Yearling white tail deer for a morning frolick at the river bed in Montana. 🦌🍂 📽️: ©️ 2024 Holly Pippel. #naure #naturevideo #deer #deerplay #deerofinstagram #conservation #wildlife #wildlifevideo #wildlifephotography
As you can see, Yellowstone is in many people's backyards. VIEW is excited to announce its upcoming work in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Bears, moose, bison, and everything smaller; disease surveillance is crucial for balanced ecosystem health.
What animal do you think of when you think of Yellowstone?
Elephant walk
Nepal is my home for the next four months. I, Dr. Virginia Stout, am very excited to help in the wildlife health program as an ambassador of VIEW in partnership with NTNC. There is great work being done for conservation and wildlife health, to ensure endangered species survival. I will not get sick of seeing this view, elephants walking in the river, each day. Follow my journey on Facebook and join us in our conservation efforts.
Amazingly this was the entertainment at the beach, sipping a Gorkha beer.
Justin was at NTNC Central Zoo in Kathmandu this week working with individual keepers to introduced enrichment to their program. Here the bear has stopped his pacing and is exploring his enclosure for treats. A simple change that makes a huge difference and a happy bear. Tomorrow Justin will speak to all of the keepers about enrichment techniques. Good luck Justin.
Leopard Cubs - June 12 update: The leopard cubs continue to gain weight. They have started to eat boiled eggs and started chicken meat and milk consumption has decreased. They are now staying in a larger enclose and getting lots of exercise. They are being kept in isolation for minimum human contact - from out vet at NTNC - BCC, Dr. Amir Sadaula.
Veterinarian performs surgery on wolverine