Available for immediate adoption- Athena!
Athena is a female two year old mixed wire haired terrier. She is what we lovingly call “so ugly she is so cute” but how can you resist this face? She is warm and outgoing and loves to play with you, she will stand on her legs and dance for treats, and she LOVES squeaky toys! Athena has been waiting for her home for weeks with not much attention- go visit her today!
A meet and greet with all family members in the home is required for adoption, including other dogs. If you are renting, proof is required from your landlord that you are allowed pets in the home.
Copperas Cove Shelter now has an Amazon wishlist so you can send much needed things like canned food, heating pads, and other much needed supplies. Clink the link in the comments to send it to them directly!
Baby raccoons are growing fast and before we know it they will be ready to go to their outside enclosures and start learning valuable life lessons to survive. Raccoons love puzzle games and baby toys to snuggle. Do you have towels, blanket,s or stuffed animals you aren't using? Our babies could use those right now. To stop by and drop off items please PM the page for our address.
If you would like to support the work we do and help us care for these animals please follow the links below.
Our current fundraiser
Amazon wishlist
Direct donation
© Save A Pet | Copperas Cove, TX
#saveapetcopperascove #wildliferehab #wildlife #copperascove #killeen #harkerheights #temple #gatesville #centraltexas #texas
#wildliferescue #wildliferehab #texaswildlife #animalrescue #saveourwildlife
As development of once rural land increases, the opossum continues to be pushed out of its natural habitat and forced into closer proximity to people, often with injurious consequences to the opossum.
Amazon wishlist
Direct donation
© Save A Pet | Copperas Cove, TX
#saveapetcopperascove #wildliferehab #wildlife #copperascove #killeen #harkerheights #temple #gatesville #centraltexas #texas
#wildliferescue #wildliferehab #texaswildlife #animalrescue #saveourwildlife
SAP is in need of produce fruits vegetables and nuts. We are available for drop off just PM the page to arrange a visit. If possible please shop our wishlist or drop by with donations. To help with a monetary donation please use our paypal link below. Thanks all for the support!!!
Amazon wishlist
Direct donation
© Save A Pet | Copperas Cove, TX
#saveapetcopperascove #wildliferehab #wildlife #copperascove #killeen #harkerheights #temple #gatesville #centraltexas #texas
We want to thank everyone again who sent us nests, here's some newly arrived baby possums cuddling in one of the ones sent!
SAP is in need of spring supplies and donations to help us through baby season. Our most needed items are kitten/puppy food, milk replacers and wildbird/singbird feed. Please shop our wishlist or drop by with donations. To help with a monetary donation please use our paypal link below. Thanks all for the support!!!
Amazon wishlist
Direct donation
© Save A Pet | Copperas Cove, TX
#saveapetcopperascove #wildliferehab #wildlife #copperascove #killeen #harkerheights #temple #gatesville #centraltexas #texas