Mouse Playing
Another toy Mouse loves he puts them in my shoes or boots lol he likes playing with them in the bathtub so he can keep it away from the other cats so hilarious!
Mouse playing
My friend makes these for her cats very safe mouse loves them!
Mouse wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!
Balinese kitten
This left today to her new family, very sweet kitten!
Balinese baby kittens
These are just a week old, so cute if interested in one text or message me first info 985-542-1681
Balinese little boy
This is Angela she contacted me for a Balinese. And lives around the corner. This little boy won’t be ready to go for a few weeks, so I told her to come and see him anytime. She called me this morning and she came. Angela is going through a really hard time very painful and grief filled. Please pray for her that God gives her strength.
Mouse getting fat!
Mouse eats well hugging the bowel of food like mine mine mine! He was actual pushing his Sister out of the bowel. Poppy is 3 and was a runt, not as tiny as Mouse, and we do this ritual every night before bed, he starts meowing carrying his old Sheepie toy, he prefers it over the newer one I got. After carrying it around meowing he brings it to bed. hilarious!
Mouse’s new Sheepie
Mouse likes his new Sheepie came today and it squeaks!
Mouse grown up
Mouse is so fat! He lost sheepie for 2 days and Mouse was meowing looking for it so I ordered another one. Found sheepie between the mattress and headboard. He also has another toy he has become obsessed with! Another dog toy that squeaks!