Blue the feralish Nakota is taking big steps. We are picking up her feet, putting fly boots on, doing smaller obstacles and getting better about being caught.
We also started warming up to tack, learning body cues and I trust her enough to lead her anywhere. She used to rip the rope right out of my hands when she didn't want to go anywhere, so naturally I didn't take her out of her enclosed area until we has enough time on her for her to trust me enough.
These feral type horses take a lot more than your typical quarter horse. Mustangs are my favorite to work with, but understanding they will take time to progress is essential. Her owner is amazing and knew then when she brought her to us (she's had several horses trained by us) and I hope take Blue as amazing as her other horses. 🩵
First ever farrier in a couple days! It's so great to see the light after so much work.
Watching horses grow and be successful really fills the heart.
When Marshall first came here he was so sassy out in this field, I've even seen him boarderline dangerous. He was also terrified of cows. He was scares at shows. He had a ton of confidence issues and baggage.
In the last year he has confidently worked cows, been to a show by himself and won ribbons and now he is in this field with a beginner babysitting her while trotting around. He's made huge strides and I'm positive the extra care, love and training have helped him through it.
Don't think your old horse can't do new things. Give them expectations, give them boundaries and give them grace. Because being a horse isn't easy.
Teddy also was a sassy pony back in the day, now he's so good with his little riders.
Everyone loves Marshall and Teddy! ❤️
Winning isn't just when you win.
Winning is cheering your friends on.
Winning is helping others achieve their goals.
Winning is being able to do something you couldn't do before.
Winning is taking a shot you didn't know you could make.
Winning is having good sportsmanship.
Winning is having good character in all situations.
Winning is being thankful for your competition as they are what allows us to do what we do.
Winning is putting you horse first no matter what.
Winning is being greatful for the opportunities, people, hard work and advantures that got you there.
We've had an incredible week so far. These six ladies have worked so hard taking in a large amount of information. These weeks are a bit of a crash course, but they will go home with a packet of knowledge that they've learned during the week so they can go back to work on the things they've learned.
Interested in participating one of these multi day clinics? Comment or message us! We will host more weekend clinics!
A small list of things we've covered includes
🔹️ Gait management
🔹️ Importance of rider balance
🔹️ Learning footfall, how to control what each hoof does
🔹️ Two point, diagnols
🔹️ Pole and grid work to improve balance and engagement
🔹️ Collection
🔹️ Managing expectations of you and your horse
🔹️ Clarifying cues for improved communication
🔹 Drills for barrels and speed events to improve parts of your patterns
️🔹️ Horsemanship patterns, showmanship skills
🔹 Stretches and after work out horse care
️🔹️ Leads, simple and flying lead changes, counter canter
🔹️ Using more body aids, softening on the hands
🔹️ Understang your horses body, identifying their strengths and weaknesses
🔹️ Team work
🔹️ Rating Drills, control at faster speeds
🔹️ Bending through the body for control
🔹️ The importance of having fun and putting yoru horse first.
These riders are rocking is and having so much fun.
Mounted shooting today!! Today we will cover gun safety, aim, Drills, dry firing patterns, gun breaking new horses and running patterns! 🤩
Working horses outside before more rain comes. 🌧 😭
Uno is the bestest boy!!!
Working horses outside before more rain comes. 🌧 😭
Uno is the bestest boy!!!
Rain, rain go away so we can go outside today.
Videoing while riding not reccomended or easy with green horses. 😅 But this guy is a good boy!
When your job is an absolute dream.
This boy rocked his first trail ride!
Love gaited horses. My guess he's a saddlebred. Lovely boy!
We decided by looking at the radar to pay it safe and cancel lessons. The threat of severe weather looks pretty high by 5-6pm. :(
Stay safe!
Here's a sassy filly to make your day brighter. ❤️
You can not beat days like today. ☀️
The wind has both LLE horses and training horses SO SASSY.
But can we appreciate how nicely this mare is shedding! I can't wait to see how pretty she is after we get the winter woolies off her. She will feel better too!
Sometimes training looks different for different horses and day to day. All horses in training are absolutely terrified of Blake's wagon. So they all have gotten time being around it until they are no longer afraid.
How many of us have horses that are afraid of wagons. 🙋♀️
My horses were many, many years ago. We met one on the trail and they didn't know how to handle themselves. People who drive horses have as much right to drive as we do ride. From then on if we had the chance to drive horses (and 4wheelets, bikes, etc) around mine while we ride, we do! It's made a world of difference in our horses when we approach wagons/carts.
This cute little Shetland mare was with us over winter. She was absolutely terrified of everything and showed it as agression. She's come a very long way and ended up doing so good with the cart. She would make a lovely driving pony when she gets older. 😍
Let's see your roans!!!
Red, Blue or bay 😍
✨️✨️✨️OBSTACLES ✨️✨️✨️
We only planned on having them today, but decided to keep them up for a few hours tomorrow (3/10/24)
$15 per horse/rider
Times available
Sadie is showing off a few of the things we have set out. This is an easier course, great for getting younger horses out or just traveling after a long winter.
Next one we have will be slightly harder!
We don't put our horses right back to the pasture after they are worked. Often, they become more herd bound when they are brought right back to their living space.
What we do instead? We like to leave them tied up and/or walk them around the farm. Zipper struggles with this so we do combination of both. We also work her in various places, but with the mud, we have to consider safe footing as a factor.
Today she rocked it. Waiting for me, paying attention and not rushing back like she often does. If I can't lead them on a loose line, they need more work.
These riders and horses 🤣🤣🤣
Cleaning has been hot lately. 9 saddles ready to be picked up, more being dropped off. The difference is absolutely amazing! Take care of your tack and it'll take care of you!
#equestrian #mountedshooting #horsetraining #buck