Hannahs HOPE Inc

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Hannahs HOPE Inc Donations to help our Special Needs Dogs & Senior Retirees can be sent to

Hannah's HOPE Inc is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Special Needs & Senior Dog Sanctuary/Rescue in NorthWest FL., "Helping Out Pets Everywhere" ~

Whenever we have the room and the funds, we take in Senior and Special Needs Dogs to give them the chance to live out their Lives in a peaceful Home setting, rather than face euthanasia just because their owners no longer want or are able to care for them, for wh

atever reason. We don’t really care what the reasons are, we simply believe that as long as they can still have a good QUALITY of Live, these Dogs DESERVE the opportunity to Live, be Loved and receive the Care they need until their time is up. As we depend entirely on donations, we do request, (not require), a Surrender Donation whenever possible, but when we can, we have taken in Dogs that have been found stray and injured. We have taken in deaf Dogs, blind Dogs, crippled Dogs and Dogs who require regular medication and/or vet care and monitoring. Again, as long as they can enjoy a good QUALITY of Life, we will do everything we can to give them that chance If you have or know someone who has a Dog they can no longer care for, please feel free to reach out to us and we will help in any way we can. If you would like to donate to our cause, you can at any time through our PayPal account by following this link; paypal.me/hannahshopeinc

Thank You, Have a Great Day and Remember...

FL Reg # 27-2914225
Dept of Ag # CH 33921

Finder checked neighborhood for owners, but couldn't keep.Brought to Hannahs HOPE Inc after Animal Control hours on Sept...

Finder checked neighborhood for owners, but couldn't keep.
Brought to Hannahs HOPE Inc after Animal Control hours on Sept 6 🐾~

I promise, I did NOT forget National Dog Day! 🐕This past Friday, after 6 years, my desktop computer crashed, (motherboar...

I promise, I did NOT forget National Dog Day! 🐕
This past Friday, after 6 years, my desktop computer crashed, (motherboard failure), apparently reaching what Dell calls "EOL"... "End of Life" 😔 and I have been without a computer.
ALL, and I mean ALL of my files, (client records, forms, passwords and PICS) have been inaccessible 🙄
Until my new 'puter arrives, (hopefully today), I have been trying to survive on an old backup laptop 😱 In the meantime, I hope Everyone had a Happy National Dog Day! 🐾~

BRUCE & NINA UPDATE 081324 ~NINA has joined her partner and soulmate, BRUCE, on the other side of the Bridge 💔NINA & BRU...

NINA has joined her partner and soulmate, BRUCE, on the other side of the Bridge 💔

NINA & BRUCE joined the HH Family in March of 2021 at 11 years old when the Rescue they had been living at shut down, having found Homes for all the Dogs there, except them.

BRUCE passed in January or this year (2024) and I was worried that NINA would soon follow.
At first, NINA, now 14, was depressed, but with extra attention and Love, she came around and bounced back, spending most of her time with SOPHIE 😌

Sadly, in May, SOPHIE crossed the Bridge at 16 ½ and NINA was once again alone 😢

NINA loved her spot on the couch and that’s where I could always find her unless she was outside or it was dinnertime.

By July, I knew her time was short and we spent every evening together, on the couch, talking and watching the “Young Uns” play while we watched TV.

On the morning of July 4th, NINA wouldn’t go outside.
I sat on the floor with her, pet her and told her if she wanted to go, it was OK.
BRUCE and NINA were waiting for her… and she let go 😔

From the day she arrived at Hannahs HOPE Inc, NINA was one of the sweetest, most gentle Dogs I’ve had the honor to know and that never changed.
She was patient with the Littles and always welcomed any Dog that wanted to lay next to her.

It feels different without NINA here, but I still feel like she’s here.
I can feel her when the Littles she played with sit in her spot on the couch and she will always have a place in my heart, with all the other Dogs who have come, lived and passed in my Life.

You’ll always be my “NINI” ❤
Run Free NINA… and PLAY! 🐾~

🇺🇸 Happy Memorial Day 🇺🇸 🐾~

🇺🇸 Happy Memorial Day 🇺🇸 🐾~


🎬 She Came for the Party 🥳💔 🐾~

In the Summer of 2010, long before I met Ranay or there was Hannahs HOPE Inc, I volunteered for a Rescue to Foster a stray Dog who was pregnant and needed a place to have her Puppies.
I picked her up from the Rescue and brought her Home.
She told me her name was SOPHIE 🥰

A few weeks later, she had 10 happy, healthy Babies and all was going well until 7 weeks later when she suddenly got very sick. She was running a temp of around 105, so I rushed her to the vet where she was diagnosed with a serious case of mastitis and given at best a 50/50 chance of surviving 🥺
I informed the Rescue, brought her home with meds, separated her from her Puppies and started nursing her back to health.
SOPHIE pulled through 😌

About a week later, the Rescue called and wanted me to bring them the Puppies. Now.
I told them that SOPHIE wasn’t quite ready yet, but was told if I didn’t, the police would be called, so the next day I loaded them all up in the van and took them back to the Rescue.

I told the staff at the Rescue that per Doctor’s orders, under no circumstances were the Puppies to be put with SOPHIE, as she was still recovering and could quickly get sick again and die if the Puppies were allowed to nurse.

While I was inside doing the final paperwork, they were taken from my van and put in a pen.
When I went outside to say goodbye, I found them all together, with the Puppies trying to nurse.

When I again told the Director that the Puppies were weaned and were not to be with SOPHIE, I was told “If you’re that worried about it, you can just take them all”… after being told on the phone the day before that the cops would be called if I didn’t bring them back immediately. I stood my ground and waited until SOPHIE was put in a separate pen before I left and I told her goodbye.

2 days later, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I knew the Puppies would all find Homes, but I was worried about SOPHIE, so I went back. When SOPHIE saw me, she started howling and jumping in her pen like I’d never seen her do before. I told the director I was worried about her and wanted to adopt her and with a shrug of her shoulders she just gave her to me as I realized she clearly wasn’t interested in her, just her Puppies 😕

So I again brought SOPHIE Home and we spent the next 14+ years together. She Came for the Party 🥳❤

We had a health scare or two over the years, but SOPHIE always bounced back, was always a great surrogate Mama to other Puppies who passed through and was the Happiest of Dogs 😊

For the last year or so, she had started showing her age and slowed down considerably. She had arthritis, but was still happy and on her better days would still play with “her” young ‘uns and her ‘Littles’.

Last Wednesday night, after eating her dinner and going outside with her BFF NINA, she came inside, went to her spot and laid down as usual.

At bedtime when I went to say goodnight, she looked at me and I knew something was off, so I laid down next to her and while she licked my hand and face, we talked about all the years we’d had together, all the Dogs we’d seen come and go, how much we’d been through and accomplished together, how much I Loved her and I told her that if it was time, it was OK to go.

About 2 hours later, she passed, peacefully, with her head on my arm, both of us laying on her rug in her favorite spot 💔

This video was taken that day, 14 years ago, when I brought her back Home from the Rescue 😎

SOPHIE was SO happy to be back with her Friends, (all of whom have since passed), 😔 and they were all happy to see her again.
To this day, it is one of the Happiest memories of my entire Life.
I can only hope that I gave her half the Joy that she brought me in her Life 💕

Run Free, my Sweet SOPHIE, with your Friends on the other side, as you did that day 😌 Run Free, my Sweet SOPHIE…
and PLAY! 💔😢 🐾~

Send a message to learn more

UPDATE   - PLEASE SHARE! 🐾~MAYA went in for her 6 week follow-up visit with her surgeon on Tuesday and he said everythin...

MAYA went in for her 6 week follow-up visit with her surgeon on Tuesday and he said everything looks Great, but she needs another 2-3 weeks of crate rest for the bones to completely knit together.

HUGE Thanks to Michael & JJ and Paul & Beth for their donations, bringing the total amount raised to $875 of the $5000 her surgery cost 😎

Please, PLEASE take a minute to SHARE this fundraiser.
Even if you can’t donate, someone you know might be able to and want to and every little bit helps.
Believe me, a share is just as appreciated as a donation. Word of mouth is key to this kind of fund-raiser… the more people that hear about it, the more people can help. No Shares = No Donations 😔

THANK YOU Again to Everyone who has donated and shared.
I cannot put into words how much your help means to me, MAYA and the other Dogs of Hannahs HOPE Inc 😌

Happy Mother’s Day Weekend! 🥰 🐾~

Hannahs HOPE Inc is a non-profit, 501(c)3 Senior & Special Needs Dog Sanctuary in NW Florida… Jordan Rack needs your support for Surgery for MAYA's Broken Leg

Welcome New K9 Staff Member LUNA! 😎On the last Friday of April, I got a call from a Friend who is a Hospice Nurse. She h...

Welcome New K9 Staff Member LUNA! 😎

On the last Friday of April, I got a call from a Friend who is a Hospice Nurse. She had a patient who had just unexpectedly passed away earlier that day and had a Dog that now had nowhere to go 😔

Over the years, Hannahs HOPE Inc has taken in several Dogs from patients of hers who have passed, and while sometimes relatives WANT to keep the Dog, they cannot afford to or don't have the means to care for a Dog, (as sadly was the case this time), and too often their families simply do not want the Dog 💔

While it seems to me that most Families would want to keep their Loved One’s Dog out of respect or Love for their deceased relative, more often than not, these Dogs, who are completely lost and confused as to why their human is suddenly gone and are often grieving, are just discarded along with the person’s clothing, property, etc. and unfortunately end up in a “shelter”, or worse, turned loose to fend for themselves in the woods or on the streets 😢

To me, this is unacceptable 😒

LUNA arrived that evening, nervous and confused, having been taken from her Home by a woman she did not know and was now being left in a strange place.
She was beautiful 😍

Clearly unsure, she clung to my side, not sure what to do and was never mean or aggressive, but Dogs are some amazingly empathetic creatures and a th*****me of Dogs that I had
staying with me seemed to take it upon themselves to comfort her and make her feel safe 😌

Today, 5 days later, LUNA is doing well, eating well and even playing well with the other Dogs here, be they big or small, young or old. She prefers to be called LU rather than LUNA and is fitting in like she belongs here. She does need to be spayed, but we’ll take care of that after she acclimates a little more.

Welcome to the Family LUNA! 🥰 🐾~

7 Years Ago Today…… I met a little Dog named FRED ❤FRED was a stray Puggle, found on the streets of Tampa, FL., who had ...

7 Years Ago Today…
… I met a little Dog named FRED ❤
FRED was a stray Puggle, found on the streets of Tampa, FL., who had muscular atrophy in his hind legs and couldn't walk very well, if at all.
Scheduled for euthanasia, some very kind people saved him and asked if could come and live with me and my Retirees at Hannahs HOPE Inc. Who could say no to that face? 🥹

I bought him a “wheelchair” which a few weeks later he refused to use and started walking on his own.
When I tell you FRED was one of my Most Loved and Cherished Dogs of All Time, I understate the matter.

FRED taught me more about determination, believing in the impossible and never giving up than any human ever did 💕

I still think of him and miss him every day, but especially today, which would have been his 20th Birthday 🍔🍔🎂
Thank You FRED, for your Love and All that you Gave me 😌
You will Always be My Very Special Boy 💔 🕯 🐾~

UPDATE  HUGE THANK YOUs going out to MAYA's latest donators, Kayla, Judy, Heather, Nolan and Allen 😌 and to Everyone who...

HUGE THANK YOUs going out to MAYA's latest donators, Kayla, Judy, Heather, Nolan and Allen 😌 and to Everyone who SHARED 😎
We've made progress on reaching our goal, but are still a long way off.
PLEASE, if you haven't yet had the chance, (or already have), PLEASE SHARE (or share again) this fundraiser and MAYA's story.

A month after the fact, the financial pinch of this huge medical bill is starting to be felt and despite cutting back and trimming the budget, isn't going to get any easier any time soon.

Thank You Again to Everyone who has helped out so far and Have a Great Weekend! 😎 🐾~

Hannahs HOPE Inc is a non-profit, 501(c)3 Senior & Special Needs Dog Sanctuary in NW Florida… Jordan Rack needs your support for Surgery for MAYA's Broken Leg

UPDATE  MAYA continues to do well with her recovery, but she is starting to get a little frustrated having to be crated....

MAYA continues to do well with her recovery, but she is starting to get a little frustrated having to be crated. She's still just an 11 month old Puppy and while she does get to go outside several times a day, she's not allowed to run or jump or play which is starting to make her a bit crazy 🤪
Today she got to socialize with a 12 week old Puppy, which she liked very much, (see new pics), but I feel so bad for her not being able to come out for a good romp 😟

While MAYA is doing Great, fund raising is not going as well as I might have hoped.
HUGE Thanks to Cat, CeCe and Cheryl for your donations towards MAYA's $5000.00 medical bills. So far, here on gofundme, a total of $210.00 has been donated with another $150.00 coming in directly to our PayPal account, for a total of $360.00.

PLEASE, even if you cannot donate, PLEASE SHARE this fundraiser.
Sharing is the key to this kind of fundraiser being successful and this large an expense has already put a severe strain on Hannahs HOPE Inc's abilities to help other Dogs in need.
A simple click/share can make all the difference in the world and doesn't cost a penny.

THANK YOU SO MUCH again to all who have donated so far 😌 🐾~

Hannahs HOPE Inc is a non-profit, 501(c)3 Senior & Special Needs Dog Sanctuary in NW Florida… Jordan Rack needs your support for Surgery for MAYA's Broken Leg

UPDATE  MAYA’s recovery couldn’t be going better, other than the fact that still being a Puppy, she wants to run 🙄I quic...

MAYA’s recovery couldn’t be going better, other than the fact that still being a Puppy, she wants to run 🙄
I quickly gave up on trying to take her out on a leash and have been carrying her in and out several times a day for her ‘business’, (luckily we were already potty-trained before her accident) and we do some quiet, calm one on one time every day 😎

Today was 2 weeks since her surgery, so I took her staples out, the incision has healed very well and her hair is growing back. All I have to do now is keep her quiet and on very limited exercise for another 4 weeks to let the bone heal without disturbing the plate and screws holding everything in place.

Click on the Pic to see some pics of MAYA’s leg before and after her staple removal and of me and My Girl giving each other some Love 🥰

PLEASE SHARE this fundraiser. $5000 was a HUGE and unexpected bill for Hannahs HOPE Inc to have to cover and so far only $180.00 has been raised, only $80 of that on gofundme…
because no one has shared 😔

Sharing costs nothing more than a click of your mouse and could make a big difference.
Even if you can’t donate, someone you know might want to, but they have to see the story first and your sharing is key to spreading the word.

PLEASE SHARE and Thank You for your help 😌 🐾~

Hannahs HOPE Inc is a non-profit, 501(c)3 Senior & Special Needs Dog Sanctuary in… Jordan Rack braucht deine Unterstützung für Surgery for MAYA's Broken Leg

MAYA UPDATE  MAYA is doing well, all things considered 😌All Donations are tax deductible.Please 'Click the Pic' for the ...

MAYA is doing well, all things considered 😌
All Donations are tax deductible.
Please 'Click the Pic' for the full story/update and if you haven't yet,
PLEASE SHARE this post. Thank You and Happy Easter! 🐾~

Hannahs HOPE Inc is a non-profit, 501(c)3 Senior & Special Needs Dog Sanctuary in NW Florida… Jordan Rack needs your support for Surgery for MAYA's Broken Leg

⚠️ FINAL UPDATE ⚠️BRUNO HAS BEEN ADOPTED!!! 🥳🎉🥰BRUNO has found a Home and now has a Family and 2 Boxer "Sisters" with wh...

BRUNO has found a Home and now has a Family and 2 Boxer "Sisters" with whom he will live out his Life! 😌
I hope to see you again BRUNO... You're a Special Boy ❤
Live Long & Prosper my Friend 🖖🥰 🐾~

⚠✨MAYA UPDATE  ✨⚠MAYA is Home! 🥰I picked her up this afternoon and was told her surgery went very well 😌 (New pics in th...

MAYA is Home! 🥰
I picked her up this afternoon and was told her surgery went very well 😌 (New pics in the update, click the Pic to see)
The techs said MAYA was convinced that they were all there to entertain her and that she ate better than most of the patients they see, (No real surprise there) lol 😄

Her head was in my lap for the whole ride Home, which made driving interesting considering she's wearing the "cone of shame" 😏
In typical MAYA fashion, she wants to play, but is on strict bed/crate rest for at least 6 weeks.
She just ate her dinner and is now resting comfortably for the night.
HUGE THANK YOUs to those who have donated and shared her Story and if you haven't yet, PLEASE SHARE 😌 🐾~

Hannahs HOPE Inc is a non-profit, 501(c)3 Senior & Special Needs Dog Sanctuary in NW Florida… Jordan Rack needs your support for Surgery for MAYA's Broken Leg

No, we didn’t forget 🎉 National Puppy Day 🎉,we just “celebrated” a little differently 😕The Thursday night before, MAYA (...

No, we didn’t forget 🎉 National Puppy Day 🎉,
we just “celebrated” a little differently 😕

The Thursday night before, MAYA (K9 Staff), who came to Hannahs HOPE Inc in October after being found on the streets at 5 months old, was playing with the other Dogs and during a game of “Look, I Can Fly”, (which involved MAYA running up 4 stairs, about 4 feet high) and jumping off the top to make the other Dogs chase her, she landed badly and broke her back leg.

MAYA was taken to OnPoint Veterinary Urgent Care on Friday morning for x-rays and pain meds and they then referred her to Veterinary Surgery Service for surgery.

Yes, surgery. She broke her femur, which cannot be repaired with just a cast and requires surgery to place screws and plates to hold the bone together.

On Point bill for exam, x-rays and meds; $500.00
Surgery bill; $4500.00

Hannahs HOPE Inc always has money set aside for Medical Dog Emergencies, but not $5000.00.
We have not asked for any donations since before Covid, (except for a birthday fundraiser that raised about $200), and I hate to ask for help, but Holy Cow! $5000.00??
We were given the option of amputation, (only about $1500.00), but immediately dismissed this choice.

MAYA had her surgery today, (Monday), is doing well now in recovery and will come Home tomorrow, but to get this done I have spent almost every penny of cash I have and maxxed out 2 credit cards.

I know times are tough and money is tight for everyone these days, but if you can help, even a little bit, MAYA and I would be eternally grateful.
All donations are tax deductible, as Hannahs HOPE Inc is a registered 501c3, non-profit Rescue.

Donations can also be made directly to our PayPal account at paypal.me/hannahshopeinc

Pics, x-ray and bills are included in the GoFundMe link.
THANK YOU 😌 in advance for any help you can give my Baby Girl and PLEASE SHARE this post. She’s only 10 months old 😢 🐾~

FL Reg # 27-2914225
Dept of Ag # CH33921

Hannahs HOPE Inc is a non-profit, 501(c)3 Senior & Special Needs Dog Sanctuary in NW Florida… Jordan Rack needs your support for Surgery for MAYA's Broken Leg

⚠️ UPDATE  031324 ⚠ ~ **I’ve added new Pics from BRUNO’s most recent Boarding Visit this month... for original Pics, Cli...

⚠️ UPDATE 031324 ⚠ ~
**I’ve added new Pics from BRUNO’s most recent Boarding Visit this month... for original Pics, Click on "BRUNO - Available for Adoption"**

This is BRUNO and his time is running out!
BRUNO was adopted a little over a year ago from a local Rescue by one of our Military who now has orders to PCS in TWO WEEKS and cannot take BRUNO 🥺

BRUNO is a Good Boy and an Extremely playful and Intelligent Dog who deserves another chance to be in a Happy and Loving Home, even if his original Rescue has irresponsibly “washed their hands of him”, turned their backs and by refusing to take him back, broken their own Adoption Contract 😒

If you or someone you know would be interested in meeting BRUNO, please reach out to me here on FB or by phone (Hannahs HOPE Inc, 850.496.7529 or The Dog Den Crestview, 850.296.7955) and we can set up a Meet & Greet. If not, please at least share this post so we can get the word about BRUNO and keep him from facing the very real risk of being euthanized, as all the shelters and rescues are full and/or will not take him 😔 Thank You 😌 🐾~

Welcome New K9 Staff PREACHER! 🥰PREACHER is a 3 ½ year old Chi-Poo (or Poohuahua as I like to call him) 😄 and has been a...

Welcome New K9 Staff PREACHER! 🥰

PREACHER is a 3 ½ year old Chi-Poo (or Poohuahua as I like to call him) 😄 and has been a regular Guest at The Dog Den Crestview since October of 2021 when he was just 1 year old.

PREACHER always has a great time when he visits with his Friends and never fails to “preach”.
Sadly, due to some serious medical issues, his human can no longer care for him and he was spending what she felt was too much time confined and not getting the attention she thought he deserved, so I was asked during his recent visit if he could come and live with his Friends.

In recent years, (since Covid), it has become almost impossible to re-home Dogs, as all of the “shelters” and Rescues are full and turning people and their Dogs away 😞
I’ve even heard recently of “shelters” telling people who have tried to turn in Dogs that they found stray to “turn him loose where you found him and someone else will pick him up and give him a Home” 😒

I’ve known PREACHER for almost 3 years now, he’s always been the Best Guest, has gotten along with every Dog he’s met and always been a great BedBuddy, so how could I say no?
I wouldn’t say no to a Friend who needed help and PREACHER is my Friend ❤

I am humbled that PREACHER’s person would ask and trust me to care for him and tell me that she knows that he will have the Life she always wanted for him but can no longer give him, and was flattered when she said she knows he always had fun here whenever she brought him to visit 😌

Please welcome our newest Dog Den/ HOPE Inc K9 Staff member PREACHER to the Family! 🥰 🐾~

At the end of what turned out to be a pretty chaotic weekend,this Gentleman came to visit for a little while today 🥰He w...

At the end of what turned out to be a pretty chaotic weekend,
this Gentleman came to visit for a little while today 🥰
He was found running loose by a very nice Lady and her Son who took the time to catch him and post him on the local L&F pet Page.
Thank You Fon! 😌

I offered to scan him for a microchip since it’s Sunday and Animal Control is closed. He did have a chip which I reported and the Owners were notified 😎

STORMY is now back Home safely with his Family, but while he was here at Hannahs HOPE Inc, he had some fun, posing for pics and making new Friends 😊

⚠️ UPDATE  022824 ⚠ ~ BRUNO is running out of time 🥺First, I DO NOT HAVE BRUNO. For now, he is still with His human.BRUN...

⚠️ UPDATE 022824 ⚠ ~ BRUNO is running out of time 🥺
First, I DO NOT HAVE BRUNO. For now, he is still with His human.

BRUNO was adopted a little over a year ago from a local Rescue.
BRUNO is a Good Boy and an Extremely playful and Intelligent Dog who deserves another chance to be in a Happy and Loving Home, even if his original Rescue has irresponsibly “washed their hands of him”, turned their backs and by refusing to take him back, broken their own Adoption Contract. (Details in the Story Below) 😔

Unfortunately, his human is military and has received orders and must PCS VERY SOON and sadly cannot take BRUNO with her.
PLEASE READ BRUNO’S STORY below and even if you can’t take him, PLEASE SHARE his story to help spread the word.

Again, I DO NOT HAVE BRUNO, but I DO know him and he has stayed with and played with my Dogs.
PLEASE SHARE and Thank You 😌 🐾 ~

I'm so sorry Jon 😔 and Thank You for sharing.Run Free DIPPER... and PLAY! 💔 🐾~

I'm so sorry Jon 😔 and Thank You for sharing.
Run Free DIPPER... and PLAY! 💔 🐾~

Jon Stewart bids a tearful goodbye to Dipper, his best boy and Daily Show OG. to The Daily Show:https://www.youtube.c...

BRUCE & NINA UPDATE 021724 ~My boy BRUCE has passed away 😢It was March of 2021 when BRUCE & NINA first arrived at Hannah...

My boy BRUCE has passed away 😢

It was March of 2021 when BRUCE & NINA first arrived at Hannahs HOPE Inc.
2 Senior Dogs that had spent their lives together, they had previously been living in a Rescue in South Florida, but when the founder unexpectedly passed away and the Rescue was being shut down, all the other Dogs there had been placed or found Homes… except these two 😔

Despite being in good health, no one wanted them because they were old, (11 years old at the time)... and “pit bulls” 😒

They quickly became Family and have spent the last 2, almost 3 years in ‘Retirement’ here 🥰

In mid-January of 2024, right around my birthday, BRUCE started having trouble keeping his legs under him and started eating less, although he still insisted on being a part of whatever was happening at the time. A week later, on January 23, 2024, BRUCE passed in his sleep at almost 14 years old 💔

I was immediately worried about NINA, as I’ve had bonded pairs pass within a week of each other.

For about 3 days, NINA searched for “her man”, and wouldn’t eat, but with some extra Love, hand feeding and help from SOPHIE, she rebounded and is back to her normal self, now sleeping next to SOPHIE at night when she’s not on the couch.

I miss BRUCE. I miss his being stubborn, I miss his walking into the middle of the other Dogs playing and I miss his Old Man face looking up at me asking, “Why do these Little Dogs make so much noise?” 😏

You were a Good Boy BRUCE. I Love and miss You, but I will see you again ❤
In the meantime, have fun playing with HANNAH, SATIN, NIKKI, GATOR and all the other HH Seniors that have crossed ‘The Bridge’.
Now Run Free BRUCE… and PLAY! 💔😌 🐾~

These two just celebrated their 1 Year Hannah-Versary this past Saturday! (3/27/22) 🥳
Now 12 years old, they're a step slower than they were a year ago, but in great health. NINA doesn't play as much and prefers to sleep on the couch or lay in the sun and BRUCE still digs his holes and struts around the play yard like "he da man", lol, and even sometimes 'checks' the young 'uns when they get a bit rowdy 😏
They both get an egg on top of their dinner at night and God forbid I forget!
They'll look at their bowl and then up at me like they're saying, "Umm... Egg?" 😄

~ Pics Only ~

It's been a month now since BRUCE & NINA arrived and these two Sweet Seniors have made themselves right at Home 🥰 They're both very social, BRUCE has hung up his belly band for good and NINA has come out of her shell and plays with the young 'uns all the time. It may have taken longer than expected to get them here, but they were definitely worth the wait 😌
BRUCE & NINA are what Hannahs HOPE Inc is all about; a Senior Sanctuary for Dogs that no one wants just because of their age, where they can Live out their Golden Years, Safe & Loved 🥰
You'd never know these two are 11 years old. SENIORS ROCK! ❤🤩 ~


Welcome New Retirees BRUCE & NINA! 🥰 ~
You may remember back in January we raised funds to bring to Hannahs HOPE Inc, 2 Senior Dogs from a friend’s rescue after she sadly and unexpectedly passed away, leaving them looking for a place to live out their lives 😔
After a few unscheduled delays, (does one ever ‘schedule’ a delay 🤔), they’re FINALLY HERE! 🥳

BRUCE & NINA arrived Saturday afternoon, March 27 after a looonng road trip, tired, but ready to see their new Home, make some new Friends and “retire” 😎
In just 3 days, they have already assimilated easily and become members of the Family 💕

So far, NINA likes to sleep, although she does play and BRUCE likes to be in the middle of whatever’s going on.

At least 11 years old, both are ‘true’ Seniors, they’ve already learned the daily routine and BRUCE, who has until now worn a belly band because of his tendency to mark, (a learned habit… he is neutered), is already on Day 2 of not wearing his ‘belt’ without any marking, 😃 (although he seems proud to wear it and stands still to have it put on) 😄

If you’d like to contribute to BRUCE & NINA’s care & support and that of our other Senior "Retirees", you can do so through our PayPal link; paypal.me/hannahshopeinc and the money will go to their care. Thank You 😌

Welcome Home BRUCE & NINA… to the rest of your Lives 🥰 ~



Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday 08:00 - 18:00





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What is “Hannahs HOPE Inc”?

Hannah's HOPE Inc is a Dog Rescue and Senior & Special Needs Dog Sanctuary in NorthWest FL., "Helping Out Pets Everywhere" ^^

Whenever we have the room and the funds, we take in Senior and Special Needs Dogs to give them the chance to live out their Lives in a peaceful Home setting, rather than face euthanasia just because their owners no longer want or are able to care for them, for whatever reason. We don’t really care what the reasons are, we simply believe that as long as they can still have a good QUALITY of Live, these Dogs DESERVE the opportunity to Live, be Loved and receive the Care they need until their time is up.

As we depend entirely on donations, we do request, (not require) a Surrender Donation whenever possible, but we whenever possible, we have taken in Dogs that have been found stray and injured. We have taken in deaf Dogs, blind Dogs, crippled Dogs and Dogs who require regular medication and/or vet care and monitoring. Again, as long as they can enjoy a good QUALITY of Life, we will do everything we can to give them that chance.

If you have or know someone who has a Dog they can no longer care for, please feel free to reach out to us and we will help in any way we can.