Just a little window into our craziness!
Woke up at 5:30am and started morning let-outs feeding, and pup meds with Dru and Brian. It was chilly!
The kids are off school today, so they slept in for a little bit.
I checked my email for Petfinder inquiries for possible adoptions!
Got a call about 1 pup and 2 adults needing a home, in dire need. We're supposed to get them tomorrow.. keep an eye out. So cute!
4 teacher conferences today to speak to our son's middle school teachers-- they all said that he's a great kid! ♡
By 10am, we were trying to help reunite a found dog with the owner looking for her.... the said dog is now "missing"...
after a police report and visit from animal control, we're just waiting for a miracle.
We then got a message about a weimaraner needing a place to go, today!-- bc she escaped again. We said yes, and I headed to get her.
Then, it was time for the next let out, play time, and pickups for The Village pups!
After getting her home (the weimaraner Jade), the lady that found the dog and returned it to the owner was LIVID that they didn't get to keep that lady's dog, and they were upset that we wouldn't give her to them.
We explained our protocol- temperment testing, vet appointment, dog/cat/kid testing, and our normal requirements, like a secure fenced in yard.
That family and their friends jumped on the bandwagon to speak badly of us and the previous owner. Lawd have mercy, y'all!
Later that day, the kids gave all of the pups their Valentine's pup-cup and played with bubbles. The sun was out, and it gorgeous today!
We microchipped a couple of our new rescues, and updated files. I took a couple of adoption calls and booked zoom interviews... for Bella/Chica and Snowy/Winston/Chickie/Lolli!!!!!
We exchanged small gifts, and I hung out with the kids for a bit.
Brian and I were going to go to dinner tonight, but we were exhausted and took the kids to Cracker Barrel in our work clothes. (We're all supposed to go out to Connor's tomorrow!)
After returning home, I got a call about a senior dachshund in Rogersville found at a gas station in a box! The number on the dog's tag was disconnected...
I messaged a lady that I knew worked at that clinic, and the rabies tag was registered to a deceased lady. They're looking for the dogs next of kin.
We offered to help out.
Last let out for the day is happening now, the pups love running and playing at night. The yards are well-lit.
My favorite part of the day is here- I can almost feel my heated weighted blanket!
I haven't wrote about Cannoli yet-- I want to make sure he pulls through first. He was starved and now eating 6 small meals a day. More later on him. ♡
I wrote all of this to say, I love my family,... even with our crazy brains and neverending passion to help any animal that we can!
True love comes in all shapes and sizes-- if you'd like to have a forever Valentine, please look at our adoptable doggies!
P.S. This is a NORMAL DAY for us! Keep in mind, this all while taking care of our Village pups, our Adoption Center pups, and our personal pups.. someone is always out there spoiling them!
(I copied this idea from another rescuer. Rescue isn't all roses, y'all!)