Zorro and Roux enjoy morning hikes at ##shadymountainpetretreat
It's several degrees cooler under the trees, and gets even cooler as we go up the mountain. The perfect summer activity.
Along our hike, we practice stays and comes.
As we hike Zorro and Roux check in.
Bently performed a nice dropped lead down stay, but decided to take advantage of his position.
Meadow is now enjoying her swims.
Hazel has learned to go over 3 types of jumps.
Hazel is now jumping 16" and loves it.
Leo is finally relaxing into his down stays.
Leo is progressive. Albeit slowly. I can get about 6-8' of distance during his stays and comes, with a dropped lead.
Here's Meadow performing a sit stay as I move around her.
Zorro will jump over 3 different types of jumps.
This is Meadow's first swim. We slowly acclimate a new swimmer by gradually increasing their water submersion as they become more comfortable. Once we get a dog totally in the pool, we walk around holding them. Dogs often let us know when they're ready to take over with their own stroking. Within 15 minutes Meadow did so.
After only 15 minutes Meadow caught on to the concept of swimming.
Joni loves swimming! She could hardly wait to get in.
Hazel McCallum
Hazel loves her jumping tricks.
Leo has achieved his basics and is now starting advanced work of leash dragging/dropping and my gaining distance. His smiles say it all. You only achieve this with a positive approach.
Leo is all smiles as I walk all the way around him with a dropped leash.
This is a huge achievement for Leo! Down stay with leash dropped as I move all the way around him.