We have some very sad news. As most know WK9T was launched after my husband was evacuated to Walter Reed back in 2015. And as most know life can throw some nasty curve balls at you. We've been struggling to keep up and have been taking a break for a couple months now. A break from WK9T but not life. My husband has been in and out of the hospital and looking at the future will be an ongoing thing. While I am strong, I am not that strong and the choice has been made to close our doors. Family comes first over a business. We will be closing Monday the 19th.
On another note if you know anyone who would be interested in purchasing WK9T we would gladly let the torch pass to someone who would love to own their own business. It come with no debt and everything(minus the bank account). We will cover legal fees.
Included in the sale will be ALL equipment, client base, shelves, licensing, analysis on all treats, registration, totes, chromebook, packaging material, freezer, wholesale customers, introduction to all wholesale clients, market fee for the season, all social media accounts, 2 weeks training etc. (There's too much to list). If you're looking for a turn key and affordable business this one's for you. Please message us with any questions you have.
Thank you for your support. We've gotten to know so many amazing people and dogs on this journey. And am truly saddened by the decision that had to be made.
*Please share this post to help get the word out.
Thank you,
Alice, WK9T.