Bail For Tails - Amanda Miller's Rescue of North Carolina

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Bail For Tails - Amanda Miller's Rescue of North Carolina We are a Rescue/Sanctuary Farm for all animals. We try to save so many from going to slaughter.

Happy New Year y’all !!

Happy New Year y’all !!

At the Tractor Supply Store in New Bern, NC. we have a Angel Tree up for all of our rescue/ sanctuary animals & all the ...

At the Tractor Supply Store in New Bern, NC. we have a Angel Tree up for all of our rescue/ sanctuary animals & all the ornaments that are hung on it are the supplies we are in need of .. ❤️😇🎄 .. It is displayed on the inside of the store across from the dog food section where their Christmas stuff is .. If you or anyone you know who shops at that tractor supply & would like to make a donation by purchasing one of the items on the tree it would be truly amazing & it would help us out in so many ways .. Please feel free to share this post to all your friends & family .. God bless all y’all ..

If you would like to donate towards our supplies needed, but can’t make it to the store you can also make donation here on this post, to our PayPal, to our Venmo or mail a check ..

Our PayPal is [email protected]

Our Venmo is

To send a check please make the check out to; Bail For Tails & send it to 1630 Jonestown, RD. NC. 28526

Thank you all in advance ❤️

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone !! Even the Turkeys know what today is & came to the door knocking on the glass as I was mak...

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone !!

Even the Turkeys know what today is & came to the door knocking on the glass as I was making my coffee this morning .. Lol 🤣😂🤦‍♀️

FYI !! These turkeys are not food they are family !! 🥰

Happy Veterans Day !! We thank you for your service !! ❤️

Happy Veterans Day !! We thank you for your service !! ❤️


For anyone in our around the Kinston, Dover & New Bern areas in North Carolina !!

As Halloween is here if you have any pumpkins that are not painted & are going to throw away we are willing to take them off your hands for the farm animals in our rescue/ sanctuary ..

Also if you have any broken push broom you are throwing away we could use them broom part for the animals here to scratch up on as well .. We would gladly take them off you hands as they will be so useful here for these sweet sole we rescue .. You can contact me for drop off or pick up .. Thank you all in advance ..


Here is Bella doing her (I scratch your back & you scratch mine) to my daughter Maxine .. Lol .. This sweet girl is so spoiled & knows it .. Lol 🤣😂


Yesterday our sweet blind girl Bella who had her eye removed a few months back wanted some love so my daughter Maxine & I went in her pen .. I was showing Maxine what I have been teaching her .. Omg Maxine died laughing .. Lol .. So I have been teaching Bella (I scratch your back you scratch mine) .. Hahaha 🤣😂🤦‍♀️ .. Bella is too funny .. I so love her to pieces .. She really is a special girl & she loves to give hugs as well .. She has been doing so amazing after her surgery & her eye socket healed up so good .. 🥰❤️

We have been so busy here lately so sorry we haven’t posted in a while .. Everyone is doing good & living their lives ou...

We have been so busy here lately so sorry we haven’t posted in a while .. Everyone is doing good & living their lives out happy & spoiled like always ..

On Wednesday while I was out in the fields Cora (our big gray/white Percheron) decided to lay down on the ground right where I was to get some nice deep sleep (REM) .. So I sat there with her on the ground loving on her while she was just snoring away .. Lol .. I so love this old lady .. She is so stinking cute & as sweet as can be .. 🥰❤️

R.I.P. Ivory .. 1/4/1994 - 55/27/2023 .. 😭💔It is with very heavy hearts that i have to post this .. Ivory has passed awa...

R.I.P. Ivory .. 1/4/1994 - 55/27/2023 .. 😭💔

It is with very heavy hearts that i have to post this .. Ivory has passed away today .. I just don’t know what to say right now because today has just killed me to no end .. No one will really understand the struggle it is to deal with a horse that has been so severely damaged like I have with Ivory God this girl meant so much to me even though there was certain things I still wasn’t able to do with her just yet .. My heart has completely shattered into over more then a million pieces of that makes sense to y’all .. 😭💔

Ivory you don’t know how hard it was today to saw goodbye to you .. It was the worst ever .. As I yelled & screamed from the top of my lungs for “You have to get up, you can’t leave me just yet like your best friend / sister Ebony did .. ” I can’t lose you right now .. I need you so much & I will do anything please baby girl just get up for momma ..” .. You put your forehead against mine which you have never done & gave out your neigh telling me it was ok momma, but I wasn’t going to take that answer & then them all standing in a circle around you like something in the wild I broke down so bad so I knew you were telling them it was your time .. I knew you had to leave me after all of that, but i still wasn’t letting you go that easy .. I told you no this isn’t the way your story is ending so hold on please I’ll be right back then I rush back to the house while I was on the phone with daddy telling him you where down & couldn’t get up so he had to come home from work .. You know daddy would have been here sweet girl, but he couldn’t leave because he was the only key holder tonight .. He was so devastated when I told him about what was going on with you .. I just want you back so bad right now .. I will never forget you my sweet girl I swear ..

I tried so hard to get you up off the ground, but your body was so weak .. Your temp was down to 88.5 & your body was giving up .. I called Kim & she can fast & in a hurry just for you baby girl .. This is why I have the vet I do because she knows how hard I fight for y’all .. You saw kim & got a bit scared, but momma calmed you down .. I told you as I looked into your eyes that it was only Kim & she is here to help you .. As I Looked you in your eyes & told you it was ok to go you then put your head against mine once again & gave a big breath of relief .. I know you calmed down then .. As the vet was giving you the meds you gave the last look around to everyone saying your goodbyes it killed me to see that ..

I know you are in a better place running free with Ebony now .. I already miss you so much & it is killing me .. It took me forever to get you where you were at with the help of Michele at (Healing Touch Animal Reiki) & Sharon Vandiford at (Horses of Pamlico) .. You were so scared when you got here & Ebony helped me with you to get you in the barn for the first time then she passed right after she knew you were safe .. Even after you losing all 4 hoof capsules we thought that would be the end for you, but you proved everyone wrong .. You were still up running in the fields as if you had all 4 capsules .. You were my true fighter .. Then today 1 1/2 years later & then you said your goodbyes when it should have been when you had no hoof capsules on all 4 feet .. You always amazing me you big sweet girl .. Today you truly left you hoof prints deep in my heart, very deep .. 😭💔

I don’t know if I will ever be ok with what happened today, but I know you are back with your best friend/ sister Ebony that you came here with .. God had other plans for you which can’t ever be explained .. He is the one who calls everyone home .. If loved could have saved you sweet girl I know you would have loved forever .. Run free sweet girl .. You will never be forgotten .. Momma loves you with her whole heart & you took a huge piece with you .. Love you forever & a day my sweet Ivory .. 😭💔 Now spreed them beautiful wings & fly high sweet Ivory .. ❤️

If you or anyone you know can find it in your hearts & would like to make a tax deductible donation to her final bills of $547.50 it would be so greatly appreciated .. Thank you all in advance ..

Ways to make a donation

Click on the donate button on this post

By calling Institute Mobile Veterinary Services at 1-252-566-5041 & let them know it is for Bail For Tails / Amanda Miller

PayPal. [email protected]


Please use friends & family when sending it using PayPal or Venmo so we don’t get charged a fee ..

Checks, money orders can be sent to;

Bail For Tails
1630 Jonestown Road
Dover, NC. 28526

Thank you all in advance
Bail For Tails - Amanda Miller's Rescue of North Carolina

Yesterday was a long day .. We had the 3 donkeys (Jay, Pedro & Jose) we took in all gelded & all utd on shots & micro ch...

Yesterday was a long day .. We had the 3 donkeys (Jay, Pedro & Jose) we took in all gelded & all utd on shots & micro chipped .. We also had 4 of the 6 horses that we took in Micro chipped .. The other 2 horses will have them done when they can finally trust anyone to lead them on a lead .. For now it is working with them to keep gaining their trust .. We never rush these animals because we don’t want them to go backwards .. We don’t care how long it takes for them to willing do what we ask them to do .. As long as they feel safe & are happy they will do it when they are ready like they always do .. It is always slow & steady here after all the abuse most of these horses we take in have gone through .. The vet bill from yesterday was $1,867.50 which had to be paid in full so I had to pay it all out of our personal money due to not having any rescue funds .. So please help with any amount of donation for them if you are able ..

Our vet looked at our Blind girl Bella’s left eye yesterday because it is infected & swollen & unfortunately we will need to have her left eye removed .. .. I have been putting drops in & cleaning it good daily, but it is not clearing up at all so we have no choice other then surgery .. She we are going to scheduling a appointment for her to have the surgery done .. For her surgery it will be about $1,300.00 to $1,500.00 so please donate to her if you are able ..

We are in dire need of funds for not only food for all the animals here in our rescue/sanctuary, but also vet bills, farrier bills. Feed bills & supplies needed .. All of our costs have gone up .. Our feed bill is $1,200.00 a month .. The food costs has gone up in some areas over 60% .. We've also haven’t gotten much help with funds to even cover any of the vet bills, farrier bills, feed bills & supplies needed in over the past 3 years .. Our fencing for the animals to give them another 5 acres to run on was $2,500.00 which we had to pay in full out of our own pocket also & we still have to pay for another area so the blind animals can have a bigger area as well .. it has been a struggle with no donations at all coming in .. Which all of this makes it hard on us .. So please help us if you are able ..

The costs are way higher but the donations coming are substantially down .. We've been struggling for a while and we don’t know how much longer we can go especially with the last few years with covid has really made us struggle even more ..

At this point we just need to substantially cut our services to the community so that we can try to ride out this economy and stay in business so at this time we are shutting down intake !! I’m sorry we have to do this, but this is the only choice we have right now .. We can no longer take in any animals until we get everything paid & have extra funds for things needed before reopening our intake ..

I know we keep asking for money for food, hay bills, farrier bills & vet bills and I hate to keep asking but at this point things are pretty critical .. We are looking to see if anyone would like to be a monthly donor or become a sponsor for a animal here which would help us keep going .. It would help us out in so many ways of people would like to sponsor a animal .. If anyone would be interested on sponsoring one of our animals with a monthly donation please feel free to contact me ..

Also If everyone on our Social Media page & my personal page could just donated $1 a month we could continue what we do for the animals living here in our rescue /sanctuary Can you help?

We have several options for donations options that are listed below .. Please help us stay afloat by becoming a monthly sustainer if you are able .. Any & all donation are welcome .. If you would like to purchase food or gift cards for food & supplies to a place of your choice & have it deliver red you can send it too the address below .. It takes a village to keep going & we just can’t keep doing this alone anymore ..

Thank you all for taking the time to read this .. If you are unable to donate we ask if you could please share this post with your friends & family & ask them to share it as well .. The more shares the more help we could possibly get .. I thank you in advance for any help we receive .. God bless all y’all ❤️

Here are the different ways you can help

You can use the donate button on this post.

PayPal. [email protected]


Checks, money orders, tractor supply gift cards & any supplies can be sent to;

Bail For Tails
1630 Jonestown Road
Dover, NC. 28526

Thank you all in advance
Bail For Tails - Amanda Miller's Rescue of North Carolina


Sorry I haven’t posted in a while .. I have been very busy not only with the sanctuary / rescue, but with family as well .. so I do apologize .. Before i left for Ohio to see my daughter, her fiancé & my grand babies I got another area for our sanctuary / rescue animals is all complete .. My daughter broke her leg in 2 places back in December & i haven’t been able to get out there due to my elderly uncle living with us & my husband working all the time .. I was finally able to go out to Ohio to see her a few weeks ago & help them & do things for them so they could get a break for a few days .. So before I left I was a very busy bee .. From Thursday, March 30th to Monday, April 3rd I busted my butt to fence in another 5 acres for our sanctuary cows, horses & donkey .. I finally got it all done by Monday night at 10pm even in the rain with the help of my husband when he got home from work at 6pm .. When I say all the sweat & tears from being in pain was all worth it .. I truly mean it was .. To see all these babies running around loving the new added area made my heart so happen .. I had the help from a few neighbors of mine for a few hours for 2 of the days & I honestly can’t thank them enough ..

I made a post about needing supplies to do this project of fencing in more land, but Facebook did something & I can’t find it anywhere now .. My husband & I paid for everything because we didn’t have any funds in our rescue account .. This projected so far was $2,500.00 & we still aren’t finished because we still need to make 2 bigger areas for the blind horses & blind cow here as well ..

We are not a huge rescue & we do take in a lot of livestock .. We understand people want to help out with bigger rescues with cats & dogs more then livestock .. We get it trust me, but in our eyes all animals who are not treated properly all deserve a second chance at a happy healthy life .. This is why we do what we do for livestock .. It is not quantity for us it is quality .. It takes a lot of time & patients working with horses, cows, donkeys & goats after the abuse they went through before we got them .. I have never seen so much abuse being done to livestock in my life until we moved down here in south in the country .. This is why we started building a sanctuary for them when we bought our house that had farm land in 2019 .. The stuff I have seen with horses & cows is so unreal & truly heartbreaking .. So doing what we do is so worth it all when we see them living their lives happy & free & never worrying about being abuse, scared, neglected or worked to death again ..

We are a 501c3 nonprofit & we run on donations, but when our rescue has no funds then we always have to come out of our own pocket to do what we need to do for the animals .. If you or anyone you know would like to make a donation towards the fencing we did already & the fencing we still need you honestly don’t know how much we would appreciate it .. We are also always in need of food for all the animals here as well if you would like to make a donation for that I know the animals would be so appreciative as well .. If you would like to purchase any food or supplies for any of the animals & send them to the address below it would be so greatly appreciate also .. ❤️

Ways to donate;

You can use the donate button on this post.

PayPal. [email protected]


Checks, money orders, tractor supply gift cards & any supplies can be sent to;

Bail For Tails
1630 Jonestown Road
Dover, NC. 28526

Thank you all in advance
Bail For Tails - Amanda Miller's Rescue of North Carolina

Hi Y’all .. I just want to say I’m sorry for I haven’t been on Facebook much due to so much going on .. It has been so c...

Hi Y’all .. I just want to say I’m sorry for I haven’t been on Facebook much due to so much going on .. It has been so crazy here & needed a break from Facebook to cope with some losses we have had as it was extremely hard on us .. So I hope y’all can understand ..

Back on January 10th, 2023 we lost of of our special needs boy Homie & we had him for over 4 years .. He had a seizure & passed away .. He was such a amazing boy & to lose him killed me .. 💔😭

Then on January 13th, 2023 we lost one of our senior horses Money .. He went down & couldn’t get back up .. We tried everything, but come to find out when our vet got here he blow out front left leg & his back right leg .. So we had to say our goodbyes which killed us .. He was such an amazing boy 💔😭

Then on February 1st we took on a baby goat that wasn’t doing so hot .. She couldn’t stand or walk .. She was extremely weak .. We took her to our vet & she had a 50/50 chance of living .. She had a infection In her hind legs .. We gave her the antibiotics our vet gave us & I was constantly working with her trying to build muscles in her legs .. A few days later being on the meds she slowly started to get better then a few more days later she started getting up on her own .. As of now she is doing amazing .. She is jumping, running & being a silly little girl .. We named her Stormy .. ❤️

Then a few weeks later we were notified about a draft mule at the killpen who was being shipped to slaughter so we ended up taking her in .. She arrived here on February 16th, 2023 .. She was owned by the Amish & she is so scared of everything .. We don’t know anymore about her past, but we will get her to where she needs to be just like all the other Amish owned horses we have taken in .. She is deathly afraid of everything so I am working with her daily .. We named her Buder .. ❤️

Then we were also notified about a Belgian draft horse who was having issues with aggression towards other horses with food .. She was a lot to handle for them & was afraid that one of their kids would get hurt so we took he in as well on February 18th, 2023 .. She was was another Amish owned horse who was from the killpen as well being shipped to be slaughter .. The people who brought her to me weren’t the original people who got her .. The original person who got her apparently couldn’t handle her & only had her for 2 weeks then gave her to the people who called me .. They worked with her for over 6 months, but they weren’t home all the time so it made it hard for them to get anywhere with her .. They didn’t know what else to do so we took her in & we are working with her every day .. I have been working with her every day as well with her food aggression & she is getting better each day .. Her name is Sandy .. ❤️

Then a few days ago we we notified about a 6 year old Jersey cow who is blind & has deformities .. He was being bullied by another cow & the owner didn’t know what to do because she didn’t want to see him get hurt .. so we took him in as well .. His name is Baby & he is just all around the sweetest baby ever .. ❤️

This year has been so hard on the losses we have had so far & so busy with new sanctuary babies we have taken in .. We love what we do & these animals lives matter .. They all deserve a second chance at a new life filled with nothing, but love & being spoiled rotten ..

Right now we are in need of food for all the animals as we are on our last bag for everyone here at this time .. We are also on our last big roll of hay & need to get 14 more & also supplies needed for all the new babies who came in .. We need 3 more troughs as well .. We are a 501c3 non profit & run solely off donations If you would like to help us by making a tax deductible donation of any amount it would be truly amazing so we can be able get all food & supplies still needed & also still be able to help other animals who are in dire need like we always do .. If you would like to purchase any food or supplies for any of the animals & send them to the address below it would be so greatly appreciate also .. ❤️

Ways to donate;

You can use the donate button on this post.

PayPal. [email protected]


Checks, money orders, tractor supply gift cards & any supplies can be sent to;

Bail For Tails
1630 Jonestown Road
Dover, NC. 28526

Thank you all in advance
Bail For Tails - Amanda Miller's Rescue of North Carolina







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