ATTENTION SWAN FOLKS: We are aware and checking in on the swan at the Harwich Reservoir/Bells Neck.
PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE SWAN! This is per the Wildcare staff who has been out to observe the swan. This animal has very quickly become dependent on humans which endangers our wildlife. Every time a vehicle or person is in this area, the swan comes up expecting food. This puts this animal at HIGH RISK of being killed by predators and also makes them dependent on humans for food and can cause aggression towards humans who do not feed it.
It is also important to remind folks we are seeing a lot of birds with Highly Parthenogenic Avian Influenza. This swan is not showing symptoms, but please remember that not all animals are symptomatic, so it is important to keep your distance from all birds unless you are in proper PPE.
The swan is being checked on. Wildcare feels this swan does not need human interference at this time, so we ask that you keep your distance and do not feed the animal. Thank you