Noah's Arks Rescue

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Noah's Arks Rescue | Jennifer Smith President, Noah's Arks Rescue | We supply emergency medical & surgical care to abused animals.

We are a 501c3 not-for-profit rescue. Please, help us help them by DONATING toward their care |


Please nominate us for a chance to win $70,000 for our sweet pups. Click on link below. LAST DAY .

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Hours of Operation:
10 AM - 6 PM, Mon-Sat
1 PM - 5PM, Sun

BEAUFORT, SC....6 m/o German Shepherd Puppy starved and left to DIE.  Please, Help Us, Help Him by DONATING.https://www....

BEAUFORT, SC....6 m/o German Shepherd Puppy starved and left to DIE. Please, Help Us, Help Him by DONATING.

Beaufort, SC....The saying, "When it Rains, it Pours," has never been more accurate than this past week. Tropical Storm Debby overflowed a bucket that was already full. We were already dealing with a lot of the pups in our Care. The older pups in hospice need more medical Care to give them the quality of life they deserve. The newer pups are still in the critical stages of healing, figuring out their personalities, and determining what they can tolerate regarding rehab.

No matter how hard we work, the list gets longer and never shorter. Then Debby blows in, which should be a minor blip on the radar, but NO, she drops more rain and wind than is humanly possible and decides she likes the Lowcountry as much as we do and does not want to leave. During all this rain, one of the 5-ton A/C units on the NAR Rehab Center side decided it would not work during the hottest time of year. We are in the process of ordering what we need for that.

God knows what next week will bring, but for now, we will tell you about the sweetest German Shepherd, Puppy, who was abandoned to die.

Murphy was found abandoned in someone's yard. Starved and not able to eat or drink water without throwing up blood-tinged food. This sweet 6-month-old Shepherd was on his last breath when he was taken to Greenville County Animal Care Services. When it became apparent Murphy would not survive, we were contacted as a Last Resort. On a Wing and a Prayer, we offered to do everything we could to save Murphy and had him taken to CVRC in Charleston, SC.

Poor Murphy had a fever, was dehydrated, and was unable to eat or take in fluids. His body score told us he had been this way for a while. IV lines and a feeding tube were put in to give Murphy the fluids and meds he needed. Murphy smelled so bad from all of the diarrhea that he had to be cleaned before they could fully access him. Nothing is sadder than having a starved puppy that is ravenous but unable to keep food down.

Our sweet pup was loaded with parasites, which added to his diarrhea but did not account for how debilitated he was. He either had an obstruction, a transient intussusception that self-resolved, or he was hit by a car. His X-rays did not show any of that. Given all of the garbage he had been eating and an overload of parasites, the likely scenario was he had a transient intussusception that resolved and would no longer show up on x-rays.

Critical Care took over his treatment and left no stone unturned. Murphy got 24-hour Care, stealing the hearts of everyone who worked on him. Murphy would improve a little bit each day, and more tests were added that he could tolerate. After four days in Critical Care, Murphy began to perk up and became more animated. He was able to eat small meals and keep them down. He still had bloody diarrhea, but it was improving. Small Miracles all along the way of his recovery kept us going forward.

Murphy finally had enough energy to stand up and walk, which made everyone cheer. The next couple of months were critical for our tiny Shepherd. We finally got to bring Murphy to our rehab facility, where he has slowly regained his strength and ability to eat. He is growing like a w**d and feels well enough to run around and play with the other pups. It has taken us months to rid his body of parasites and get him on a good feeding schedule where he no longer has to eat special food.

Murphy is going to be a magnificent German Shepherd. In the last couple of months, we have gotten to know his personality, and he is sweet and playful with every dog he is around. Murphy is going to make the best pet for a fortunate Family.

In the meantime, we must raise the funds to cover his ICU and Veterinary bills. Please Donate as much as you can so we can help more pups like Murphy get the help they need to Survive and Thrive.


We are hiring! If you have a strong love for what we do and would like to join our team please see below.

Job description:
* Thursday-Friday-Saturday
* 7:00am to 5:00pm
* We are a Not for Profit that saves Abused Dogs in out Rehab Facility designed like a home for the dogs we take on.
* Smoke free environment.
* Be able to pay close attention to detail, observant, follow directions, quick thinker and positive attitude.
* Good driving record to transport dogs.
* Majority of day will be spent outside.
* Feed, exercise, play, love and tend to the medical needs of our very special dogs.
* Administer and Record Keeping of medications.
* Be flexible when emergencies happen with dogs.
* Daily laundry, cleaning of kennels, center and yard.
Job Type: Part-time
Pay: $12.00 - $15.00 per hour
Expected hours: 30 per week
* Health insurance
* 10 hour shift
Supplemental Pay:
* Bonus opportunities

If interested please email your resume and/or qualifications to [email protected]

Treasure is Thriving at Noah's Arks Rescue we continue our ...

Treasure is Thriving at Noah's Arks Rescue

As we continue our relentless efforts to care for our furry friends, we find ourselves facing a crucial need. We are currently short-staffed and in dire need of a qualified individual with Vet Tech or Kennel Tech experience. This role is vital in ensuring the well-being of our dogs. If you know someone who fits the bill, please consider recommending them to us.

Adorable Treasure has stolen the hearts of everyone, including the dogs at Noah's Ark Rescue. When we first rescued him, he was reticent and emaciated. He eats like a champ and demands food by screaming at us when he thinks it is time to eat. The funny thing is that we have an alarm to tell us it is time for his feeding. He screams like a banshee right before the alarm goes off. Treasure has become our alarm system. His weight is now a whopping 12 lbs. 11 ounces.

His bloodwork is remarkable, considering he was almost dead the first month we had him. The biggest problem we are dealing with is his inability to walk. It appears he never got to leave his kennel or learn to walk. We have to work with him in his cart and also work with his legs to build muscle. We each take an animal's ability to walk for granted since they learn it very young. An older dog that has never walked is something we are not familiar with. We are determined to get him walking either in his cart or as a tripod.

The new Life Treasure has is something to behold. He loves being around other dogs, and they love giving him kisses. His entire personality has changed over the past several months. He is no longer scared and loves being held. He stands in his cart and listens to all the sounds of the dogs around him while getting slight glimpses with his diminished eyesight.

To say Treasure is cherished is an understatement. He is loved and adored in a million different ways, and he loves it. Our sweet boy goes back and forth to the vet to stay on top of his medical needs. His blood and urine panels show us he is thriving under our care. Our primary focus now is getting him to walk and having a special cart built for him, given his limitations.

We are deeply grateful for the support and love you've shown Treasure. Your contributions have truly made a difference in his life. Thank you for giving Treasure the Gift of Life.

CLOUD has had her surgery and is doing AMAZING.  Please, Help Us, Help HER by DONATING.

CLOUD has had her surgery and is doing AMAZING. Please, Help Us, Help HER by DONATING.

After a long wait, Sweet Cloud finally had surgery to repair the fracture in her neck. Following her time at CVRC, Cloud was transferred to Live Oak Veterinary Specialists under the care of our esteemed Neurosurgeon, Dr. Jason King, with the support of our caring community.

Dr. King's vigilance in monitoring Cloud's progress and his regular communication with the CVRC Neuro Team underscores her treatment's ongoing and complex nature. Dr. King was confident he could do the surgery to repair her fracture and adjust the fluid from her hydrocephalus.

The spine comprises small bones called vertebrae, which surround and protect the spinal cord. The first and second vertebrae in the neck are called the atlas and the axis. These two vertebrae form what is called the atlantoaxial joint (AA). Atlantoaxial subluxation is a partial dislocation of the two vertebrae. It occurs when the connection between the first and second vertebrae is unstable and usually results in spinal cord compression.

We do not know what caused Cloud's AA subluxation, but based on how she cowers in certain circumstances, we suspect she was either kicked or hit. AA subluxation can be genetic or occur as a result of trauma and disruption of the connection between these two vertebrae. This condition is more common in toy and small-breed dogs.

The severity of clinical signs depends on the degree of spinal cord injury. Mild clinical signs include neck pain or an uncoordinated gait. More severely affected animals may be unable to walk. Cloud's condition became more severe each day she was left untreated.

Cloud's recovery after her surgery is nothing short of remarkable. She no longer has to wear a brace and has shown no signs of having issues walking. She is still on cage rest for the next four weeks, but her progress fills us with hope and optimism.

It is hard to believe how much better Cloud is doing. All of her issues have come from an injury that fractured her and caused her to develop hydrocephalus. Our sweet girl will make a fantastic pup for any family that does not have small children. She loves everyone and every dog. She is a fabulous pup in every way.

We are deeply grateful for the support we've received so far. Now, we need to raise funds for her surgical procedure. Every part of her recovery has been beyond expensive. We are raising funds, but we need everyone to please donate. Cloud has her Life back because of all the medical and surgical care she has received. Once she recovers, she can run around and play like other puppies her age.

Please Donate toward Cloud's medical bills. Your contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in Cloud's Life. Please consider donating and sharing Cloud's story with your friends and family to pay her surgical bill.

BEAUFORT, SC....Adorable 2 y/o Lab Mix has spinal injury and can't walk.  Please, Help Us, Help HER by DONATING.https://...

BEAUFORT, SC....Adorable 2 y/o Lab Mix has spinal injury and can't walk. Please, Help Us, Help HER by DONATING.

BEAUFORT, SC....Cloud is a two-year-old lab mix puppy picked up as a stray a week ago with her brother. Her brother was very rambunctious, and Cloud was very reserved and shy. BCACS found a foster for this special girl since she was so quiet. Right after Cloud arrived, the foster noticed she was holding her neck as if it bothered her. Once the foster realized Cloud needed medical care, BCACS and the foster asked for help with this precious puppy.

I made arrangements with a local vet and had x-rays done. Nothing abnormal was found. Cloud was sent home with the foster and progressively went downhill. The following morning, Cloud lost the use of her front legs and did not want to move at all. I made arrangements for Cloud to be taken to CVRC in Charleston. Bloodwork and more X-rays were done in addition to a tick panel. Cloud was going downhill, and we still did not have any answers.

Critical Care and Neurology were both involved in evaluating her. An MRI was done that showed Cloud had hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus in dogs is where an excess of cerebrospinal fluid has leaked inside the dog's skull. The MRI also showed an area at the base of the skull that appeared to be blocked. We were not sure if we were dealing with an inflammatory condition, a fracture that could have caused a clot from an injury, or something genetic.

A spinal tap needed to be done, but we still needed more information. The following day, a CAT scan was done, and it revealed a small fracture near where the fluid was blocked. I now had three Neurologists and Specialists involved in figuring out the initial reason for the lameness and what could be done now. A spinal tap was done and sent out to be analyzed.

Cloud is the perfect name for this beautiful pup since her injuries and conditions have created the Perfect Storm of events. Our Neurologist, Dr. McManemon, decided something had to be done to stabilize Cloud's neck while we were waiting for the spinal tap and tick panel results. Dr. McManemon and her staff made a neck brace for Cloud. It appears to work in the interim while we wait for the results. Cloud can walk around and is much more comfortable.

In the meantime, we have some unbelievably high bills with ICU, MRI, CAT Scan, and all the special tests that had to be done. We have not even gotten to the part where we can do surgery for the hydrocephalus or repair the fracture.

With your help, we can give this puppy a good prognosis for a great Life. We need to determine what has caused all of her issues. Thanks for caring about Cloud and all the other pups in our care. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Our Beautiful Mastiff, MAYA has torn part of her knee ligaments and needs TPLO Surgery.  Please, Help Us, Help HER by DO...

Our Beautiful Mastiff, MAYA has torn part of her knee ligaments and needs TPLO Surgery. Please, Help Us, Help HER by DONATING.

Sweet Maya has had more complicated surgeries than any dog we have had. No one thought Maya would survive after her pelvis was crushed. We did everything possible to give her the best chance of surviving and thriving. Our biggest obstacle was that Maya was a 100 lb. mastiff, and she had lost all support in her rear legs when her pelvis was crushed.

Our biggest obstacle was holding Maya up without damaging the remaining functioning legs. After six months of rehab, Maya was finally able to walk on her own. It wasn't pretty since her pelvis was still very sore, but she was given the go-ahead to move around once her fixtures were removed.

Dr. Sura explained that Maya's biggest problem was tearing something in her legs while holding up her massive weight. We did everything Dr. Sura told us to, and it worked. Maya's legs got stronger, her posture was great, and she was not favoring one leg over another. Maya started going on longer walks and loved playing with the Littles during their playtime.

Life was great for this amazing pup until, one day, she suddenly became lame and did not want to walk. We managed to get her to the hospital, and x-rays were done. It was determined that Maya had fluid on her knee. A culture was taken, and she was put on appropriate antibiotics. Unfortunately, that was only part of the problem. Dr. Sura was concerned she had torn her cruciate ligament and needed a CAT scan or MRI to determine the reason for her lameness.

It was confirmed that dear Maya had a partial tear of her craniomedial band, and her medial meniscus was intact. Our special girl needed TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy) Surgery. The good news is we caught the tear in time before she damaged more ligaments. Dr. Seibert was on-call for her procedure and was excited to spend some time with our gentle Mastiff.

Maya's surgery went well, and she tolerated the procedure as well as expected. The only issue was Maya did not like being in the hospital after all of her other procedures, and her intestinal tract was in an uproar over it. It was not pleasant for our special girl for the next couple of days. It seemed like every medication to control her pain made her sick, which created more pain. It was a vicious cycle, and everyone felt terrible for Maya. The good news is her GI System settled down when we got her back to our Rehab Facility.

Maya is getting much sympathy from all of the Littles she plays with. She will be back in fit form in no time. Sadly, the surgeons informed me that her other knee would do the same thing since she is now favoring it while she heals. We will cross that bridge when or if it happens. In the meantime, we have our sweet Maya back on her feet one more time.

TPLO Surgery and everything that happened before she could have surgery has cost us a fortune. Please, DONATE whatever you can for this special girl.

On another note, Treasure has gained almost half a pound and is beginning to go forward in his cart. He is happy and vocal and loves chatting in the morning. His legs are finally gaining enough strength to move slowly in the cart. He is still very thin, but nothing compared to how he was. His blood values have also improved dramatically. Life is Good for our unique Treasure.

Life is Good for our dear Treasure.'s journey is a te...

Life is Good for our dear Treasure.

Treasure's journey is a testament to the unwavering dedication and love of our staff. Despite his kidney issues, we never gave up on him. Many doubted we could bring him back to the Rehab Facility, and even if we did, they believed he would not survive. But we proved them wrong. Our collective love and determination and Treasure's resilience have brought him back to life. Treasure has shown us that every life is worth fighting for.

Our precious pup has gained almost a pound since we got him back and is eating three meals daily without issues. His kidney values are remarkably better and close to normal for his age. His skin problems have improved, so he no longer has any scabs on his body, and his curly fur is coming in all over his body. His eyes, once so cloudy, are now clear from the infection and give us the impression he can see even though we know he can't. I believe he can see shadows created by light based on how he looks at things.

Treasure had such a horrible Life that we will never know his actual age. Whatever his age is, it does not matter to us. He has improved so much that he is now aging backward. He is also very vocal and wants to talk to you in the morning. He follows the staff around, usually in his cart, going backward, and if he is unhappy about something and doesn't feel like he is getting the attention he wants, he will let you know. Listening to him puts a smile on everyone's face.

Treasure is doing so well that he gets to go outside daily and hang with the Littles, as we call them. Maya, our giant Mastiff, looks after the Littles and can stay out with them in the afternoon. She protects and looks after Treasure, as shown in our photos. Every dog loves having Treasure in the yard and kisses him as they pass by.

We could not be happier with our progress with dear Treasure. He goes to the vet weekly to have his bloodwork and kidney values checked to ensure we are making progress. Dr. Marikay cannot believe how well he is doing. With everyone's love and support, we have turned this special boy's life around. He knows how much we love him and loves all the attention. Life is Good for dear Treasure.

TREASURE is in Kidney Failure.  Please, Help Us, Help Him by DONATING.

TREASURE is in Kidney Failure. Please, Help Us, Help Him by DONATING. -info

The last ten days have been heart-wrenching for everyone caring for Treasure. He did well with his dental procedure, but it showed us that his kidney issues were more than a temporary problem from his lack of nourishment. Treasure had to have the abscessed teeth removed. The infection in his mouth was poisoning him. All of his mouth issues have finally been taken care of, and he is healing that procedure.

Treasure suddenly did not want to get up, eat, or drink even though his mouth had improved. He was rushed to Port Royal Veterinary Hospital (PRVH), where Dr. Kristin Welch was consulted on his condition. An ultrasound was performed when a heart murmur was detected. Our dear Treasure was in kidney failure from a lifetime of neglect. This was not a temporary problem that would go away as we had hoped.

We needed to get a lot of fluids in Treasure to flush his kidneys, but we could not because he had developed a heart murmur, which prevented this. I was out of town when I got the message, and it was time to say goodbye to Treasure. I spoke to Dr. Marikay and Dr. Welch, who agreed it was time. I was uncomfortable with the situation with me out of town, so I flew home to evaluate Treasure myself.

Treasure had been in critical care for ten days, getting the most amazing care imaginable from everyone at PRVH. When I arrived to see Treasure, he had a feeding tube, IV lines, and a cone. He was skin and bones. He knew I was there, so I made a sweet, gentle murmur as I nuzzled and talked to him. I decided to let this precious Angel cross over the Rainbow Bridge. I let Dr. Marikay know, and everyone at the hospital lined up behind me to say goodbye. It was one of the most heart-warming and saddest days you could imagine.

Dr. Marikay got all the drugs she needed and gave Treasure an injection in the IV line. I then let her know we needed to pull all the tubes and the cone to free Treasure so he could be relaxed and have nothing but love surrounding him. When we pulled the feeding tube, Treasure started snorting, clearing his sinuses and suddenly perked up. I looked at Dr. Marikay and asked her what she had just given him, and she looked at me with a smile and said, SALINE to clear the line.

Big tears rolled down my face and everyone's face in the room. Treasure, let me know; now was not the time. We had missed something all along, and we had to correct it. His kidney issue was far more significant than anyone realized. I consulted with our favorite Cardiologist, Dr. Sophy Jesty, at CVRC, and our amazing criticalist, Dr. Kristin Welch, and devised a plan. We were going to give Treasure an abundance of fluids to clear his kidneys and treat his new heart issue with meds so he could tolerate the fluids.

Within hours, Treasure began to eat and drink independently, which he had not done for ten days. His heart murmur has improved over the past four days, and he can tolerate the extra fluids. For the first time, we are on solid ground. We are pushing the boundaries to get Treasure's kidney values normalized and dealing with the consequences. So far, our precious Angel agrees and is eating and drinking like a champ.

I need to remind everyone that taking care of 38 abused, neglected dogs takes all of our time. Over half of the pups are in our Hospice Care Program and require much extra care. None of us have one second to spare. Doing updates comes behind taking care of the animals in need. I wish I could do them more often, but there is no time. We are each doing the very best we can. Please understand that loving and nurturing these special pups is our top priority. You can always drop me a note and ask about any dog, and I will gladly respond.

Over the past six months, we have had six new dogs in our care, and I have not even had time to post for them. What matters most is that they each get the surgery and medical care they need. Eventually, I will have time to post for them. In the meantime, we desperately need funds to cover Treasure's intensive care stay at PRVH.

Everyone at the hospital has gone above and beyond for this tiny Angel that was thrown away. They see all our pups, and each dog gets the best care possible. The staff comes in on their day off to love on any animal we need nurturing. Port Royal Vet. Hospital is where I take my personal dogs. Dr. Marikay Campbell and her Staff are compassionate Caregivers, which is what we all want for our beloved pets when they become ill.

Please, DONATE toward Treasure's Bills and keep him in your Prayers.



TREASURE is living up to his name. He is a fabulous older poodle who is one of the sweetest dogs. Getting used to our non-stop hugs and kisses has taken him a while. We are in the second week since we accepted Treasure into our medical program. He has finally gotten to a point where we believe he is no longer in danger of re-feeding syndrome. Yesterday, we started soaking dried food in water with a spoonful of exceptional canned food for his feedings. He has tolerated the food and is loving the larger quantity.

Our sweet boy has to sit and partially lay down when he eats because he has little muscle mass. We believe he was kept in a kennel and could not get out for most of his life, which explains his lack of muscle and pressure point sores all over his body. When Treasure sleeps, he has to be rotated so he does not do more damage to his skin. Pressure sores are a massive problem for a dog with so little fat or muscle.

The WILL to LIVE defines our special boy. He should have died a long time ago, given the condition he was found in. He also would have perished in the trash dumpster if he had not screamed loud enough to be heard, so someone went to his rescue. I could go on and on about why Treasure should not be here today. There is only one reason he is alive: his Will to Live is far more significant than anyone could have imagined.

Animals survive the most horrific abuse because they choose not to give up. When everyone asked me if I thought Treasure would survive, my answer was always the same: YES. Treasure has saved himself since the day he was born. He has endured hardship after hardship and still lived to embrace another day of abuse and neglect.

I am not saying that our precious boy does not have some bad days ahead. He can endure whatever comes his way while in our care. He is getting the best medical care and unconditional love. He has waited his entire life to be loved and adored, and his time has finally come. There is nothing Treasure would want or need that he will not get with Noah's Arks Rescue. If he does not make it, it will not be because he did not Fight to Live. It will be because his body gave out. We are taking it slow and easy to give his body time to adjust and adapt to getting food and nourishment.

It will be another couple of weeks before we do another update since it will take that amount of time for any change to occur. As soon as we get the results from Dr. Anne Cook, Treasure's eye specialist, we will do an update. Hang in there and know that our precious boy is learning to take care of himself in a controlled environment where he can thrive.

We still need donations and greatly appreciate everyone's love and support.

BEAUFORT, SC....10 y/o Poodle ABUSED and then thrown in DUMPSTER to DIE.  Please, Help Us, Help Him by DONATING.https://...

BEAUFORT, SC....10 y/o Poodle ABUSED and then thrown in DUMPSTER to DIE. Please, Help Us, Help Him by DONATING.

BEAUFORT, SC......Yesterday was a day to top all days and nights. I was contacted by Beaufort County Animal Care Services to see if I would help a sweet 10-year-old poodle that was put in a garbage bag with dirty diapers and trash and thrown in a dumpster with no way of getting out. A good Samaritan at DHEC heard the cries from the dumpster and looked inside. She was horrified to find a dog yelping and screaming to get out. She found a piece of a fence to open the bag and got him out. Usually, the dumpster would have already been picked up and compacted, but they were 30 minutes late this morning.

We are calling this special pup Treasure. Animal Control took him to our favorite Vet, Dr. Marikay Campbell, at Port Royal Veterinary Hospital. Dr. Campbell stopped everything to assess his condition and see what he needed first to survive his unimaginable condition. His fur was so matted that he had 2-3 inches of mats all over his body. This poor pup could not even see with all the mats.

Two pounds of fur was removed from his body. Treasure is a medium-sized poodle that weighs only 10 lbs. On a scale of 1-10, his body score is a 3. His nails are over an inch long and curled under his feet. He was covered with f***s and urine all under his body and on his face.

I repeat this time and time: why do animals stay alive when their daily existence is pain and torture? It is as if they know someone will come along and save them. Based on Treasure's condition, he had to have been confined to a kennel for most of his Life. He has been waiting all of his Life to be saved.

The best news is he is finally safe and will never know hardship again. He has a lot of medical conditions that have to be addressed. The first is he was starved and is now in danger of Re-feeding Syndrome. His body had already begun to shut down from lack of food and care. He has to have lots of tiny meals to allow his body to wake up and learn how to process food again. Too much food, too soon, and it will kill him. His body cannot process what it has not known for a long time.

Dr. Marikay and her incredible staff spent all day yesterday ensuring Treasure was stable and comfortable. Today, she is doing a more thorough assessment to see if anything can be done with his eyes. He is blind with cataracts in both eyes. We have to see if surgery will restore any of his vision. Once we determine that, our favorite eye specialist, Dr. Anne Cook, will see him.

Treasure is a sweet, sweet pup who gave all the staff kisses yesterday. He is a loving dog despite his abuse and neglect. Beaufort County has set up an anonymous hotline for any information leading to the arrest of the person who did this. The pup was dumped in a trash dumpster by DHEC in Beaufort. The authorities are also getting DNA from the trash bags that had used diapers. Someone has to know who owned this dog.

Our current focus is healing Treasure and showering him with unconditional Love. Please donate to give Treasure the best medical care possible. Your support is needed now more than ever for this precious Soul.




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Mattie with her new Cart.....Freedom

At Noah’s Arks Rescue we save Abused Animals that would otherwise be Euthanized. They are given the best Medical Care possible and an unlimited supply of Unconditional Love.