Let's talk odor control. We've all had stinky cages, leaky bottles, hormonal boys marking their cages. Wet bedding and stressed out mammas and Pappas. This is a game changer for that. I put it in the bottom of the litter box or in a corner of a plastic bottom cage and it soaks up most of the odor. I've gone through 2 boxes since moving down here to Mississippi, but only because the water bottle on the boy's kennel.
Which brings me to a request. If there is anybody near Meridian, MS that has cages empty, and are willing to lend them out or donate them, I would greatly appreciate it. We had to leave our dcns behind and are unsure if the one we asked someone to pick up and hold for us was actually picked up. I hope it was, but it's a 12 hour drive and 400$ in fuel to make the round trip, so it's going to be a minute before I can do that.