Think before you buy.
It’s still a month away from Easter and only a fraction of the way through “chick season” and we’ve already taken in NINE newborn unwanted babies, five chicks and four ducklings. Luckily we have the best fosters this year to help us through, but year after year, this is BREAKING us. And to deny them care would break our hearts. What can we do but beg and plead with you, the public, to help us create more awareness and say over and over that BUYING BABY ANIMALS IS ROOTED IN A HORRIBLY CRUEL SYSTEM! It’s estimated that many, many, many more of these babies die in the pipeline to getting to market and into homes than ever make it to adulthood.
And I’m what decent world do we give a fragile little life to anyone with $1.99 in their pocket?
From foster mama Morgan:
It’s raining. Two more babies rescued by
Baby season is heartbreaking. People see sweet peeping faces at feed stores, only a few dollars each, and impulsively purchase them. Soon after they realize that these beings need care, food, and cleaning up after. The fascination quickly wears off and the faultless babies are tossed out like trash. Chickens, ducks, and bunnies have it particularly bad this time of year. Please think before taking in lives. Please adopt, don’t shop. And on a positive note, please welcome Buddy and Billy. They’ll stay with Daffy and Franky here until they get a bit bigger and stronger. Then they will join the other precious babes at the sanctuary. These two were clearly not given love or handled much, so that’s my first priority with them. 💕