If you THINK you are failing your dog or your self in some way and you have FEELINGS that project an attitude of shame, disappointment , anger, etc. and you continue to think and feel these exact same things over and over again, you will hardwire them into your brain and emotionally condition them into your body. Those thoughts and feelings, if rehearsed enough will turn into a BELIEF. A belief that you’re not a good dog owner, that you don’t deserve your dog, or your dog is terrible and is incapable of change or even someone small like my dog isn’t smart and just doesn’t understand sit. Don’t let another day go by where you feel helpless, or frustrated about your dog’s behaviors and beat up on yourself ( or your dog) for not knowing what to do. Owning a dog is not easy or intuitive for most people so before you start believing these self targeted aggressions please reach out for help ! You are not a bad dog owner and your dog IS smart - you both just need a little guidance. Be gracious with yourself….and start generating loving, grateful, and kind thoughts and feelings. 🧡 #dogtrainingtips🐶🐶 #dogtrainingsandiego #dogsandiego #balanceddogtraining #lupak9
Soooo many behaviors can be prevented by taking action the second your dog comes in to your life. Don’t underestimate the power of training and setting you and your dog up for success day one. If you’re struggling with behaviors that seem “ tolerable” for now, don’t wait to seek help until they get worse. It will make it so much more challenging for you and your dog to navigate and back track. If you’re questioning your need for training at the very least jump on phone call with a trainer to hear how training can help support you ! We WANT to help you live your best life with your dog 🩵#dogtraining#dogtrainingtips#socaldogtraining#sandiegodogtraining#lupak9#dogs