Reesie is a 4-year-old beautiful gray female miniature schnauzer looking for her forever family in PA, DE, MD, VA, or DC. She is 16 lbs. She is microchipped, up to date on vaccines, heartworm/Lyme tested, and spayed.
Reesie is a sweet, barky, playful, active, adult visitor friendly, lapdog/cuddler, and loves getting lots of attention. Reesie loves to bark a lot. She spends her time following her foster around everywhere in the home or barking at people and dogs she sees out the window. She loves to go on long walks and walks at a fast pace on the leash (she does pull when barking). She does not play with toys. She is house-trained and crate trained.
Reesie was originally adopted by a family from a shelter and had come into the shelter as a stray, so background unknown. She was adopted by a family with 5 children and another mini schnauzer. Unfortunately, she gets overly excited with younger children and lots of activity in the home and then acts out aggressively with other pets or nips at the younger children. She also has jealousy issues with other dogs.
Due to Reesie’s background, she is looking to be the only pet in the home, which is an adult only townhome or single family home with a fenced yard. If you are interested in adopting Reesie, meet her adoption criteria, and live in our adoption area, please private message us for an adoption application.