Northern Illinois Samoyed Assistance

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  • Northern Illinois Samoyed Assistance

Northern Illinois Samoyed Assistance N.I.S.A. is a Samoyed breed rescue. takes in Samoyed and Samoyed mixes, saving them from bad situations and euthanasia.

works to bring these Sammies back to good health and place them in their forever home.

POEM OF A DOGI'm the one who's always waiting for you.Your car has a special sound that I have imprinted on my senses, I...

I'm the one who's always waiting for you.
Your car has a special sound that I have imprinted on my senses, I can recognize it in a thousand.
Your steps have a magic bell.
Your voice is music to my ears.
If I see your joy, it makes me happy!.
Your scent is the best.
Your presence moves my senses.
Your waking up wakes me up
I contemplate you sleeping and for me you are my God, I am happy watching your sleep.
Your look is a ray of light.
Your hands upon me, hold the lightness of peace and the sublime display of infinite love.

Thank you to Dog Lovers Family Facebook
When you leave, I feel a huge void in my heart.
I keep waiting for you again and again.
I am the one who will wait for you all your life today, tomorrow and forever:
I am your dog.


With it being bitter cold in most of the US, this is good to remember.



1. DO get out of the weather and inside
2. DO dry off
3. DO talk to
4. DO stroke to stimulate blood flow


If you feed a kitten with a temp below 97 you can KILL it!
If you warm them up to fast you can KILL it!
If the animal is frozen to the ground DO NOT PULL IT OFF!

Get LUKE WARM tap water and pour it around and under the animal. that water is warmer than the snow and air and is going to feel like FIRE to that animal's nerve endings. Think about stepping into a hot tub and how hot it feels. Again you DO NOT want to use hot water. Then Immediately dry the animal off, wrap it in a towel, shirt etc. and get to the nearest vet office.

Steady and slow is rule of thumb. A vet can treat the animal for shock and hypothermia using a series of injections and warm IV fluids and an incubator.

Losing ears, tails, toes or a leg is workable. Damaging internal organs isn't.

A Christmas Fantasy(A story that may have happened!)By Mavis Newbury It was the most enchanting of Midnights. . . Christ...

A Christmas Fantasy
(A story that may have happened!)
By Mavis Newbury

It was the most enchanting of Midnights. . . Christmas Eve. . . our first on the farm. The presents were arranged under the tree in preparation for the children’s morning descent. We were quiet with contentment and thanks. Our last and most pleasant chore yet to be done, we donned our boots and parkas to go outside to bed the horses and kennel the dogs.

Inside the barn we were greeted by the sweet scent of horses and hay, the sounds of an occasional foot-fall and of thoughtful munching. I couldn’t help thinking that it was no wonder Christ was born in a stable, there is no more peaceful place on earth!
As I reached for the light switch I stopped. . . hand mid-air. I was astounded by the sudden and total silence. The horses were frozen in their places, the dogs like porcelain statues, eyes fixed on the end of the stable. My hair prickled and my heart pounded with the realization of a presence in the barn. Unable to move or speak, we watched as a scene unfolded through a blue, misty light.

It was a nativity scene, a rough manger, a robed woman resting on the straw before it and a blanketed child within. We heard a voice speaking, with the gentleness and wisdom of the ages. “My gentle animal friends”, it said, “I bring you a gift on this Christmas Eve. I will show you how the first Christmas was celebrated.”
“The shepherds and the wise men did not reach the child for many days after His birth,” the voice continued. “The first to bring praise to Him were of the dog kingdom. . . the most beloved of all His animal creations. They came one by one and gave Him their only possessions and in thanks, they were immortalized in the heavens as stars. The Labrador gave Him faithfulness, the Siberian Husky gave Him stamina, the Welsh Corgi, intelligence, the German Shepherd, the need to protect. The Irish Wolfhound gave him strength; the Greyhound, swiftness and the Sheltie, agility. There were many more, each with a unique gift, but the last to come to the Child was the Samoyed.”

“I give you my smile,” the Samoyed said. “It is my most prized possession because it is the very essence of my being. It is my joy, my love and devotion, and my gaiety.”

“The Child was so touched,” the voice continued, “that He took in His hand a thousand stars and threw them gently over the Samoyed’s beautiful white coat.”

The End.

(How the Samoyed got the silver tipping in it's coat)

For all our fur babies waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge.

For all our fur babies waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge.

The life of those who rescue.  Thank you to all rescuers.  You give so much of yourself so that those you rescue can hav...

The life of those who rescue. Thank you to all rescuers. You give so much of yourself so that those you rescue can have hope and love.

“To love a rescuer you must love all of her. You must love the scars covering her body from panicked and hurt animals she was trying to help. You must love her fractured heart, that has been broken so many times she no longer even takes the time to mend the pieces.

To love a rescuer, you must embrace her grit and determination, and know that although she fights a war she can never win, she can and does win a few battles. You must love the tears she will shed over those she lost. You must give her comfort that she refuses to accept, as she blames herself for things she could have never foreseen.

To love a rescuer you must acknowledge the rage she feels towards the world at times, and know that anger is driven by a love of life too few have. You must give her space and room to cry and mourn for the losses that others have caused out of carelessness or cruelty.

To love a rescuer you must understand her passion to heal and save is a calling, not a choice. You must accept that to save animals is part of her soul and without that she could never be happy.

To love a rescuer you must be patient. You must accept her work comes first. She will forgo sleep, forgo food, forgo her life for animals in need. She will work tirelessly until her body and mind fail her completely and she cannot go on.

To Love a rescuer, you must be strong. You must not be threatened by her focus and love of animals. You must accept that the things you love about her, the strength and convictions and loyalty are also what drives her sense of duty to animals in need; you cannot have one without the other.

To love a rescuer you must never ask her to choose, because she will, and it will not be you. “

Author Unknown


Important information about bloat including ideas to reduce the risk. Hope you are enjoying summer. And if you take pets in the car don't forget to be careful in the summer warmth with them.

Woo wooing in the New Year!!Joining the choir wishing everyone a safe and Happy New Year while joining with all fur babi...

Woo wooing in the New Year!!

Joining the choir wishing everyone a safe and Happy New Year
while joining with all fur babies begging for treats on this special night.

May 2023 be filled with great times with your fur babies.
Be sure to spoil them throughout the year.


NISA wants to wish you a Happy Halloween. May it be filled with great times with your fur babies. Are you dressing up your pet? If so, post a picture for us to enjoy. Please remember to watch over them, especially if you are handing out candy. Not only is it not good for them, they can slip out the door before you know it.


Heads up folks. Canine influenza cases



It's National Dog Day!!! It’s time to celebrate your dog or dogs. Give them extra time, walks, treats, and especially lo...

It's National Dog Day!!!

It’s time to celebrate your dog or dogs. Give them extra time, walks, treats, and especially loving. Honor them and post their picture here so we can all celebrate.

About National Dog Day: National Dog Day celebrates all breeds, mixed and pure and serves to help galvanize the public to recognize the number of dogs that need to be rescued each year, either from public shelters, rescues and pure breed rescues.

National Dog Day honors family dogs and dogs that work selflessly to save lives, keep us safe and bring comfort. Dogs put their lives on the line every day - protecting our families and homes, for their law enforcement partner, for their blind companion, for the disabled, for our freedom and safety by detecting bombs and drugs and helping to locate and rescue victims of accidents and tragedy.

The above is from the National Dog Day website

So very true ...

So very true ...

“To love a rescuer you must love all of her. You must love the scars covering her body from panicked and hurt animals she was trying to help. You must love her fractured heart, that has been broken so many times she no longer even takes the time to mend the pieces.

To love a rescuer, you must embrace her grit and determination, and know that although she fights a war she can never win, she can and does win a few battles. You must love the tears she will shed over those she lost. You must give her comfort that she refuses to accept, as she blames herself for things she could have never foreseen.

To love a rescuer you must acknowledge the rage she feels towards the world at times, and know that anger is driven by a love of life too few have. You must give her space and room to cry and mourn for the losses that others have caused out of carelessness or cruelty.

To love a rescuer you must understand her passion to heal and save is a calling, not a choice. You must accept that to save animals is part of her soul and without that she could never be happy.

To love a rescuer you must be patient. You must accept her work comes first. She will forgo sleep, forgo food, forgo her life for animals in need. She will work tirelessly until her body and mind fail her completely and she cannot go on.

To Love a rescuer, you must be strong. You must not be threatened by her focus and love of animals. You must accept that the things you love about her, the strength and convictions and loyalty are also what drives her sense of duty to animals in need; you cannot have one without the other.

To love a rescuer you must never ask her to choose, because she will, and it will not be you. “

Thank you to whomever wrote this.

Author Unknown


A mystery illness is wreaking havoc on dogs in one Michigan county, with more than 30 canines dead from the disease.


Ever noticed those slits at the sides of a dog’s nose? Why do dogs have them?

Once again, nature proves her elegance in the design of our dogs. When we humans inhale and exhale, air comes in the same way it goes out. Any smells that come in through our mouths are forced out as we exhale.

When a dog exhales through his nose, however, the exhaled air is released through those slits and off to the side so that nice, smelly air going into the dog’s nostrils doesn’t get diluted with the outgoing air. Put another way, the slits allow the dog to avoid smelling what he just exhaled.

The slits help the dog hold scent particles in the nostrils even as exhaled air passing out the slits creates a swirling air turbulence allowing interesting odors to be inhaled directly into the centre of each nostril. Since dogs breathe faster when trying to sniff a certain smell, they widen their nostrils to pull in more air which makes it possible for a dog searching for smells to have a steady stream of air coming in for up to 40 seconds, maybe even longer.

The slits also allow dogs to wiggle each nostril independently which gives them the ability to know which nostril a smell entered. This is how a dog can pinpoint where a smell is coming from, and why a dog searching for smells on the ground will weave back and forth as he follows a trail.

We all know the superb smelling abilities of dogs, but let’s use an analogy between scent and sight to really put it into perspective: What we as humans can see at a third of a mile, our dog can see more than 3,000 miles away and still see as well.



Please ensure that if you are stuffing treat toys and freezing them for your pets to help keep them cool, dont forget to ensure there is a HOLE ALL OF THE WAY THROUGH IT.


Toys such as Kongs have 2 holes in their toys for a reason - TO PREVENT SUCTION.


When your pet licks at the contents of the toy or squeezes it in its mouth, their tongue can get SUCKED into the hole and get STUCK on the dogs tongue and cause horrific injuries to the point where the animal can actually die.

Having 2 HOLES in the toy PREVENTS this from happening.

So if you STUFF your toys with treats, push a straw through it to ensure the 2 HOLES ARE NOT BLOCKED.

If you are going to FREEZE the toy, do so with the straw in place and then REMOVE the straw before giving it to your pet.

So when buying your pet toys, please keep this in mind.

Hope this little tip helps you keep your animals safe!

Check the Chip Day While we at NISA hope your pet never gets loose or lost having the chip increases the likelihood you...

Check the Chip Day 

While we at NISA hope your pet never gets loose or lost having the chip increases the likelihood you will be reunited.

Round up your fur baby or babies and head on out to your vet's office to get their chips checked. Also, make certain your information is current where ever you have registered your pet and chip on a site such as HomeAgain.

Your pet or pets not chipped? Now is the time to think about it. You never know what can happen and one of them manages to get out.


With heat waves across the country, blue-green algae is popping up in new areas and posing an increased risk to pets. Found in lakes, ponds or any source of standing water, it is extremely toxic and consumption of it can be fatal.

Prevention is the best way to stop accidental poisoning, so keep an eye on pets when around water and follow our top tips.

We at NISA know you love your pets and do all you can to keep them healthy and safe.  But sometimes things happen.  A do...

We at NISA know you love your pets and do all you can to keep them healthy and safe. But sometimes things happen. A dog getting loose is one of those things. They can certainly be escape artists and sneak out before we can stop them. The McHenry Illinois Animal Control recently posted some proactive steps to keep our furkids safer.

Losing a pet can be devastating to a family, and it’s estimated that one in three pets will go missing in their lifetime. After a beloved pet goes missing, actions can be put into place to increase the odds of having it returned home. But the best way to avoid losing a pet is to take steps to prevent the animal from going missing in the first place.

Even if a pet is indoors-only, a natural disaster or a house visitor, especially a child, could unintentionally let a pet outside or leave a gate to a securely fenced area open. Planning ahead by having a pet microchipped is an effective way to keep tabs on a family pet should they ever go missing.

A microchip is a tiny, electronic chip the same size as a grain of rice. The chip contains only an identification number connected to the owner that helps veterinarians, law enforcement and animal control return pets more quickly and safely.

Having pets microchipped increases the odds of them returning home, especially if the microchip registry has up to date contact information for the pet owners. In June, McHenry County Animal Control was able to return seven dogs home quickly thanks to their microchip and owners who kept their contact information current.
Here are some suggestions for pet owners who want to prevent losing a four-legged family member:
• Microchip all pets, even if they are indoors-only. Most veterinarians and shelters have a universal scanner, which can read any kind of microchip.
• Register the microchip and keep contact information up to date on the microchip registry.
• Ensure pets have a secure collar with an ID tag but remember that collars can break or be removed.
• Follow the McHenry County requirement by keeping dogs leashed whenever they are off your property.
• Check leashes, collars and tie outs for wear and tear, periodically replace these items
• Secure the home and yard by checking the fencing around a property or other potential ways a pet could get out of a yard.
• Keep documents about a pet up to date, including photos, easy to locate in case there is a need to show proof of ownership.

Gastric dilation-volvulus (GDV) is the most dire health emergency that dogs can experience! To save a victim's life, eve...

Gastric dilation-volvulus (GDV) is the most dire health emergency that dogs can experience! To save a victim's life, every minute matters, so all dog owners should know the signs.

Click the link below to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of bloat in dogs:

Whole Dog Journal‘s mission is to provide dog guardians with in-depth information on dog food, training, behavior, health, and more.

It's almost the warm, summer season! And that means cyanobacteria blooms might start popping up around Clear Lake.  Be A...

It's almost the warm, summer season! And that means cyanobacteria blooms might start popping up around Clear Lake. Be AWARE of conditions and be PREPARED with knowledge!

For the most current cyanobacteria lake monitoring results please visit our partner's Big Valley Rancheria Cyanotoxin page at
Or visit their page Clear Lake Water Quality

For water quality or cyanobacteria questions you can call Water Resources at (707)263-2344 or DM here on the Facebook.

If you think you, a family member, or pet, have been exposed to cyanobacteria, please call Public Health - Lake County at (707)263-1090.

Are you prepared in case of fire?  While we at NISA hopes this never happens, being prepared can make all the difference...

Are you prepared in case of fire?

While we at NISA hopes this never happens, being prepared can make all the difference for your pets if there is a fire.

Remember, your pets are counting on you.

Please consider a donation to NISA. You can donate at

Thanks to CAL FIRE Riverside Fire Dept for the graphic.

All our NISA dogs hope you have a wonderful 4th of July.  Please keep your pets safe this weekend.  Thanks to National M...

All our NISA dogs hope you have a wonderful 4th of July. Please keep your pets safe this weekend. Thanks to National Mill Dog Rescue for the graphic.


Overheating in dogs is a dangerous situation that can prove fatal, so as pet parents it’s important to be aware of the signs...

Be watchful for your pups

Be watchful for your pups



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