Dane Outreach

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Dane Outreach Improving Great Dane Lives Through Education
Visit our website: http://www.daneoutreach.org/
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Lost from Enumclaw fairgrounds (show)Skittish Flat Coat puppyContact original poster for info

Lost from Enumclaw fairgrounds (show)
Skittish Flat Coat puppy
Contact original poster for info


Dane Outreach has officially closed all services effective July 1, 2024. If you live in Washington state and need rescue resources, please contact Northwest Great Dane Rescue or Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue. If you are outside of Washington state, please go to GDCA.org to locate rescue resources.

Send a message to learn more


Dane Outreach discontinued fostering and doing adoptions several years ago. The hope was to make DO an educational group, doing educational programs, events and have information on the site.
However that never came to fruition for a number of reasons. Now, faced with a large insurance renewal, we have decided it’s time to officially shut the program totally down. (As long as we were a program we had to carry insurance.)
There are a number of tankers, license plate holders and bandanna’s left.
If anyone is interest in receiving them please let me know (read instructions below). These are FREE but we request to be reimbursed for postage. And, as a suggestion make a small donation to Northwest Great Dane Rescue.

Also if anyone would like some of these cards, please EMAIL ME at [email protected]

Send a message to learn more

Anyone want some of these?  I have enough to last 50 years....little cards to put in your wallet in case something happe...

Anyone want some of these? I have enough to last 50 years....little cards to put in your wallet in case something happens to you.

A reminder:  Dane folks, please do this and also spread the word, especially to folks who many not see things like this....

A reminder: Dane folks, please do this and also spread the word, especially to folks who many not see things like this. This is a very important study, and to be successful, needs your help. Please send to your purchasers, adopters, and Dane friends plus share on Dane groups.

Post-operative death has long been recognized as a major cause of death among Great Danes, having been documented as the ninth most frequent cause of death (in both sexes) and even more common in females. There is little reason to believe this situation has improved. In fact, these death rates may have increased, owing to increased number of elective c-sections, spays, gastropexies and orthopedic surgeries since the 2000 GDCA National Health Survey of over 1560 Great Danes. We are aware of many reports in social media of unexpected deaths following surgery in otherwise healthy Great Danes and are seeking to reveal patterns in these cases and potentially confirm whether a specific gene associated with post-operative bleeding in Scottish Deerhounds is also seen in Great Danes. If confirmed, we will be inviting potentially “at risk” Great Danes to participate in a laboratory study where their clotting patterns will be measured directly to identify those likely to benefit from preventive medication(s) routinely used in humans. Study participants will receive their test results.

The survey form is attached to this message. Please write your responses directly on the questionnaire and e-mail to Mary Anne Zanetos at [email protected] We will get back to you with questions and/or a kit for collecting a cheek swab sample from your dog. For additional copies and information, please contact me via your e-mail at [email protected] and I will send the questionnaire to you directly.

Factual info on cooling a dog.

Factual info on cooling a dog.

We are finally able to share the first of (hopefully!) two articles we have been preparing this summer on the topic of cooling hot dogs. This summer has seen the usual barrage of social media posts…


The GDCA Charitable Trust has approved a series of studies of Post-Operative Bleeding in Great Danes. We hope you will take the time to complete the questionnaire attached to this announcement, regardless of whether your dog experienced a bleeding event associated with a surgical procedure.

Please write your responses directly on the questionnaire and e-mail to Mary Anne Zanetos at [email protected] We will get back to you with questions and/or a kit for collecting a cheek swab sample from your dog.


Post-operative death has long been recognized as a major cause of death among Great Danes, having been documented as the 9th most frequent cause of death (in both sexes) and even more common in females. There is little reason to believe this situation has improved.
In fact, these death rates may have increased, owing to increased number of elective c-sections, spays, gastropexies and orthopedic surgeries since the 2000 GDCA National Health Survey of over 1560 Great Danes. We are aware of many reports in social media of unexpected deaths following surgery in otherwise healthy Great Danes and are seeking to reveal patterns in these cases and potentially confirm whether a specific gene associated with post-operative bleeding in Scottish Deerhounds is also seen in Great Danes.

If confirmed, we will be inviting potentially “at risk” Great Danes to participate in a laboratory study where their clotting patterns will be measured directly to identify those likely to benefit from preventive medication(s) routinely used in humans. Study participants will receive their test results.

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/ /WhctKLbFRtLVTPzkpWpgRHCWKHmZGhXRXTrxtgZXSmPkkXKqlvvMMbcBVtnGsjPHKGlRXSv

If the link to the survey doesn't open, please contact Mary Ann at [email protected]


Live in western Washington and want to see a local dog show?  Here's your chance!  And if Great Danes are your breed, he...

Live in western Washington and want to see a local dog show? Here's your chance! And if Great Danes are your breed, here is a great opportunity to see a lot of them in one place!

To see judging schedule for other breeds, go to:

Take a drive to beautiful Whatcom Co., visit the dog show, and see some of the local sights.

Passing this along in case anyone can open their hearts and home to a senior Dane in need.  Please direct any questions ...

Passing this along in case anyone can open their hearts and home to a senior Dane in need. Please direct any questions to the email address listed in body of message. Feel free to share.

Please note that I have not viewed this dog personally, and it is the responsibility of any person looking at her to use due diligence.

Looking for a loving home for my beloved 9 year-old Great Dane, Rosie. I accepted a job in Okinawa, Japan and was not able to get her health certificate completed in time for her to fly over with me. This led to my leaving her with a friend until I could straighten out the paperwork and arrange to fly her over. Unfortunately, as soon as I got here, Japan put an embargo in place against flying pets in the cargo hold until Oct 1st.

I have been in Japan for 2 weeks now, and have spent the entire time trying to find someone to care for Rosie until I can ship her out in October. She is currently staying with a friend in Washington, but things are not working out and my friend has asked that I find someone else to take over. Rosie is suffering from anxiety and has acted out by chewing on things.

I have found someone that can take care of Rosie from mid-July until the first of October, at which time he will fly over to Japan with her. As much as I want my baby girl with me, I am very concerned that all this moving around is going to be too stressful on her. Ideally, I am looking for a permanent home for her there in Washington, but if I can’t find that, then I just need someone willing to take care of her until mid-July.

Rosie is a very sweet girl that just wants to follow you around and lean on you wherever you go. She gets very nervous around small kids and will start shaking and hiding behind my legs whenever one approaches. She has never been aggressive towards them, just nervous. She is food aggressive around other dogs, but not people. As far as other animals go, it’s a toss of the coin. We had a cat that she played with all the time, but he was very chill and just fell down when she approached. Our other cat used to run, and Rosie thought it was pretty fun to chase her around the house. Same thing with dogs. She’s ok with some, and very nervous around others. She loves meeting new people and has never shown any aggression towards anyone.

If there is anyone out there that might be able to help, please contact me at [email protected]. My current sitter is about to pull the plug and demand that I remove Rosie from her house ASAP.



If you love your dogs, PLEASE post somewhere obvious, like on the frig, who to contact if something happens to you. Don’...

If you love your dogs, PLEASE post somewhere obvious, like on the frig, who to contact if something happens to you. Don’t say it’s in your will, no one can access that immediately and this is simply about who can care for your dogs quickly and knows who can take them until the dust settles and rehoming can be done. A will is where you’ve made provisions for their expenses and where they ultimately go after the family has reviewed the legal stuff. Don’t have a will? -DO ONE!

At a minimum you should list:
A couple of different people who can make temporary care arrangements as needed for the dogs. Where they will ultimately go depends on your will, this is temporary/emergency care to assure they are cared for.

Family members who you have regular
contact with. Make sure they know your wishes in regard to your dogs.

The vets number in case the dog is on special medication or food.

The breeder, as they may be concerned for the dogs welfare if they hear from a third party or online something has happened to you. The dog may also be required to revert back to them-again the will should address that.

Each of the above parties should get a copy of this information.


Your dogs and friends will thank you.

(Note that the recent death of a friend prompted this, but her dogs are in good hands. It’s just a reminder to do it.)

Update:  Apparently, enrollment is currently closed for this study.  We look forward to any updates we receive and will ...

Update: Apparently, enrollment is currently closed for this study. We look forward to any updates we receive and will post them! Thank you

Very important study on bone cancer in Danes. Please participate.
(Link isn't going to work because it's a copy)

Please share a few dollars to help these Danes! Your donation dollars to efforts like this actually help the animals.

Please share a few dollars to help these Danes! Your donation dollars to efforts like this actually help the animals.


I think that those of us who are involved in the Great Dane breed are well aware of the number of Danes who "bleed out" after a spay surgery. I cannot really comment on this other than I hear of it fairly frequently. Personally, in my almost 50 years of Danes, I've never had it happen (I have great vets!) BUT I have had it happen to two purchasers (both dogs died), and two rescue Danes (one survived but only because the foster home lived right next to an ER clinic that was able to give blood transfusions, the other died).

Anyways, this is a compilation of links that may offer information to those who wish to find out more. (Remember, Danes are related to greyhounds.....)

Articles to support giving aminocaproic acid for the prevention of delayed postoperative bleeding
Kim McClure’s article
Bleeding Disorder Testing for Dogs
Information for veterinarians

Information for veterinarians Delayed Postoperative Hemorrhage (DEPOH) Presentation Unexpected or excessive bleeding a few hours to a few days AFTER surgery or minor trauma.Dogs with DEPOH form normal blood clots, but the clots break down prematurely.Bleeding may appear as peri-incisional bruising,....

Since so many people struggle with shy dogs, I thought some may find this information helpful.  It's from Family Dog Cen...

Since so many people struggle with shy dogs, I thought some may find this information helpful. It's from Family Dog Center, a training facility in the Tacoma area. So often I see people reinforcing unwanted behavior not realizing they are only rewarding the dog for being shy. Besides training classes, many dogs benefit from doing things like agility, barn hunt and rally (and they are fun!). If one finds they have a shy puppy, putting work and time into your puppy while young will make the journey to helping the dog be adjusted will be well worth it.

As the holidays approach, many families struggle with their shy or fearful dogs. Pet owners ask how they can help their worried companions become comfortable when people come to visit.

A common mistake owners make is to "soothe" or reassure their fearful dogs. This approach often has the opposite effect; the dog interprets the petting and soft voice as either praise for being afraid, or owner insecurity. A second mistake involves lack of guidance. Owners who just "let their dogs figure it out" are not supporting their dogs. The shy dog needs a calm, confident approach, along with specific training and guidance.

The first step is to give the dog a task, such as sitting next to the owner for greeting, or going to a bed in the corner of the living room. Use a leash and treats to teach these new commands. After a few days of training with no distractions, have a family member pretend to be a visitor: ring the doorbell, come inside, ask permission to give the pet a treat while doing a sit for greeting.

The next step is to have a family member or good friend dress up in a big coat and hat, ring the doorbell and act as an unfamiliar person. Rehearsing good behavior before big events allows the owner to focus on the dog and not worry about the guests.

Asking a friend (that the dog does not know well) is the third step in this visitor training process. Coaching the friend in advance as to what the training plan involves will allow the owner to continue working with the dog.

The ultimate goal should be to give the dog confidence and create an eagerness to have visitors enter the home. When the owner goes through the sit for greeting routine, it helps shy dogs understand the new person is safe.

After the formal greeting, the dog can be released and allowed to hang out -- with careful supervision -- or it might be better for Fido to remain on his bed in the corner of the room. Every situation is different.

With dinner parties and large gatherings, it will take more training and rehearsal to help the dog feel comfortable. Never allow guests to pet or approach shy dogs without owner assistance. The owner needs to read the dog's body language and know what the dog is ready for. Some dogs may never be able to handle loud, rambunctious parties.

Until the shy dog is truly confident and trustworthy, the owner must focus on the dog. When that's not possible, the dog should be confined in an area where he's comfortable and safe, such as crate or bedroom.

*** COURTESY POST: This not a Dane Outreach dog. We have no further information. If interested, please follow the link b...

*** COURTESY POST: This not a Dane Outreach dog. We have no further information. If interested, please follow the link below to contact The Humane Society for Tacoma and Pierce County. ***

4 yo female harle/merle Dane available for adoption in Tacoma.


*** Courtesy Post.  This is neither a Dane Outreach NOR Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue (SPDR) dog ***  We are simply assist...

*** Courtesy Post. This is neither a Dane Outreach NOR Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue (SPDR) dog *** We are simply assisting to help find this dog the proper home. We (Dane Outreach) have no information about this dog. If interested, please contact SPDR at the website linked below.

Penelope (Penny) is a 1 yr, 4 mo old Great Dane.
She is spayed, pexied, and up to date with vaccinations

She is BEAUTIFUL and gets lots of compliments everywhere we go. Penny loves her people and would do best in a home with at least one adult working from home. She is very good with kids; she has 7 year and 4 year old human siblings. She does well playing with dogs that she knows, but is a bit nervous/anxious when being introduced to new dogs. She does NOT enjoy dog parks for that reason. She does well with our senior smaller dog; after several months of adjustment period she was still trying to play with him. She has never been around cats. She is very playful and loves her stuffies, playing fetch, and running like a gazelle. She LOVES playing with the water hose. Her favorite toys are a giant cat-like toy and a huge rope. Some of her challenges are being destructive if left unsupervised, counter-surfing for food, barking at neighbors through the fence and at delivery drivers, and digging in the yard. She does best if she gets 1-2 really good dog play sessions a week and 1-2 walks a day, with additional 15-20 minute outdoor exercise in the yard. She does have a higher than typical anxiety for a Dane and is going on medication to help with that. Overall, her behaviors will improve with consistent training and exercise. She gives the BEST kisses and snuggles and very much wants to please her people. She’s a great family pet.

Please fill out an adoption application with SPDR

EDIT:  there are concerns this is a scam post.  The profile of the person looks sketchy, and there is no way to contact ...

EDIT: there are concerns this is a scam post. The profile of the person looks sketchy, and there is no way to contact her. If you have shared this post, I suggest you delete your post.

Found Dane
Lake Tapps, WA
Contact poster for information

Dear Great Dane Fancier,The Great Dane Club of America National Specialty - Western Division, will be here soon (October...

Dear Great Dane Fancier,
The Great Dane Club of America National Specialty - Western Division, will be here soon (October 29 – November 4, 2023) !! This is THE Great Dane show for those involved in exhibiting their Dane. Events offered include conformation, obedience, rally, Top Twenty, Futurity and agility—a little bit of something for everyone.
This year, the GDCA National will be held Hilton Santa Fe Buffalo Thunder Resort. The address is 20 Buffalo Thunder Trail, Santa Fe, New Mexico. The week starts with the Welcome Party on Sunday, October 29th. The Top 20 will be on Wednesday, November 1st. The National will end with the Closing Ceremonies on Saturday, November 4th. The Great Dane Club of California will host an independent Specialty on Sunday, November 5th. If you are in the area, please stop by—there is no admission fee!
Whether you appreciate just watching beautiful Danes “do their thing” or enjoy your Dane as a loved companion—one thing we all have in common is our love for this this unique and wonderful breed.
What better way to support your breed than to offer a trophy contribution! Supporting the GDCA exhibitors helps support the breed itself. Many of the owners and breeders exhibiting at the show are active in supporting the GDCA Charitable Trust. The Trust fund donates to important health research that benefits ALL Danes, funds Great Dane rescue and emergency disaster assistance, offers scholarships and more.
As with every National, we will be offering the beautiful Sculptured Pewter trophies originally designed by the late Virginia Perry Gardiner and the Polished Acrylic Pyramid trophies designed by Jerry Lobato, also beautiful ribbons and rosettes crafted by Cyndy Steiner!
We are hoping you will be able to make a monetary donation to our trophy fund and would appreciate any help you can give us. We have a long way to go to meet our goal!! A contribution to the trophy fund is a great way to support your Club and your breed. And remember, you can choose which type of competition you wish to support! You can also do a trophy contribution in memory of beloved dog, as a thanks to someone for their help, as a gift for a friend—there are many options!
The deadline to have your name listed in the show catalog is September 1, 2023.
Also, we will be holding a Special Raffle for anyone that makes a donation of $100.00 and up. Your name will be automatically entered into a drawing for one of the following: a custom-made show lead by Jessica Gibbs, a bejeweled Dane pin, or a bundle of bully sticks.
You can make your donation online at the link below:
If you prefer to mail a check, please contact us for the mailing address.
Thank you in advance for your support. We are going to have a wonderful National Specialty!
Jessica Gibbs, Chairperson
Georgia Hymmen, Co-Chairperson
[email protected]

….and please visit our page AND share contribution information. We need your support.

NOTE: Online Orders – In the “Order notes” box, please fill in how you want to be listed on the Trophy Donation Thank You page in the Catalog (Your name; Kennel name; In memory of, etc.)

UPDATE:  ADOPTED!!!!This is a courtesy post for Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue (SPDR).  Dane Outreach has no information on...


This is a courtesy post for Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue (SPDR). Dane Outreach has no information on this dog as she is not in our program. For any questions or interest in adopting her, please contact SPDR at the website link below.

Dane friends in WA, please share!

Meet Kyla!

Kyla is an 8 month old female Great Dane pup who is spayed, microchipped, and up to date on vaccinations. She is crate trained, potty trained, and has good manners in the house!
She is a sweet, goofy girl who is known to be good with other dogs, respectful children, and even cats. She is looking for a home where she will continue her basic training, have a fenced yard to romp in, and maybe some other canine siblings to play with.

If you think you might be a great home for Kyla, please fill out an adoption application at :


Please pass this on to your Dane friends! and any Dane groups you might be on. Thanks!Dear Great Dane Fancier,The Great ...

Please pass this on to your Dane friends! and any Dane groups you might be on. Thanks!

Dear Great Dane Fancier,
The Great Dane Club of America National Specialty - Western Division, will be here soon (October 29 – November 4, 2023) !! This is THE Great Dane show for those involved in exhibiting their Dane. Events offered include conformation, obedience, rally, Top Twenty, Futurity and agility—a little bit of something for everyone.

This year, the GDCA National will be held Hilton Santa Fe Buffalo Thunder Resort. The address is 20 Buffalo Thunder Trail, Santa Fe, New Mexico. The week starts with the Welcome Party on Sunday, October 29th. The Top 20 will be on Wednesday, November 1st. The National will end with the Closing Ceremonies on Saturday, November 4th. The Great Dane Club of California will host an independent Specialty on Sunday, November 5th. If you are in the area, please stop by—there is no admission fee!

Whether you appreciate just watching beautiful Danes “do their thing” or enjoy your Dane as a loved companion—one thing we all have in common is our love for this this unique and wonderful breed.

What better way to support your breed than to offer a trophy contribution! Supporting the GDCA exhibitors helps support the breed itself. Many of the owners and breeders exhibiting at the show are active in supporting the GDCA Charitable Trust. The Trust fund donates to important health research that benefits ALL Danes, funds Great Dane rescue and emergency disaster assistance, offers scholarships and more.

As with every National, we will be offering the beautiful Sculptured Pewter trophies originally designed by the late Virginia Perry Gardiner and the Polished Acrylic Pyramid trophies designed by Jerry Lobato, also beautiful ribbons and rosettes crafted by Cyndy Steiner!

We are hoping you will be able to make a monetary donation to our trophy fund and would appreciate any help you can give us. We have a long way to go to meet our goal!! A contribution to the trophy fund is a great way to support your Club and your breed. And remember, you can choose which type of competition you wish to support! You can also do a trophy contribution in memory of beloved dog, as a thanks to someone for their help, as a gift for a friend—there are many options!

The deadline to have your name listed in the show catalog is September 1, 2023.

Also, we will be holding a Special Raffle for anyone that makes a donation of $100.00 and up. Your name will be automatically entered into a drawing for one of the following: a custom-made show lead by Jessica Gibbs, a bejeweled Dane pin, or a bundle of bully sticks.

You can make your donation online at the link below or if paying by check, please send it to the address below.
Mail checks, payable to GDCA WESTERN DIVISION
To: Kathy Munyan, GDCA Western Division Treasurer
13201 S 34th Way
Phoenix, A 85044

Please include your Name, Address, Email, Phone # and how you want to be listed on the Trophy Donation Thank You page in the Catalog (Your name; Kennel name; In memory of, etc.). Also, please state where you would like your donation to be applied to (Conformation, General Fund, Obedience, Rally, Agility).
Thank you in advance for your support. We are going to have a wonderful National Specialty!

Jessica Gibbs, Chairperson
Georgia Hymmen, Co-Chairperson
[email protected]

….and please visit our page AND share contribution information. We need your support.

NOTE: Online Orders – In the “Order notes” box, please fill in how you want to be listed on the Trophy Donation Thank You page in the Catalog (Your name; Kennel name; In memory of, etc.)


Are you planning to get your girl altered or have any major surgeries scheduled?

It’s been noted for some time that Danes seem to be at higher risk for bleeding out after spays than the majority of other breeds. To be clear this is NOT von Willebrands (when the blood will not clot) but appears to be something wrong with the clotting as it detaches prematurely.

Is this a reason to avoid altering? No. But it is advisable you deal with a vet very familiar with Danes and also pass this information on to your clinic. I also have other articles not included in these links.

Again-I would not avoid spaying. I’ve had Danes spayed over many years and never had an issue. But just like with bloat, it is something a Dane owner should be aware of; especially the pet owner who may not have the resources to find this information easily.

Kim McClure’s article

Bleeding Disorder Testing for Dogs

Information for veterinarians

Information for veterinarians Delayed Postoperative Hemorrhage (DEPOH) Presentation Unexpected or excessive bleeding a few hours to a few days AFTER surgery or minor trauma.Dogs with DEPOH form normal blood clots, but the clots break down prematurely.Bleeding may appear as peri-incisional bruising,....

UPDATE!   ADOPTED!!This is a courtesy post for Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue (SPDR).  If interested in learning more about...


This is a courtesy post for Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue (SPDR). If interested in learning more about Kyla, please inquire of them. Dane Outreach has no information on this dog other than what you see in the listing, and is unable to answer any questions.

Meet Kyla!

Kyla is ready for her forever 🏡
She is a 6 month old Great Dane pup. Her lineage is unknown as she came to us from a shelter. She is spayed, microchipped, potty trained and crate trained, but prefers to sleep on the sofa or dog bed. Kyla sleeps through the night like a champ. Kyla is in a home with other dogs and does great with them so she would love a dog companion. Kyla is goofy, fun, affectionate, a bit clumsy, loves zoomies and a very sweet girl. Kyla needs a yard with a fence and some room to run. She will need to have continued basic training and socialization
and work on building her confidence.

Kyla is located in Eastern WA and is looking for a home in WA state.

If you are interested in meeting her, please fill out an application on our website:

There has been some discussion throughout the ages regarding tail docking, and why it sometimes becomes necessary...... ...

There has been some discussion throughout the ages regarding tail docking, and why it sometimes becomes necessary...... happy tail being one of them. Sometimes, a happy tail injury, or other type of injury to the tail, is best treated with tail docking. When the wound isn't healing properly, due to the haphazard location of where it is located, or to prevent further damage to the spinal cord from infection, etc..... it is in the dog's best interest to remove a section of the tail to prevent recurrence and to promote complete healing.

Dr. Genell McCormick discusses happy tail syndrome, including symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options.

NW Dane Rescue in Spokane needs foster homes!If you can help, go to their site and complete an application.Feel free to ...

NW Dane Rescue in Spokane needs foster homes!

If you can help, go to their site and complete an application.

Feel free to share.

Dane Outreach has a few license plates available for the nominal amount of 7.50 plus shipping if needed. If interested p...

Dane Outreach has a few license plates available for the nominal amount of 7.50 plus shipping if needed. If interested please EMAIL [email protected] messaging or comments. It won’t be seen.

While DO no longer fosters or adopts, they do continue to offer education and financially support NW Great Dane Rescue and other Dane related causes.

Courtesy post: This dog is not in our program, or even in the PNW.   He is located in the LA area of California.  If you...

Courtesy post:

This dog is not in our program, or even in the PNW. He is located in the LA area of California. If you are interested, please see the contact in the original post.

Take a look at this handsome gem!! Chico was rescued today, neutered, and available for adoption. He's a very sweet Great Dane. His fur is soooo soft and he loves hugs!
Chico does not have a tail; it was amputated when he was a baby from a little accident with a sibling. Hey, it just makes him so much cuter!
Weighing in at 117lbs at 1 yr 3 mths old, Chico is happy and ready for his FUREVER family!
Did we mention he is AKC??!! YESSSS!

We are taking appointments now!!www.tanyasinc.org
[email protected]
Located in Phelan, CA.


911 who's in Fort Nelson (or close to it) in BC? Person was driving from Alaska to Tennessee and her van has broken down. She has three Danes, one elderly, and the weather is hot and she is very concerned about the dogs. No one can look at her van until next week and even then she's not sure of the repair status.
Is there anyone in the area who can lend a hand? Please contact her friend, Teresa La Brie (on facebook) for her contact information.




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