Belle & Bigly : Service Dogs Extraordinaire

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Belle & Bigly : Service Dogs Extraordinaire It's a Dog's life

Belle's ashes will be handed over to me by MikeNewton sometime in the near future. He saved her collar, and her leash.Fr...

Belle's ashes will be handed over to me by MikeNewton sometime in the near future. He saved her collar, and her leash.
From what I understand she was being crated pretty much 24/7 for the past 5 weeks, and finally had a chance to be set free when Mike and Cindy took her home. In passing, I happened to mention that I had never owned a dog for 9 years, and that the 13th of October was our 9 year anniversary together. She passed away on the 11th of October.
I made sure that under no circumstance was he to assign any of the guilt to himself or Miss Cindy. I saw the pictures as did the rest of you. She was happy, and I can't help but think she passed away that way.
Remember, she was an epileptic dog who was having grand mal seizures every 10 to 13 days at the most, so she lived a very full life. Or who knows, maybe there is such a thing as a broken heart.
I can't even begin to tell you how much I loved that dog so I won't try to bother you with pointless sentiments, and bothersome wails of sorrow. You know how much I loved her, and you know how much she loved me.
Little did I know when Mike and Cindy promised that she could live out the rest of her days with them if need be that it would be in such a short amount of time.
I have no words to express my gratitude to Mike and Cindy for allowing her to be with them instead locked away in a crate, with a backyard that never got scooped after I had to leave her there because of the underhanded dealings of others.
I don't know why people say life is unfair, but I say life is damn fair for an unwanted 6 month old Belgian malinois puppy with epilepsy to find a 53-year-old ๐Ÿฆ“ who was just recovering from mitral valve replacement surgery. That's one helluva silver lining if you ask me.
I'm going to miss my bell bottom girl, but maybe it was her way of telling me it's time to prepare for the future. A future without her, and quite possibly a future in which I'm unable to live on my own if I even live.
My tears will be eternal.

Your comments are most appreciated before you make them so please understand if I don't answer at all. I've got too much thinking to do right now, way too much thinking, and I have to do it without Belle. ๐Ÿ’”

I can't even begin to tell you how many people have told me that they're a malinois lovers, and in the very same breath ...

I can't even begin to tell you how many people have told me that they're a malinois lovers, and in the very same breath tell me that they don't believe malinois are NOT good family dogs.
I say there's something wrong with your approach and opinion of all animals in general if you don't think you can convince one sentient being to accept another despite the difference in species.
You might be upset that I would challenge your opinion, but I'm not challenging your opinion. I'm doing my best to show you a different way to look at things and nothing more.
Good luck with that, and I hope your family doesn't get treated the same way you feel about malinois.
On a side note Miss Nova Lynne is Belle's third grandchild she has helped raise from birth. In fact the middle of the three got a visit from her in the hospital on the day of his birth. Had I not been ill the third time she would have done so as well.
Please consider another opinion even if you don't change your mind. This page is full of pictures of the potential that lies in your hands if you only approach it from a different angle.
Most of all, good luck to your pup.

Even when Belle was a 9 month old pup she didn't mess around.Please take some advice from a dog guy ... If you have to a...

Even when Belle was a 9 month old pup she didn't mess around.
Please take some advice from a dog guy ... If you have to ask if the dog bites , it's not a good idea for you to try to pet that particular dog.
Dogs require confidence first of anyone in their presence , or they take over automatically for their own safety's sake.
Some dogs get nervous , and some dogs become assertive.
Never ask to pet a dog you are concerned about. The dog already knows you're scared.


I just got a phone call from a West Virginia certified, former, military dog trainer who is not only willing to come to Johnson City, Tennessee and correct any issues she might find in Bell's training for FREE. Of course there are many because I'm not a professional. I'm not blind to that so don't get it fu**ed up.
That way I can have the certification that the VA is ra**ng veterans to try to afford. She said the same thing about it being absolutely in opposition of the federal guidelines because nobody can sue them. Who has the cash, when you're willing to eat walrus a**s just to feel your belly full for a change. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
Included in her offer is the name of a lawyer who works with them, and will take my case against the federal government for free. We're talking about a lawyer who practices law in federal court. I have never been more assured of the fact that I have this s**t under control.
That means if I ever had to go to stay at the VA for any reason except for being in a comatose state, I could leave little Bigly with Stephanie for a spell, and I could still take Belle with me no matter what they said. I'll have the certifications. Get fu***ng real man. That's the most cruel prank phone call ever. But it's not a joke I've checked them out online.
I guess you thought I was joking when I said earlier in a post, that I changed the world today. Not by myself mind you, but my world looks different in an instantaneous moment from so many angles that I realize now I was allowing things that are inevitable, and unavoidable on my part to hold me back from hurtling into my future at 100 miles an hour down the highway on a custom made 1954 Harley-Davidson Panhead FL like I used to. Of course it would have to be my hand that was doing as much work as possible. Just like with Belle.
No rear view mirrors, no speedometer, no front brake, no goddamn turn signals, and if I see a front fender anywhere near it I'm smashing it with my old framing hammer, and most importantly ; no fake, so-called American made when they're actually outsourced aftermarket parts.
It feels the same to me right now except my balls aren't vibrating as near bad as they used to. Hopefully I'll get there quicker than I'm thinking I will because this neuropathy is a fu***ng bitch man. ๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜Ž
Don't leave your scooter in my driveway Mike Newton. It might not be there when you get back because I'm willing to bet anybody right now that I could jump on a mid-20th century, kickstart Harley-Davidson, with a gravity-fed carburetor instead of fuel injection, a jockey shift or su***de shift, a rear brake only, and run that son of a bitch as hard as it's ever been run.. LOL
Wuddunn ! Wuddunnnnn !
Damn I better start saving some money before it's too late.
I didn't mean I changed the entire world. I can only be held responsible for mine when it comes down to it. I ripped a hole right in the middle of it today.
You don't know how sorry I am for that mental image. ๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›


Let me preface this post by saying how much I apologize for the lack of punctuation, but that's not what's important to me at this point. It's the context of the message and I think it's clear if you'll read to the end.
There has been a continual and steady physical decline that seems to be exponentially worse this past 2 months than any other time on my journey in so far as my medical condition this past 62+ years. It's been serious enough for me to have to make some hard choices. Harder than You may know, but I don't believe many of you are doubting how hard it is because I know who you are as people or you wouldn't be my friend in the first place.
I had to do what's best for HarmonyMansonDahmerVarmity yesterday and rehome her. Oh don't worry she's in a way better home than she had here and she's mine if I ever get to a place where I feel as if I can take care of her again but I can't and I know I won't.
That being said, the parakeet rehabber Leigh has agreed to allow me to bring Perry and Sherry back to her care because it's the same situation with them. I'm not able to care for them like I should be able to. It's not that they're suffering here, it's that I'm relying on other people in that respect and it's not their responsibility, it's mine and mine alone, and those little birds deserve better.
If I'm forced to do it I know for a fact that Bigly can go back home with Stephanie, and if she decides it's too much stress on her my friend John Robert Smith told me more than a year ago that if I ever need to find him a home because I'm unable and incapable of providing a good home for him that he would be willing to give Bigly a home at his house with his little wiener dog chico, and his cat Roscoe. I have no doubt and no questions about the fact that Bigly would forget about me in no time, and adjust quickly to surroundings where he had a big yard to run around in again and such and such.
I have Rae Charles to consider and I'm absolutely stumped in so far as what to do for him. I want to try as hard as I can to get resettled somewhere so I don't have to rehome him because he's going on 7 years old, he's absolutely blind, and he trusts no one to touch him save myself and Stephanie my helper.
If anyone would be willing to adopt Rae Charles and give him a high quality of life for his remaining years I would truly consider allowing him to go on the path that is best for him. I don't have any trouble taking care of him except for this fact that Stephanie has been scooping his box for me four times a week when she comes. I'm nearly incapable of doing that any longer. I can from time to time but it takes a monumental effort, and a full mornings worth of planning and trying to come up with the energy to do it.
That leaves me with Belle. I'm sure she would thrive anywhere else she went after a slight adjustment. I don't want to convince myself that she can't because I know better.
She's a particularly difficult dog to handle at times ... For everyone that she doesn't accept. That's everyone. LOL
If I can't find a suitable home for her if that's what the situation comes down to I will only have one option but to take her to the veterinarian and have her put to sleep because I know that's what they would end up doing with her at a shelter because of her particular personality type. People don't have time to work with dogs. They only have time to allow dogs to do what they have time for dogs to do.
Anyway my situation is becoming dire and I'm scared I'm going to have to go to the VA and apply for a room in the domiciliary so I can be around 24 hour medical care or at least within an arm's reach of it, and I'm more worried that if I go there they'll want to put me in the nursing home instead of allowing me to live in the domiciliary with the rest of the veterans on campus
Like I said if anyone would be willing to adopt a blind cat who is no trouble whatsoever as far as cats go I would be willing to allow Rae Charles to move along, so he can live with somebody who can scoop his box whether or not anybody else shows up on any particular day.
Hopefully if you're reading this and you know me you understand how difficult this truly is for me. I hope you also know how much I don't mind it being difficult for me as long as my animals are able to find somewhere safe where I will be guaranteed they won't be discarded like trash. And that goes for Belle too.
If anyone would be willing or interested in providing my 9 and 1/2-year-old Belgian malinois a good home, somewhere she can be a dog again instead of my slave I would be more than happy to pay you anything that I could afford. All of her dog tack will go along with her which has a value of more than $1,000 retail. A lot more than $1,000 retail. I made sure I spent money on things she needed before I'd buy my own food.
If nothing else, and if you happen to be local and interested in helping me foster my cat to see how things might work out before you have to take him to the animal shelter I would be willing to consider any option. I only want what's best for my critters.
This isn't a plea for pity and f**k you if that's what you think it is. This is my cry for help, and I don't know how to ask any other way than to be forthright about what's going on. I'm not able to care for my animals on my own any longer. That's what's going on.
I hope that clears up any further questions, and please feel free to hit me up on my messenger or you can call me on my phone at 423-676-2551 and I'll happily field your call. If you don't mind and decide to holler at me shoot me a text real quick so I'll know it's you and not be tempted to ignore the call.
And yes you can imagine the level of shame I feel for not even being able to keep my word to these little animals who have provided me with a quality of life I wouldn't have been able to find on my own. That's my issue now not theirs and I feel like I've used them in some way just to make me feel good. Maybe I have, but my willingness and ability to send Harmony off to a better home yesterday brought into clear focus for me the fact that I have the strength to do with best for them, so I'm hoping I can take solace in that fact as I face an uncertain, and terrifying future.

... and there are other times that you can't possibly ever understand how valuable a service dog's job can be no matter ...

... and there are other times that you can't possibly ever understand how valuable a service dog's job can be no matter how I try to explain it to you. Without my pups, these bouts of week-long or more insomnia would be laughless, and quite possibly (probably) life ending.
In the past I would have to go to the hospital to have them knock me out, but for some reason I'm able to get through it with my only reasons for still being here.
My children already understand the possible culmination of my future, but my pups never would and I could never imagine leaving them behind to live on without me. So I remain as much as it dispares me for their sake alone.
I do it because they've already saved my life every single day for nearly a decade now, and I see no other way for me to make it to the next day without them.
I owe them my life, and I'm committed to try my very best to stick it out so they don't have to live a single day without me. I know how much it would destroy their trust in humans.


Please don't forget to not only NEVER judge someone with a dog even if you don't think it's a service dog, but whatever ...

Please don't forget to not only NEVER judge someone with a dog even if you don't think it's a service dog, but whatever you do, don't distract a service dog while it's on duty.
No matter what you think, they may be doing their most important work of the day, and the fact of the matter is ; you're probably wrong.


I'll never forget how scared I was to switch Belle from actual homemade cannabutter to CBD oil 1 1/2 years ago.When I fi...

I'll never forget how scared I was to switch Belle from actual homemade cannabutter to CBD oil 1 1/2 years ago.
When I first got her it was no more than about 2 weeks when I realized she was having grand mal seizures about every 10 to 13 days. I immediately started dipping into my own w**d stash to make sure she had cannabutter to see if it would keep her seizure free.
She was for nearly 7 years, so you can imagine how terrified I was to try something different after making the deal with my doctor that I would stop smoking w**d.
It's been 4 months short of 9 years that she's been seizure free now.
After the Covid 19 pandemic hit, Charlotte's Web CBD oil, which is specifically marketed for epileptic seizures in children raised their prices by more than double, which of course put it way out of my financial reach.
After doing my diligent research I realized that Charlotte's Web CBD oil was no different than any other full spectrum CBD oil. That gave me some confidence when ordering CBD full spectrum from . They wanted the same price for the same size bottle that Charlotte's Web was charging me when I first started her on it.
That was a year and a half ago.
17% of all dogs suffer seizures, and many of their owners don't notice or realize it because many times it happens in their sleep.
If your dog has trouble waking up in the morning, seemingly has trouble with grogginess at some point in the daytime, or shows any other signs of seizures, I recommend you try the product I'm showing you in the picture below.
Each bottle lasts about 6 months, and she gets her dose every morning without fail. In fact I remember her medicine much more easily than I'm reminded of my own. Thankfully she cares about my medication as much as I care about hers, and she'll jump up to run and get mine as soon as she hears my alarm go off. is responsible for the continued health, and quality of life that my precious service dog for almost 9 years, "Belle" continues to enjoy without gouging me just because they can. And it cast a very disparaging light on the people at who were marketing their product because they just cared so much. What a f****** joke.
Almost 9 years without a seizure after an average of one every 10 to 13 days for the first 7 1/2 to 8 months of her life. No wonder she couldn't stand anybody, and everybody was scared to pick her from the breeders. And it's no wonder she is so dedicated to me.


Miss Belle is always ready.

It's called a "Softlead" by a company called "Bold Designs". I've had it quite a few years, but I haven't really utilize...

It's called a "Softlead" by a company called "Bold Designs".
I've had it quite a few years, but I haven't really utilized it much until lately, here around the house.
I only recommend it for the most experienced of dog handlers, and the benefits for the dog are well worth the short amount of time it takes learn how to use it because it's not cumbersome in any way at all.
It might not look secure, but it held fast as a large dog was chasing Belle and myself down the street, and barking at us while I was in my electric wheelchair one day. It didn't look like it was trying to come off at all.
It's so lightweight, easy to put on and take off, and gives me the same result as a full head harness, while giving Belle the ol' "I'm wearing flip-flops" feeling.

He's doing better than yesterday, but he still doesn't appear to appreciate being the target/subject of my head halter t...

He's doing better than yesterday, but he still doesn't appear to appreciate being the target/subject of my head halter training project.
He literally zones out to space after his initial display of nose rubbing, indignation at the very thought of having to wear a head halter.
He really can use the extra training like any dog, so don't let him fool you with those warm, inviting Bigly eyes.
He's going to start wearing it untilmh acts as
If he's not wearing it, and can walk at heel without breaking stride.

Bigly is on storm patrol.(captions) ๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ๐Ÿฆฎ

Bigly is on storm patrol.

Belle has her "Scarydog" collar on today.  I never take her out with it on after the only time I did because people's te...

Belle has her "Scarydog" collar on today.
I never take her out with it on after the only time I did because people's terrified reactions. It was rather funny.

Bigly is 13 lb of K9 TNT.๐Ÿ’ฅ ๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ

Bigly is 13 lb of K9 TNT.๐Ÿ’ฅ

Look who gets all the attention at my doctor's appointments. Bigly is everybody's favorite when he comes with me to my a...

Look who gets all the attention at my doctor's appointments. Bigly is everybody's favorite when he comes with me to my appointments. From the receptionist to the nurses to Dr Partain herself.
Dr. Partain is my favorite doctor EVER. She listens and tells me the truth, plus she treats me, and my family like her family.
I've never had a doctor tell me that she loves me to death before. Now that I think about it she probably will. LOL I can't imagine going to a different doctor now.
If you happen to be local to Johnson City and are looking for a good doctor, is the place to go.

What !?  Service dogs get hot too. ๐Ÿฆฎ

What !? Service dogs get hot too.

I've been very fortunate when it comes to training the last 2 dogs I've had. Both of them are exceedingly intelligent, a...

I've been very fortunate when it comes to training the last 2 dogs I've had. Both of them are exceedingly intelligent, and each is more than willing to learn any task put before them.
From the moment I wake up in the morning until I lay down at night, my dog are there to assisst me more than I can even accurately describe. Every single day they get my clothes that I set out the night before, Belle helps me sit up first thing in the morning in bed, or brings me a pillow, or a blanket, or picks up a dropped lighter, or my keys, and everything else you can possibly imagine, they are there to help me.
There are certain tasks that little Mr. Bigly is just not capable of performing because he lacks the size, and weight that's required to perform them, but I still treat him when Belle gets a treat because he responds to the request as if he actually could help me with my mobility, or pick up heavier items. He's all about "the task".

Today in Bigly news. ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ

Today in Bigly news.

I included a pic of my grandpuppy Atlas at the end. He's not my service dog, but I take him outside everyday in exchange...

I included a pic of my grandpuppy Atlas at the end.
He's not my service dog, but I take him outside everyday in exchange for my daughter feeding HarmonyMansonDahmerVarmity (my 4 1/2 yr. old sugar glider rescue) on the 3 days per week that my home healthcare worker isn't scheduled to come.
It's a lot easier for me to take him out with my dogs than it is for me to stand up in the kitchen for 10 minutes, and put her daily meal together. Afterall he's family.
I'll eventually figure this camera out ...
.. hopefully.

Living with two young children means living with a few messes around the house. Messes that are due to living with small...

Living with two young children means living with a few messes around the house. Messes that are due to living with small children.
For some reason, Bigly decided he's had enough, and decided to help the kids pick up their shoes on the deck. He did it all on his own. I never asked him at first, and he brought me every single shoe he found. He brought me one black sock as well. LOL
Of course I played along because anytime I can train it's time to train, and this is one of the Bigly's biggest responsibilities every night when he gets my ๐Ÿ’– medicine.

A good dog will take their place without being directed to do so.Bigly and Belle are really good dogs. ๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ๐Ÿฆฎ

A good dog will take their place without being directed to do so.
Bigly and Belle are really good dogs.

 ๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ๐Ÿฆฎ ๐Ÿ’–


Since I switched up their food from Purina brands to   about 5 months ago, there's been no undue chewing, scratching, or...

Since I switched up their food from Purina brands to about 5 months ago, there's been no undue chewing, scratching, or paw licking for both of muh๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ๐Ÿฆฎmutts.
The same can be said for the gastrointestinal issues Belle was dealing with. They're 100% gone, and seemingly overnight.
None of my dogs used to have allergy issues with dog food, but they're obviously doing something different with the ingredients if both of my dogs were affected by it. I'd wager it's all cheaper, no doubt.
With the way things are with the economy and whatnot, there's no telling how much the same size bag of dog food will cost next month, but right now it's right at $1.00 a pound give or take, making this 40 lb. bag $42.summpin' with tax. It's well worth it.

 ๐Ÿฆฎ๐Ÿ•โ€๐ŸฆบPeople who believe that there are only certain breeds of dogs who can be service dogs should see little Bigly work,...

People who believe that there are only certain breeds of dogs who can be service dogs should see little Bigly work, and Belle deserves more credit for his training than I do.


She said, "That's amazing ! I didn't know miniature dachshunds could be trained to be service dogs. I have a miniature dachshund" .
I said, "Now you know".

Bigly the charmer went to work with me today. Every single person who laid eyes on him swooned right before my own eyes....

Bigly the charmer went to work with me today. Every single person who laid eyes on him swooned right before my own eyes.
There was a group of children in the doctor's office who wanted to pet him, but their grandmother said, "Remember what we learned yesterday ?" .
I waved at them as we went by, and on the way back I parked right next to them to tell them how much I appreciated them for following good service dog etiquette.
Then the petting began. Bigly remained calm throughout it all, and that's good because I had 9 other people to talk to dogs about today. Lol
I found out that the middle child, a brother of the 3 was 5 years old, and his name was Orion. He was so shy at first, but he was willing to let me know that his name wasn't Larry, or Harvey, or Milton, or Rastus. In fact he finally gave up his name, and age after deciding I'm not as grumpy as I look.
Oh, the name ? His name is Orion, and on my way back out he was talking to me as if we were old friends. ๐Ÿ˜Š
Not one single person that I interacted with seemed capable of resisting Bigly's charms.
Amazingly a 5 year old was the one who set the example for the rest of them, and a pup like this made them all realize a little more about service dogs than what they believed. Of course that has everything to do with my advocating about service dog etiquette.
Good boy Bigly. Brava hund.๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ

Did you know that service dogs come in all shape, size, gender, age,color and breed,  and they do all kinds of jobs. A l...

Did you know that service dogs come in all shape, size, gender, age,color and breed, and they do all kinds of jobs. A lot of the time you don't even recognize it as such.
That brings us to this point.
This is where you mind your own business if you're not the person with the dog whether you like it or not, but we all know people could NEVER do that because people know everything. Even whey know they don't.
The ADA (AmericansWithDisabilitiesAct) revised guidelines for service dogs defines a service dog as ANY dog that's been trained to assist it's disabled handler.
There are no rules about what kind of dog, what age, what breed, what color, or anything else. The trainer is unspecified as well.
This is where so many people who are up in arms and offended if our dog makes a mistake in public get things mixed up, and believe what they think instead of believing the facts.
FACT : No matter who trains the dog, and no matter how highly trained the dog is, a dog can and will make mistakes from time to time.
This is where so many service dog handlers go wrong.
FACT : If your dog is disruptive, and you don't/won't take immediate control, you can be asked to leave an establishment. If your dog toilets inappropriately and you don't clean it up, you can be asked to leave an establishment.
FACT : Other than that people have to leave you alone, so don't be scared to straighten people out when you see them giving you those looks. It's pretty funny sometimes.
And it's the law.
FACT : It's the law.
The stipulation is : You have to be "legally" disabled as defined by a doctor, and the dog must be trained to assist you individually, no matter who does the training.

My puppy-n-me.Bedtime ๐ŸŒ™ for Bigly.๐Ÿ• ๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ

My puppy-n-me.
Bedtime ๐ŸŒ™ for Bigly.๐Ÿ•

It's shameful to think how many people take no heed to the pleadings of disabled people with service dogs, to the point ...

It's shameful to think how many people take no heed to the pleadings of disabled people with service dogs, to the point endangering us.
It's as if they have some kind of cock-a-mamie belief that disabled people with service dogs who're out in public are there for their personal entertainment.
I say, "Step off as***le, this ain't no petting zoo". At least that's what I say to the people who seem bound, and determined to make it difficult for me to be in public with a service dog. The kids get to pet Belle or Bigly for the most part.
Sadly though, I've been having to say it for nearly a decade with no real evidence that I eventually won't have to say it. L๐Ÿ˜กl.

Belle is such a dog. X-Man (Xander) was the 1st of my Tennessee grandkids that she got to call her own, but she's allowe...

Belle is such a dog.
X-Man (Xander) was the 1st of my Tennessee grandkids that she got to call her own, but she's allowed her complete obsession with him to be no less than equalled with each subsequent grandchild.
Belle listened to Xander a lot better at this age, but that's because Xander focused more on learning to work with her. Orion just isn't into it, and Nova Lynne is still an itty bitty.
Every day you can see an instant transformation take place in her as soon as she realizes the kids are awake, and moving about the house. She's like What ?! A fresh kid ... ! ..... and she's off to obsess, and fawn over the next newest, daily grandchild.
But please, don't concern yourself with her well-being. She still gets plenty of ear pulling, tail stretches, eye pokes, climbed all all over, ever-lovin' belly rubs, and pets from all of us.
Like I said time, and time again. Such a dog is she.๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ

Bigly.๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ•



Listen to Bigly growl as soon as he gets his assignment.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿข๐Ÿ•ก


Presenting Bigly in : Conversations With Muh Mutt.

It's easy to see why my dogs are so happy to see the person who delivers my meal everyday.Even though the chicken, pork,...

It's easy to see why my dogs are so happy to see the person who delivers my meal everyday.
Even though the chicken, pork, fish, or whatever the entree is mught be too processed, and Industrialized for my taste, it's still real meat BABY !
I slice it, dice it, dry it, and the dogs go crazy for it. One can even hear Rae Charles vocalizing his love for them.

Atlas isn't just my grandpuppy, he's my pal. ๐Ÿ•

Atlas isn't just my grandpuppy, he's my pal.

My Belle.๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ

My Belle.๐Ÿ’–

 ๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ ๐Ÿ’–


The girls at   made me laugh because they remembered Bigly by name.Just like the last time we were there, they fawned al...

The girls at made me laugh because they remembered Bigly by name.
Just like the last time we were there, they fawned all over him, and I could hear them in the background giving him high compliments on his behavior in a conversation between them.
That makes me feel good as his trainer/handler, and gives me confidence in my abilities.

Belle's Italian leather, soft handle stability harness is made by  .The sheepskin is real, the stitching is impeccable a...

Belle's Italian leather, soft handle stability harness is made by .
The sheepskin is real, the stitching is impeccable as is the quality of the rest of the work and the hardware, and it doesn't even weigh one pound. It seems to be comfortable enough for her to wear throughout the day. I have other rigid handled harnesses, but they serve a different purpose.
This is great for around the house when I need somewhere to grab just for a second, and since she's such a good dog she's always seemingly right there when I need her.







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