Good stay Hugo! Almost made that last wide one!
Stays are getting longer and out of sight for a bit. I realized after watching this video that I should not walk so directly back toward Hugo and or dogs like him because it made him pop up it was a lot of energy coming his way! Horses will teach you how to walk and get permission!
Hugo meeting new people at a new location!
Approach and retreat with our little freight train Harley who has over the top dog greeting! So when she sits we come, she gets up we leave, and so forth! Night and day from yesterday. This is Day 2.
Working Harley on how to attract what she wants! SIT! Starts all games! Babe is turning into a good neutral dog!!! #pittie #pitbull #pitbulls #pitbullproject #ranchomondok9
Starting some targeting. Quela is that little skeptical about things and dogs like that certainly appreciate an item on you to target while the world goes by.
Precious Rohan! JD you are hired!!!!
Awesome Sauce JD and Rohan!
His first pet from a stranger! I would prefer no foot but it's a start devising freaking out and he wasn't jumping. More to go.
Hugo greeting more used to the world! No upping, freaking out!!!
Harley got to sniff Pearl!
Got things a hoppin' with Kona; then Texas sent a storm! She hung with me for a round and then we all got tucked away. Walk With Me is on its way with Kona!
Sniff walks are your friend.
Hugo learning to play in the water
Good girl Kona! #pittie #pitbull #pitbulls #austinanimalcenter #dogsoutloud #ranchomondok9 #fetching
Drop it start with stay! Go Hugo go!
Saki could do dance routines!
No barging doors with Hugo!
Down stay with J.D. and Rohan!
J.D. and Rohan! Good stay!
The runway with Hugo! Location #4! #ranchomondok9 #huskymixesofinstagram #looseleashwalking
More prep! New people coming soon! #huskymixesofinstagram #ranchomondok9 #goodstay
Sit for greeting primer with Hugo! #huskymixesofinstagram #ranchomondok9 #goodstay
Hugo rocks it! #huskymixesofinstagram #ranchomondok9 #goodstay
Duration at Office Max! #kona #ranchomondok9 #pittie #pitbull #austinanimalcenter #dogsoutloud #goodstay
Stage one for sit for greeting with Hugo!
Super stuff Hugo on location!
In the grass with Hugo! I am visiting 14 locations over the next 12 days and letting him just see the world and doing incremental leash walking with some sits and downs. He's a young dog and he's very distracted so I'm breaking it down for him in a little bit he pieces and he starting to check in with me more and come with me!
Saki has some Frisbee skills! #bordercolliemix #ranchomondok9 #frisbeedog
Saki on tour! Calm and collected!