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Longnecker Communications Christine is here to answer the age-old question of "what would your pets say if they could talk?"

Wicked and I have talked many times. She's a stellar gaming horse, and she's always been very good at expressing what sh...

Wicked and I have talked many times. She's a stellar gaming horse, and she's always been very good at expressing what she needs and wants. Her mom reached out with an SOS about 6 weeks ago, saying Wicked was being a bear to ride and freaking out every time her mom would go in her stall, which was completely out of character.

When I asked Wicked what was going on, she expressed a magnesium and selenium deficiency, plus an oddly specific request to change her alfalfa pellets out for more hay, or hay pellets. Her mom immediately fulfilled her requests, and just last week I received this update:

"We had a clean pole run on Saturday!! It was our first one in quite a while, and we had a clean barrel run, too... She's also not acting as spooky/goofy in her stall anymore, either!"

As the seasons change, animals needs - especially horses - also change. Is your animal acting different than normal? Maybe I can help! Schedule your appointment online!

If you're skeptical about scheduling a communication, just look at the thank you notes and a few quotes I've gotten from...

If you're skeptical about scheduling a communication, just look at the thank you notes and a few quotes I've gotten from clients recently:

"Honestly, no trainer could ever fix this stuff, and believe me, I tried them all. But that's because the root of the issue was something no one would've ever known if it weren't for you... you are the best, and I recommend you to everyone."

"I can't believe how SPOT ON you were. And you just had a picture! That was insane."

"This was so much more amazing than I ever thought it would be!"

"What you said was so incredibly spot on... I literally sent pictures of her looking super happy, yet you still immediately picked up on her worry and low self-esteem."

"I just want you to know that this was so beautiful and so wonderful, and I am so thankful that I did this."

Be thankful you did it, too - schedule online today!


Pepito is a senior rescue pup who was having a lot of trouble with her grandmother and her grandmother's dog. It was getting to the point that Pepi was going to have to stay home with a sitter instead of going to her grandma's, so her mom reached out for help. Pepi had some really interesting things to say and ask for, and after their visit to grandma's, I received this video and email:

"Just wanted to send a quick note to say thank you again for our session. We just got back from being with family, and Pepito was literally a different dog with my mom. For the first time ever she wasn’t terrified of her. She even went up to my mom on her own accord and accepted pets and snuggles on multiple occasions. And this was the dog that since I adopted her two years ago had never once let my mom touch her and has snapped and lunged at her many times!

"Pepito also totally stopped peeing in my mom’s dog’s bed! The visit before she peed on that bed almost every day. Overall the changes were so fast and immediate none of us could believe it... I’m attaching a video below of Pepi and my mom so you can see the huge difference. Thanks again for all your help!!"

Since I got this video and email, Pepi has been back to grandma's with the same happy result as before - she even rode in the car on grandma's lap. Do you have an animal you'd like to help? Schedule your appointment online and see how animal communication can help you and your pet!

Kahli is a beautiful, sensitive girl. She's struggled with frequent (though manageable) bouts of colic. Her mom didn't k...

Kahli is a beautiful, sensitive girl. She's struggled with frequent (though manageable) bouts of colic. Her mom didn't know how to help her - she'd used all the tricks suggested, but every few weeks she'd get an upset stomach and her mom would spend too long worrying about her.

When I asked Kahli if she knew how we could help, there were a few things she was adamant she needed. Her mom got them immediately, and she hasn't had a colic episode since.

I'm so blessed to be able to help bring Kahli some healing and her mom peace of mind. If you're stumped by your animal, schedule your session online today.

I've been chatting with this beautiful girl every few months for the last 9 months. She is a lot of dog, and her parents...

I've been chatting with this beautiful girl every few months for the last 9 months. She is a lot of dog, and her parents have struggled to find a balance with her. Training has, of course, been incredibly important, but there were missing pieces that only our communications picked up on and add to their relationship and training. They're now one big, happy family, and I'm so thankful to be a part of their process. This was another case of sticking with communications as this pup grew and matured. There was no instant gratification here, but I think this quote from her mom speaks volumes:

"I am beyond thankful that I found The New York Times article when I did. You've been such an invaluable support over this last year helping us work through these growing pains and helping create the bond we have now. I can't thank you enough for all your help!"

Do you have a difficult pup? An older cat with issues? The perfect horse you just can't seem to connect with? A bird you know needs something more but you don't know what it is? A fish you think might need to say something? An alpaca who's gone off its food? Schedule online today so we can start a beautiful relationship.

When you think of "animal communication," likely the first thing that comes to mind is dogs, cats, horses, and maybe som...

When you think of "animal communication," likely the first thing that comes to mind is dogs, cats, horses, and maybe some rabbits or birds. But donkeys and sheep are animals, too, and I can talk to them! Dominick (the donkey) and Jacob (the sheep) couldn't have been more different in their personalities and the things they wanted to say, but what was similar is how thankful they are for their mom who rescued them.

It doesn't matter what species your animal is, we can absolutely talk to them 💓 schedule your appointment on my website - I can't wait to chat with you!


Kira's mom reached out, having heard about me from a friend, but never having done a communication herself before. When Kira told me she'd grown up and lived where snow never really accumulated, but this year IT SNOWED AND SHE WAS SO EXCITED, I was confused.

Her mom started laughing - they live in Georgia, and it had just snowed more than ever before. She sent me this video of how Kira reacted when she got to go outside and play in it.

Communicating with animals seems crazy, I know. But just look at this video and what Kira said to me. There's no denying it's real, and I want to talk to your animal, too 💓 schedule your session online today

Gizmo is getting older and his mom wanted to chat with him to see if there was anything he needed to keep him comfortabl...

Gizmo is getting older and his mom wanted to chat with him to see if there was anything he needed to keep him comfortable. He asked me for a fluffy, soft dog bed. His mom said in all his 15 years he'd never been interested in a dog bed, but she would find one and try.

The next day she sent me this photo and said, "I got the dog bed yesterday. He has never slept on a dog bed so I was a little skeptical. Then I woke up in the middle of the night last night and I heard snoring, and this is what I saw at the end of my bed! You are spot on and gifted. Thank you so much... Gizmo thank you as well!"

Just like us, animals' preferences and likes/dislikes can change as they get older. Schedule online today so we can make sure your animal is happy, comfortable, and content 💓

For two years, the mom of these minis had been running circles trying to figure out how to help them, even stumping mult...

For two years, the mom of these minis had been running circles trying to figure out how to help them, even stumping multiple vets. Several months ago, we had a great conversation in which both minis had multiple requests, specific to each of them. Their mom, just last week, contacted me with so much gratitude. She said, "this is the best they've ever felt! They've been sound and running around happily... it's absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for helping them - before you, I felt like I was just stabbing in the dark!"

Do you have an animal that isn't quite right? It's possible they know how you can help them. Schedule your appointment online today!

Beyond honored that Equestrian Living Magazine chose Miles as their featured Barn Dog in their most recent issue. I'm so...

Beyond honored that Equestrian Living Magazine chose Miles as their featured Barn Dog in their most recent issue. I'm so thankful that in this last year the World has seen what I've always seen in this little black dog 🐕 💗🐾

GET INSPIRED BY EQ LIVING’S DESIGN ISSUE Equestrian Living’s DESIGN FEATURE captivates once again, delivering an engaging blend of innovation and inspiration from nine renowned architects and builders. From a barn-inspired rural getaway home in Australia to a New England carriage house that exud...

Calling all the people! If I were to give a presentation on Animal Communication, what would YOU want to hear about? Spo...

Calling all the people!

If I were to give a presentation on Animal Communication, what would YOU want to hear about?

Spoiler, I *will* be giving a presentation on Animal Communication in September of this year, so tell me what you want to hear about, learn about, have questions about, etc, because you'll be able to listen to whatever I talk about!

(Also, picture of Millie and Taco cuddling for cute tax)

I am officially back from vacation and back to work! While I was away, I got to swim AND talk to dolphins, which has bee...

I am officially back from vacation and back to work! While I was away, I got to swim AND talk to dolphins, which has been a dream of mine since I was old enough to dream. In another life, I'll be a dolphin trainer and champion their happy and fulfilling lives. Thankfully the dolphins I chatted with were pretty happy and enjoyed telling me about some pod drama.

My 2025 schedule is already quite busy, so make sure you get on the schedule ASAP. And, if you're a current client in need of any emergency appointments, be sure to message or text me, and I will get you in as quickly as I can for an emergency text appointment for $60.

Here's to another amazing year chatting with all your non-human kids... I can't wait 💗🐬🥰🐀🐒🐕🐱🐖🐎🫎🐇🐿🦚🐍🐢🦘🐠🦋🥰💗

I have been communicating with Kali for a few years, and as she's gotten older, we've used communications to help manage...

I have been communicating with Kali for a few years, and as she's gotten older, we've used communications to help manage some health problems and see how she's feeling. At 15, her time finally came to cross the Rainbow Bridge. Kali and I were able to talk about what she wanted and how she'd like to pass, which was so helpful for her family who was struggling with what decisions to make. A few weeks after her passing, I was able to check in with her on the other side to give her family some peace of mind. Kali showed me a picture of her running like the wind through fields and woods - something she'd always loved to do but hadn't been able to before her passing - and she gave me the feeling of being young and completely healthy again. She wanted her family to know how thankful she was for giving her such a beautiful life, peaceful ending, and loving her through every turn of the road. She felt all that love and went to the other side surrounded by it, and she wanted them to know how incredibly special and at peace it made her feel.

I love being able to talk to each and every animal, but building friendships over the years with animals and their people always hits different. I feel so blessed to share a part of your stories together, and I will never take that ability for granted 💗🌈🐾🥰

Pop the bubbly to ring in 2025 and make sure you finish 2024 by destroying the rest of your Christmas presents... at lea...

Pop the bubbly to ring in 2025 and make sure you finish 2024 by destroying the rest of your Christmas presents... at least that's what Miles and Millie are doing 🐾🤣😂🐾 From all of the Longnecker Clan to you, we hope your holiday season was amazing and you come into 2025 refreshed and ready 🎉

As most of you know, I am usually avaliable to fit in emergency text check-in appointments. However, *I will be unavailable from today until the week of January 13th.* Remember that you can trust your Intuition, so use your heart and quiet your brain, and I will be back and ready to chat with all of your animals in a few weeks 💗

In the meantime, don't forget to schedule your Communication today - spots are already booking into February, so run to the website and secure your slot ASAP!

We all love instant gratification, but sometimes things take time. Communications are no different; while instant gratif...

We all love instant gratification, but sometimes things take time. Communications are no different; while instant gratification certainly does happen often, sometimes you need to be willing to wait for things to sink in and find a rhythm.

Gibby has a lot of drive and big feelings, and for 5 years his mom has tried to get him to realize in order to play disc games, you actually have to give the disc back. Gibby, however, simply couldn't convince himself to do it. About 6 months ago Gibby and I chatted, and I explained it is MUCH more fun if you give the disc back. He heard me and understood, but his high drive and anxiety still caused a barrier to dropping it. His mom and I just asked that he continue to think about it and *try.*

Gibby's mom sent me an update the other week that Gibby finally gives the disc back, and he's made more progress in 6 months than he did in the previous 5 years! It didn't happen overnight, but after our chat she noticed a gradual change that turned into the desired behavior, and now just look at him go 💗🥏😍

Patience is definitely a virtue, and I'm so thankful for those who trust the process and get to see beautiful results like this. Keep chasing that disc, Gibby, and giving it back to your mom after!

Santa Yadi has checked twice, and he's happy to announce we've added more Thursday Afternoon and Evening hours for commu...

Santa Yadi has checked twice, and he's happy to announce we've added more Thursday Afternoon and Evening hours for communications! Don't walk, RUN to the website and book today.

Merry Christmas to each and every one of you and your fur (and feathery and scale-y) kids. We hope your hearts are full this holiday season 💗🐾🫶

❄️🐾💗 Happy Holidays! 💗🐾❄️My crew and I are busy enjoying some time off this holiday season to rest, recuperate, and come...

❄️🐾💗 Happy Holidays! 💗🐾❄️

My crew and I are busy enjoying some time off this holiday season to rest, recuperate, and come back ready to roll in the new year. If you haven't already, make sure schedule your appointment or check in now - I know I'm booking into February already, but I won't be opening any other avaliable times for the remainder of December or January, so don't wait to schedule because you're hoping an appointment pops up.

I am thankful for each and every one of you as we close out this year ❤️ if you've enjoyed any of your conversations with me, please leave a review, share my page, and/or spread the word. My goal for 2025 is still to talk to all the animals, and I can't wait to accomplish that goal with you! 🥰

Teddy was recently rescued from a puppy mill. He came to his new home petrified, unable to settle in. His family asked i...

Teddy was recently rescued from a puppy mill. He came to his new home petrified, unable to settle in. His family asked if I could help tell him he was safe, and ask what he needed from them. Teddy didn't even know what to ask for, as he'd lived his life in a crate and had never felt safe. He did finally send me a picture of a tattered and dirty donut bed, and asked if it would be possible for him to have a "nice one" in his new home. As soon as his family put the bed down for him, he climbed in and settled for the first time since coming into their lives.

Teddy has a long way to go yet, but these beautiful moments when a scared dog realizes for the first time that he's been heard, listened to, and is now safe and loved are my favorite. I can't wait to follow Teddy on his journey from puppy mill dog to loved and cherished family member 💗

Are you having issues with your furry family member? Schedule your appointment on my website today!




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