Supplements, creams, and hoof treatments:
When I was still trimming for the public, people would often ask me if I recommended any supplements, creams, or hoof moisturizers. My standard response was "don't put crap on my feet!"
Now, proper nutrition is important and if you have tested your hay and your feed and had determined there is an important nutrient significantly deficient, obviously supplement! But as far as all the hoof supplements out there touted to give you better feet, don't waste your money. That is my humble opinion.
Most basic hoof problems follow a simple formula:
Not using the back of the foot = not fully pumping the blood = stale blood = not enough nutrients/oxygen getting to the tissues in the foot.
This creates a whole host of problems, not the least of which is the dry, cracked, crumbly hoof wall we see all too often in domestication.
There is an alternate formula:
Using the back of the foot = fresh blood with every step full of nutrients and oxygen = strong, waxy, good quality horn
If you are just starting a barefoot journey with your horse and either you or your farrier are prioritizing the full use of the back part of the foot, give it a year before you decide to supplement. I bet you will be surprised at the quality of hoof your horse can produce when the tissues are getting the proper circulation.
(pictured - wild horse foot)