Briarbush Boxers, LLC

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  • Briarbush Boxers, LLC

Briarbush Boxers, LLC Dedicated to superior quality AKC & or UKC registered boxers, of sound mind, body & soul.



2 fawn females available.  They are ready to go home. 💞 There is an application required for consideration.  If you have...

2 fawn females available. They are ready to go home. 💞 There is an application required for consideration. If you have any questions, please send a PM.

3 fawn males available.  They are ready to go home 💕 There is an application required for consideration.  If you have an...

3 fawn males available. They are ready to go home 💕 There is an application required for consideration. If you have any questions, please send a PM.


The best thing about posting is that the entire family gets involved!!! I truly love all the pictures and updates, thank you!!! It means the world to me. I LOVE it!!!! I often wonder how they are all doing.

Say no to toads....   🤣

Say no to toads.... 🤣

Random, all. 💕

Random, all. 💕

Photo bomb......   it's not the easiest task....  see comments.  (oops, I put all the females under the 1st one...  😑)

Photo bomb...... it's not the easiest task.... see comments. (oops, I put all the females under the 1st one... 😑)

Fawns with white, I will work on individual pictures the next few days. 6 males, 3 females.  This is it for 2024.

Fawns with white, I will work on individual pictures the next few days. 6 males, 3 females. This is it for 2024.

Briarbush boxer puppies are available.  One fawn female with white and one brindle female classic. See comments for pict...

Briarbush boxer puppies are available. One fawn female with white and one brindle female classic. See comments for pictures. Please read pinned post. If interested, please PM.

3 classic fawn males available.....

3 classic fawn males available.....

Wow, it's been awhile, still battling tech issues... if it's not one thing, it's another. 4 of these classic fawns are a...

Wow, it's been awhile, still battling tech issues... if it's not one thing, it's another. 4 of these classic fawns are available. They have been vaccinated & have received their health certificates, murmur free.
DOB: 02/16/23. Still trying to get into the messages, so I guess for now, text 60354596one,one. Yes, they are ready to go home. ❤


Since May we have been seeing an increase in Canine Infectious Respiratory Complex (CIRDC). In the past, we would see standard "kennel coughs", and provide medical management and the patient would be discharged. The virus we are seeing now appears to be easily transmissible between dogs and sometimes is developing into a secondary infectious pneumonia.

We have seen over 250 cases and 75% of them have required hospitalization.

The patients we are seeing may or may not go to daycare, training, boarding etc. We have seen cases that have "just had exposure" to another dog that has been to one of those facilities.

If your dog is experiencing a mild cough, still eating, drinking and breathing comfortably, please reach out to your primary veterinarian.

If your pet is experiencing coughing with extreme lethargy, respiratory effort, fever, lack of appetite, and/or weakness, please call us ASAP.

If you have any questions or concerns about this, please feel free to reach out.

This young female (3) is looking for a special forever home. She is deaf, and would probably appreciate another dog. Ple...

This young female (3) is looking for a special forever home. She is deaf, and would probably appreciate another dog. Please contact me via messenger for details.


Help keep those bugs off your dog (and heartworm at bay) with these natural mosquito repellents for dogs. Safe, chemical-free alternatives.

Happy 1 week!!!(A little late posting,  but pictures are correct...)

Happy 1 week!!!
(A little late posting, but pictures are correct...)

1 day. Great bunch of pups!!! Already in love, how could you not be?

1 day. Great bunch of pups!!! Already in love, how could you not be?

These are from yesterday, as they were being welped, so brand new ❤ !!! Who's ready for some live entertainment? !!!

These are from yesterday, as they were being welped, so brand new ❤ !!! Who's ready for some live entertainment? !!!

Pups have arrived,  2 females, 6 males. Remember, if you are getting a puppy,  request to join the Facebook live group.....

Pups have arrived, 2 females, 6 males. Remember, if you are getting a puppy, request to join the Facebook live group.... all puppies have homes.

Works excellent!!!🦨

Works excellent!!!🦨


ATTENTION Pet Parents!

A chemical used in Milk-Bones, Ol’Roy, Kibbles’n Bits, Hill’s Pet Food and other pet foods should no longer be considered safe for consumption due to concerns about its ability to damage DNA according to a new animal-model study.

According to the Environmental Working Group: “A scientific panel created by the European Food Safety Authority found that titanium dioxide “can no longer be considered as safe when used as a food additive.” The panel, citing concerns about titanium dioxide’s genotoxicity, or its ability to damage DNA, based its conclusion on a review of hundreds of scientific studies. EWG called on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to quickly consider whether to ban titanium dioxide from use in food."

A chemical that may damage our pet's DNA should not be fed to pets.

Titanium dioxide is on The Forever Dog’s Dirty Dozen list of additives you need to avoid in your pet food.


This hazardous chewy toy is a by-product of the leather industry, not the food industry (which is why most are labelled as non-edible and/or dangerous if swallowed). The chemicals it takes to make this unsafe chew, from start to finish, is staggering!

Want to learn more about the safe treats that will nourish your pet without the list of chemicals, check the out the #1 The New York Times bestseller The Forever Dog book -



Every food you feed your dog has the potential to do 1 of 2 things: heal or harm. So what are your treats doing to your dog’s body?

Do the dog treats you are feeding help reduce inflammation or cause it? Provide antioxidants or just empty calories? Provide polyphenols or just synthetic flavors and dyes?

By replacing poor quality, highly processed dog treats with no nutritional value with fresh foods from your fridge, you’re treating your dog with whole-food sources of vitamins, minerals and bioactive molecules that feed health, not health problems.

Looking for more DIY fresh food ideas to inspire healthy canine snacking?! We coach you through how to successfully swap unhealthy foods and treats for healthier choices in the Forever Dog book, available for pre-order now:


One of the Best Foods to Slow Dog Aging: Spinach!🍃🐶

Folate is an essential B vitamin💊 found in food. It helps with the production of DNA and without folate new, healthy DNA cannot be created. Cell biologist and longevity researcher Rhonda Patrick, PhD, maintains that “a deficiency in folate is equivalent to standing under ionizing radiation due to the DNA damage it causes.” And DNA🧬 damage is a BIG contributor to aging.

More recently, folate has also been shown to play a role in protecting telomeres, those important structures at the end of chromosomes that are shortened with age and lifestyle choices; shorter telomeres are associated with shorter lifespan and higher incidence of disease. Being highly heat-sensitive🔥, folate is one of the first nutrients to be inactivated in processed pet food.

In addition to its many vitamins and minerals, spinach provides antioxidants tied to anti-inflammation and disease protection. These include kaempferol, a flavonoid shown to reduce the risk of cancer, as well as slow its growth and spread. Another, called quercetin, has been linked to possible protective effects on memory🧠 as well as heart disease🫀 and type 2 diabetes. Two of the lesser-known glycoglycerolipid components of spinach🍃 include sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol (SQDG) and monogalactosyl diacylglycerol (MGDG), which are known for their anti-cancer activity. Overall, spinach contains the second-largest quantity of total glycoglycerolipids among other popular vegetables!

How to prepare spinach🍃 for you and your dog?

Scientists say the best way to consume spinach for maximum lutein intake may be puréed. That’s because when spinach is chopped into small pieces, more lutein is released from the leaves. Older research found that cooking also impacts the folate content of spinach; boiling slashed this B vitamin level by nearly half. Steaming, however, resulted in no significant loss of folate! Cooking also diminishes the vitamin E levels in spinach (and reduces oxalates, if you want to reduce oxalate consumption) but actually increases the amount of beta carotene. So it can be served cooked or raw.

Looking for an easy recipe to get spinach into your dog? Try making our Spinach Longevity Cubes! 🍃🧊🐾


* 5 ounces of fresh or steamed spinach🍃 (preferably organic)
* 2/3 cup of water (even better, try bone🦴, beef🐮 or chicken🐔 broth, preferably organic)


* Add spinach and water (or broth) in a blender and puree. If the mixture seems too thick, add in extra broth.🍵
* Pour the puree into ice cube trays and freeze until solid.🧊
* Store in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Add 1 ice cube🧊 per 30lbs of body weight🐕 a day to your dog’s meal.

This is one simple and powerful way to add longevity benefits to your dog’s bowl! Looking for more ideas or recipes? Check out our new book The Forever Dog with dozens of other suggestions available here:



Study after study shows that indoor and outdoor home chemicals such as cleaning products🧼, air fresheners🕯, fire retardants📛 treated lumber decks🪵, stain-proofing chemicals🖌, chemicals from cooking fumes🔥, and lawn pesticides 💦are contaminating our pets' bodies.

Science has noted that most of these chemicals are considered potentially mutagenic carcinogens.

Don’t panic though; this post is meant to empower you to make changes that will go a long way to protect you and your pet. The goal is to prevent these exposures from disrupting the essential functioning of the body, impacting DNA🧬, cellular membranes, and protein.

In the most famous study to date by the Environmental Working Group : "Dogs and cats were found to be contaminated with 48 of 70 industrial chemicals tested, including 43 chemicals at levels higher than those typically found in people, according to our study of plastics and food packaging chemicals, heavy metals, fire retardants, and stain-proofing chemicals in pooled samples of blood🩸 and urine from 20 dogs and 37 cats collected at a Virginia veterinary clinic.

Major gaps in our system of public health protections allow most industrial chemicals on the market with no mandatory safety testing. Chemical companies do not have to prove products are safe before they are sold, or understand how much of their chemicals end up in people, let alone pets. There are few standards that limit chemical contamination in pet food, pet toys, and other products for our companion animals. For pets as for people, the result is a body burden of complex mixtures of industrial chemicals never tested for safety. Health problems in pets span high rates of cancer in dogs and skyrocketing incidence of hyperthyroidism in cats. Genetic changes can't explain the increases in certain health problems among pets. Scientists believe that chemical exposures play a role."

In our new book, set for release in just a few weeks, The Forever Dog – “Surprising New Science to Help Your Canine Companion Live Younger, Healthier & Longer” we give you our thirteen-point checklist to follow for cleaning up your dog’s environment, as well as a ton of other strategies to help you raise the happiest, healthiest, long-lived dog possible!

The Forever Dog book is now available for Pre-order, make sure to reserve your copy!

Looking for some pet safe🐾 DIY cleaning recipes?

Mix together in a bucket🪣-
1 litre of water
6oz of white vinegar
3oz of rubbing alcohol

Mix together in a bucket-
4 cups of water
1 teaspoon of Coconut Oil
1 teaspoon of Castile Soap

Mix together in a glass spray bottle-
6oz of white vinegar
6oz of water
5 drops of grapefruit seed extract


What are doing for your pet’s teeth?🪥🦷

If you think feeding a certain diet will clean your pet’s teeth, think again, according to recent studies, almost 90% of dogs🐶 will have developed some form of periodontal disease by 2 years of age. What’s worse, dental disease has been linked to heart🫀, kidney and liver disease in dogs!

For most, trying to brush your dog’s teeth is a nightmare! However, new surprising science has our backs! A recent peer-reviewed study found dogs who chewed on specific pieces of bones🦴 had almost 90% of tartar buildup removed and the bones did not cause any root fracture, enamel fracture, or bone resorption. The study concluded pet parents should be using specific bones for their pet’s regular oral hygiene.

However, before you run out to go purchase a bag of teeth cleaning bones, realize there are DEFINITELY rules for purchasing the right bone for your dog! In the “Raw Bone Rules” section of our upcoming book, The Forever Dog, we not only highlight the new scientific benefits of giving your dog raw bones but we also cover all the steps in selecting the right bone for your canine companion. P.S. - Our new book is now available for pre-order worldwide!



What’s the best training treats for dogs with GI issues, including diarrhea, colitis, ulcers and sensitive stomachs? Unripe, or green bananas!🍌

Green bananas🍌 are the unsung heroes of gut health; they are low in sugar and high in pectin and prebiotics (non-digestible, resistant starch) which are powerful food tools to nourish your dog’s good gut bacteria💥🦠, increasing the production of butyrate and other short-chain fatty acids. Research also shows the resistant starch in green bananas can have a positive effect on blood sugar control.

The anti-ulcer activity of green bananas has been attributed to a flavonoid, leucocyanidin, which may also inhibit the release of histamine in the gut. Resistant starch also contributes to the prevention of intestinal diseases, increases the synthesis of B-complex vitamins and mineral absorption, improves the immune response, and may aid in the prevention of the development of intestinal cancer, according to researchers.

Quartering green banana slices🍌 provides the perfect training treat for dogs with sensitive GI tracts. Suggested amounts, chopped into bite sized pieces:
Giant breeds: 1 green banana a day
Medium to large breeds: ½ green banana a day
Small breeds: ¼ green banana a day

One fact all of the microbiologists agreed on, when we wrote The Forever Dog book, was that the more fresh food fibers added to your dog’s bowl, the healthier your dog will be. Green bananas are a simple, easy way to build gut health! 🐾

Longevity researchers are clear: a diverse microbiome is critical for maximal health span, the longest-lived mammals have a microbially-diverse gut, created by consuming a variety of gut-building foods. If you want to learn more about certain longevity foods and treats from your fridge that should be rotated into your dog’s diet plan and how much to feed to strengthen your dog’s immune system, our new book called The Forever Dog is packed with surprising new science that will help your dog live healthier, happier, and longer. The book is set to hit book stores, worldwide, in 3 weeks! You can reserve your copy here:



Whether you have a dog🐶 suffering with cancer or you're looking for an incredible cancer preventative to add to your dog's diet plan, turkey tail mushrooms🦃🍄 should MOST certainly be in the mix!!

"For dogs, the median survival time for hemangiosarcoma of the spleen is 86 days, but dogs lived BEYOND A YEAR when turkey tail mushroom was added as a sole form of treatment!

In addition to helping keep your dog’s immune system balanced and reducing inflammation, mushrooms exert a positive effect on immunosuppressed dogs and enhance your dog’s humoral immune response to vaccines. As for cancer? Individuals who eat 18 grams of mushrooms—or about 1⁄8 to 1⁄4 cup—daily have a 45% lower risk of cancer compared to those who do not eat mushrooms. Medicinal mushrooms are truly remarkable for our health!" - The Forever Dog

In our new book, The Forever Dog - Surprising New Science🧪 to help your canine companion live, YOUNGER, HEALTHIER & LONGER, we highlight the benefits of medicinal mushrooms, dosages for dogs & we give you recipes for mushroom broths & teas. Now available -

(typo on image - life-saving, sorry!)


Good thing they are cute~ 💞


New Hampshire


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