This is an AMAZING group of people and they have a phenomenal purpose! We take care of all their pups and any fosters that they have at the time. Please check them out and consider donating so they can keep doing what they do. Share as well please!! The more people that know, the more help we can get them. ❣️
* That despite our best efforts we CANNOT continue after September.
* Our operating costs are $300,000 year primarily covered through the generosity of private donors.
* That our monthly expenses average $25,000 / month
* When we had to move the van and our drivers from Texas to Georgia our insurance over doubled to $11,000 per year .. which is due in November
* Our fuel costs are over $30,000 / year
* The van’s maintenance has doubled every year since 2021. For 2023 we are already at $11,000
* Our vetting costs are over $50,000 / year
* Although we only charge our adopters $200 of their $500 adoption fee for transport it actually costs us upwards of $700 per dog.
* Our drivers are our only paid staff, everyone else is volunteer and has other jobs. Mom for example dedicates 80+ hrs a month to making sure PFR runs … on top of her full time job.
* That over the last 11 months we pulled or transferred 162 dogs & cats from the Burke County Shelter.
* That we have transported 244 dogs and 12 cats in 2023
* We still have 6 dogs in our … two of which are longer medical (Heartworms)
I am so incredibly heartbroken, actually we all are. Everything we have built feels like it’s crumbling beneath us. Dad and Sarah have been unbelievable transporters. We brought it internal to make sure the dogs got the absolute best … that all ends. The stress of it all has taken a massive toll on us.
We also cannot continue to operate with the stress of not knowing if we can cover our expenses month to month. We need $100,000 to cover us through the end of the year and buy us some time. Without it we will no longer be able to help dogs as we have done for nearly 7 years. Despite our best efforts we simply do not have the funds to cover our operating costs.
If you want to see us continue we have to have reliable funding sources. Please consider setting up a month donation if you believe in our mission. We have over 100,000 followers … imagine the impact that just $5 per follower could have.
Last 4 of phone # 4416
I believe through PayPal and Facebook you can set up reoccurring monthly donations.