This is so amazing put. I have felt many regrets through my history with horses, but as I have continued to work in therapy and the journey i have taken with Ago, I have stopping feeling sorry for what I had done and instead I strive farther to understand the potential damage we cause through things we have been taught and find better ways of understanding and working with our amazing equine friends.
This is one of the first pictures of me and Ollie (the horse that changed my life) back in 2017.
I have a hard time looking back because NOW I see all of the things I didn’t back then and it’s hard to not feel guilty for not knowing better…
If you’ve been following me for any length of time you likely know our story-but if not, in a nutshell he was a half blind, very broken 20yr old (when he passed) Appaloosa that taught me more in 5 years than I had learned my whole life-about many things.
+FETLOCK SORES are NOT normal. They are a major indicator that there’s an underlying problem.
We eventually learned that his were from sleep deprivation.
I naively thought he just rubbed them getting up and down..doctored them, put boots on them pumped him full of joint supplements…
+BLINDNESS puts an added stress on horses that their entire body compensates for. They can absolutely live great lives with impaired vision but their environment needs to support stress free ways to do so.
+MUSCLE INJURIES wreak havoc. Period.
Ollie was in an accident as a young horse where he injured his eye, lost his right pec and sustained a hind end injury we later find out was the cause of his sleep deprivation..
The pectoral muscles are a very important part of the horses frame and losing one or even part of one (any muscle) should be taken into great consideration.
+UNEVEN STANCE should never be overlooked. There is a reason they need to shift weight to cope…
Ollie would always stand off kilter in his hind in one way or another.
He was massaged ALL the time, receiving monthly Chiro and lived 5 years with me that most horses dream of as far as species appropriate environments go BUT after extensive diagnostics-a deteriorating meniscus would never improve…
ALL this to say that in 2017, I knew I was taking on a project.
I really thought I could fix him.
I never knew the experience would teach me all that it did and I am so grateful.
I forgive myself for not knowing what I didn’t know and reassure myself that Ollie came to me to help other horses suffer less.
My goal is to always advocate for horses.
All of them.
Sharing experiences in hopes that I can help people along their journeys…
Providing services and education to those who want to know better and do better…
Give yourself grace for the things you didn’t know-and once you know better-fiercely create change.