helping a sensitive horse that rushes through gates and learn to slow her mind by slowing her step at a time. And my favorite for rushing reactive horses.. backing into their immediately kicks in the thinking side of the brain and shuts off the reactive non thinking fight or flight side of the brain!
In a non threatening environment...a horse reacting out of its survival mode..will actually cause chaos and danger. Surviival mode is only needed for real life survival situations and danger...(fleeing from real life predators) . In our human words.. most threats are not real..they are perceived danger and reacting in fight or flight, freeze or fawn, say a plastic bag or a child walking past.. can create the actual real danger that all of us as well as the horse..want to avoid!
Miss Juliet has entered into the lesson program..shes finally ready to start this..with some of the more advancing students! Her and miss vivian did excellent last night!
Moving horse to and from the MOUNTING BLOCK!
Summer video of teaching horses to lower their heads for bridling etc...
A great video of madysyn and turtle learn about having set positions.. set reins or rein hands.. what the OUTSIDE REIN DOES ..which is ALOT! and how things all must start from Madysyn..all things must start from the rider..the leader!
And at the end you will see her attempt to do a leg yield.(sideways). And u see it doesnt go as planned....
Stay tuned to see her progress... we will post some videos of her fixing this up in the next week or so!!!!
Nice ride madysyn and turtle!
Tower Hill Show ..LGF SHOW TEAM! 2022
The girls and the ponies rocked the Tower Hilll show! Top 3 of nearly every class! They make me proud!
And. .. they make their HORSES HAPPY! THEY put the RELATIONSHIP FIRST!
It was a fantastic day!
Madysyn and turtle working on a fun jumping challenge!
Miss madysyn having a fun challenging jump lesson! Nice job kiddo! Horse show on sunday!