I hear SO often that the dog dug a whole in the yard, peed or pooped in the house, etc. because they are mad and spiteful.
NEWS FLASH : This is not true. When we don’t know how or why an animal behavior problem exists, we tend to make it about us; we personalize it. In the animal behavior world, this is referred to as Anthropomorphism.
(Anthropomorphism: Attributing human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena)
Let’s really think about this. If our dogs peed and pooped out of spite or malice, that means they would have to understand and believe that urine and f***s are “gross”. That is OUR personal, human perception of urine and f***s.
Our dogs are not plotting their revenge to get a reaction from you. Their behavior is not about YOU.
Ok, we all refer to our dogs as “fur kids”, even I do sometimes, but dogs are not humans. They have their very own specific environmental, mental, and physical needs that need to be met. When we treat them as if they are children, we are not recognizing what they inherently need to be happy and healthy in our home. Your dog is not a child, nor should they be treated like one. We need to learn to see dogs for who they are; a living being that has species-specific needs.
Is your dog under exercised?
is your dog REALLY potty trained?
Is your dog bored?
Is your dog anxious? (separation anxiety)
Does your dog have medical problems?
So what’s the message here? Our dogs are not plotting their revenge on us. They are not planning how to get back at us. They are not programmed the way humans are. So we must learn to recognize what is really going on with the dog. Yes, “accidents” and mishaps happen in the house, but not because that’s the dogs way of acting out and being “mad” at us. Please take the human perceptions and judgments out of the situation, and learn to view life from the dog's perspective. Help them! Find out what they need and what is causing their behavior. There is always a valid reason and explanation behind it, and it’s not about trying to upset us.