Happy New Years, everyone! Let’s start off 2025 with some transparency. Just “giving you the game”, so they say…
My long-time customers will prob agree, bc most of them have skulls I cleaned in the past, when I still “boiled/simmered” them. (It’s the same, trust me). Then, I would’ve argued that you can’t produce a better, cleaner skull than what I was putting out at the time. But when you learn better, you do better. Especially when this is your livelihood, not a hobby.
All 3 of these skulls were done by me. The top 2 were boiled (prob 10 yrs ago), and that’s how they looked when done. They prob look much worse now. The grease cooked deeper into the bone, not out. It Will start to rise to the surface soon. That’s why they will sometimes start to look yellow and oily over time. My price was $100 then, and he’s still my happy customer today. He got it back the next day, i’m sure.
We changed cleaning methods in 2019 when we learned a better way. Again, when you learn better, you do better. “Better” ain’t free, though!!
The last 3 pics are of the same skull, done by me this year. It was macerated, fully degreased, and whitened. Notice how clean the bone is compared to the other two. The grease is gone, period. Firm nose, nasal cavity untouched & intact. Teeth all there, firmly glued in. It was $150, and Same customer was happy. This process takes me ab 15 days, start to finish (per skull).
Can they be done even better? Absolutely, but it’ll take up to 3 or 4 months to do. And the price would have to be so high, Very few would want that option. My customers would rather not wait that long on a deer, and my contracts Can’t wait that long. Larger skulls from larger animals take awhile regardless, but we’re just talking ab deer. Just know that every skull in my shop gets paid the same amount of attention as if it were my own. A spike pays me the same as a 160”, so i’m not that partial, honestly.
Now you know why there are different prices for different ppl. Choose the person or process you think is right for you!! Love y’all.