Happy July! 🎉
Please keep your pets safe during fireworks/thunderstorm season! Make sure they have updated ID tags and a microchip! Check gates and latches too!
I’ll be closed July 2nd-9th.
Please TEXT 910-612-4729 and messages will be returned at the end of each day instead of throughout the day. This is how I balance “off” time with being the sole owner/operator of my business and I appreciate your understanding 😊.
Thanks to everyone for your bookings and referrals, the first 6 months of the year have been GREAT!!! ❤️
*I DO have some openings for July dates, please text to confirm.
*I AM taking new clients, a meet and greet is required before I accept booking dates.
*My bookings calendar is OPEN for the rest of the year. Reminder that I’m closed Thanksgiving week, open for Christmas/New Years.