Student Miles is on his A game today!
Gorgeous day here in Texas!!
Alexandra and Clementine working on leadership and connection yesterday in public.
This is a learning curve for most adults. Adults tend to think too much about what they are doing, instead of just feel that unseen connection and let that lead them.
I don't like to speak during videos I want to post because it's so loud. 😆 But instructing the humans is my second favorite part of my work. The first being just being around dogs. 🙏🐾
Tex and Olaf working on impulse control.
Student Clementine in her 5th lesson.
Working on that impulse control with jumping with Clementine. 💯
Holly the Dachshund pup! 3rd lesson today!
What to do when you are frustrated or lost with the moment.
Group Walk yesterday with Diesel, Fritz, Cannoli, and Winnie.
Student Mini doing the puppy stuff. 😁🐾
New student Birdie!
Birdie is 8 months old and is new to her family. She's going to be learning her daily routine, how to focus on her human, and some leash walking skills.
Some calm-neutral practice with Jasper at the mall.
If anyone would like to help me save this street dog I picked up and have been training, please donate here. Thank you so much.
Group Walks are for graduates only, and are free. Gorgeous day in Texas today!!!
Participants: Maisey, Millie, and Cannoli.
Student Jasper and Emily working on some good public behavior at Lowe's last week.
Tully is here! She's so sweet. Her anxiety and nervousness can be the result of many things. Whatever it is, structure, less affection, and learning new things, will help it.
Board & Train student Poppy went out to the big park downtown for the first time today!
Great recall by Student Wonky! No prompt. He recalled all by himself! 💯 and a ⭐!