Turtle Rescue & Rehab Program
The Turtle Rescue, Rehabilitation, and Placement program, TRRP (pronounced "terp") was set up by the Turtle and Tortoise Society of Charleston as a way to prevent the proverbial "road kill" from becoming a fatality. As such, TRRP will accept any turtle found ill or injured in the wild with the hope of healing their wounds and eventually releasing healthy turtles back into the wild. TRRP is working with the Sea Island Veterinary Hospital's Wildlife Rehabilitation Program to ensure that any turtle in need will receive the best veterinary care available in the Tri-County area.
TRRP is in need of donations of many kinds to aid in maintaining this program. Donations of turtle care supplies, aquariums, (broken or whole), medical supplies, food, whole fish, and money would be greatly appreciated and benefit our shelled friends. Call for information, donations and/or with turtles in need of help.
Turtles which are handicapped, permanently disabled, or which are not native to South Carolina will be placed through the society's adoption program with dedicated turtle lovers who will ensure the turtles enjoy a healthy and happy captive life.
Below are a few of TRRP's success stories. Just click on the photo icon to view the full size image.
Plastron of injured Yellow Belly Slider
Kemps Ridley Sea Turtle that swallowed a fishing hook
Box turtle injured by automobile
Snapping Turtle
Gopher Tortoise
Box Turtle Chew Toy
Redfoot Tortoise
The TTSC is a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
Mail Check to: TTSC, P.O. Box 687, Ladson, SC 29456, (843)871-6606 INTERNET:
E-mail: [email protected]
Or you can reach out to me and I can get them from you and I will be sure that they get them.