I must say, they are some well behaved little pups💞
Today is the vet check for Chloes 11 babies.
Everyone is loving this warm weather 😍
Monday afternoon laziness😍
Big day! The little babies have made their arrival 💞
Am I the only one here in the state of Indiana, who is more than excited for these summer days again?☀️
I'll speak for our little family of doggies because I'm pretty sure they're just as excited 😅💞
They always enjoy our backyard in the evenings, when the grass is being watered and they can drink from the sprinkler 😆
Three little friends, learning big things 😅
These two made me laugh today 😅🩷
Thanksgiving weekend came and it was Saturday Evening at 11:30pm, for a couple days I noticed little Rambo not gaining weight and I was doing everything I knew to do.. until Saturday I noticed something was abnormal near his umbilical cord, he stopped eating and started getting critical fast. Wondering if he had got an infection and with my vetinarian being closed I headed to Northeast Indiana Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Hospital
A HUGE THANK YOU! The staff was amazing and they sent home two antibiotics for my little baby.
Rambo gained all his strength back and he's eating his food like a Champ.
I've gotten quite attached to this little fellow💙
I thought you all might enjoy a story from Wilmington Doodles. With a litter of 8 Rambo came from it's not always easy and fun, once in a while one gets sick and with that comes sleepless nights of nursing them back to health. I love what I do and it's so rewarding seeing them grow to be fat healthy little fur balls💙
Anything to get filled up, even upside-down 😆🥰