Here is Bella doing her (I scratch your back & you scratch mine) to my daughter Maxine .. Lol .. This sweet girl is so spoiled & knows it .. Lol 🤣😂
Yesterday our sweet blind girl Bella who had her eye removed a few months back wanted some love so my daughter Maxine & I went in her pen .. I was showing Maxine what I have been teaching her .. Omg Maxine died laughing .. Lol .. So I have been teaching Bella (I scratch your back you scratch mine) .. Hahaha 🤣😂🤦♀️ .. Bella is too funny .. I so love her to pieces .. She really is a special girl & she loves to give hugs as well .. She has been doing so amazing after her surgery & her eye socket healed up so good .. 🥰❤️
Sorry I haven’t posted in a while .. I have been very busy not only with the sanctuary / rescue, but with family as well .. so I do apologize .. Before i left for Ohio to see my daughter, her fiancé & my grand babies I got another area for our sanctuary / rescue animals is all complete .. My daughter broke her leg in 2 places back in December & i haven’t been able to get out there due to my elderly uncle living with us & my husband working all the time .. I was finally able to go out to Ohio to see her a few weeks ago & help them & do things for them so they could get a break for a few days .. So before I left I was a very busy bee .. From Thursday, March 30th to Monday, April 3rd I busted my butt to fence in another 5 acres for our sanctuary cows, horses & donkey .. I finally got it all done by Monday night at 10pm even in the rain with the help of my husband when he got home from work at 6pm .. When I say all the sweat & tears from being in pain was all worth it .. I truly mean it was .. To see all these babies running around loving the new added area made my heart so happen .. I had the help from a few neighbors of mine for a few hours for 2 of the days & I honestly can’t thank them enough ..
I made a post about needing supplies to do this project of fencing in more land, but Facebook did something & I can’t find it anywhere now .. My husband & I paid for everything because we didn’t have any funds in our rescue account .. This projected so far was $2,500.00 & we still aren’t finished because we still need to make 2 bigger areas for the blind horses & blind cow here as well ..
We are not a huge rescue & we do take in a lot of livestock .. We understand people want to help out with bigger rescues with cats & dogs more then livestock .. We get it trust me, but in our eyes all animals who are not treated properly all deserve a second chance at a happy healthy life .. This is why we do what we do for livestock .. It is not quantity for us it is qual
I just can’t with this girl Bella !! Lol .. 🤣😂🤦♀️
The boys are getting so big .. Otis & Eddie are such sweet boys .. ❤️🐄🐄
Bail For Tails - Amanda Miller's Rescue of North Carolina
The best part of rescuing abused animals is when you can release them in with all the other animals who were abused & living thier lives out here in our sanctuary .. It was a happy day today as we released Dominic (donkey) in the field with all our mares & baby cows .. He was recently gelded & now fully healed to where he can now run free in our fields as he pleases .. My heart is full & it makes me so happy to see him in a huge area just thriving along with his new herd .. My happy place is here with all these babies just all happy, spoiled & loving life !! 🥰❤️
Please continue to share & donate if you are able so we can continue to help these animals in dire need as we do .. Y’all are amazing & we couldn’t do any of this without y’all .. God bless all y’all .. ❤️
We are a 501c3 non profit & run solely off donations & all donations are tax deductible .. If you our anyone you know can find it in your hearts to help by making a donation of any amount for vet care, farrier care, hay bales, food & supplies or if you would like to purchase supplies for the animals & send them to the address below it would be so greatly appreciate .. ❤️
Ways to donate;
You can use the donate button on this post.
PayPal. [email protected]
Venmo. @aamiller3122
Donations to our vet directly by calling Institute Mobile Veterinary Services Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 5:00pm at 1-252-566-5041
Checks, money orders & any supplies can be sent to;
Bail For Tails
1630 Jonestown Road
Dover, NC. 28526
Thank you all in advance
Bail For Tails - Amanda Miller's Rescue of North Carolina
Happy Mother’s Day to y’all !! This happened this morning when I was checking on eggs .. What a beatutiful thing to see happen Mother’s Day morning !! 🥰❤️🐣
Bail For Tails - Amanda Miller's Rescue of North Carolina
We are finally finished with Bella’s new area & now she enjoy her safe new living space .. We had to build her new area all with wood because she is blind .. Electric fencing was not a safe way to go so we did what we had to for her for her own safety .. My husband & I busted our butts & let me say the aches & pains & sweat was so worth it for this sweet girl .. She has been following my voice for everything & sure enough from the move from her old space to her new huge space she did absolutely amazing for only being with us for 1 week so far .. She still stopped & listens to all the noises around her, but with me telling her it was ok & then telling her Bella follow like I have been doing she did it & im so proud of this girl .. She is now enjoying her area .. ❤️🐴
We are a 501c3 non profit & run solely off donations & all donations are tax deductible .. If you our anyone you know can find it in your hearts to help by making a donation of any amount for her vet care, farrier, food & supplies or if you would like to purchase supplies for her & send them to the address below it would be so greatly appreciate .. ❤️
Ways to donate;
You can use the donate button on this post.
PayPal. [email protected]
Venmo. @aamiller3122
Checks, money orders, tractor supply gift cards & any supplies can be sent to;
Bail For Tails
1630 Jonestown Road
Dover, NC. 28526
Thank you all in advance
Bail For Tails - Amanda Miller's Rescue of North Carolina