From Alisha Bender: "Boots on all 4 for both horses. No slip in the rainy Pacific Northwest mountains!"
These boots are made for walking! 😁
Elizabeth Whitaker's horse Teddy shows off his new ELB boots! "If I could give more than 5 stars I would! Love this product!"
Thanks, Mom! Cavallo Hoof Boots - Just what I wanted for Christmas!
Thanks, Mom! Cavallo Hoof Boots - Just what I wanted for Christmas! <3 <3 <3
Dressage rider/trainer Sue Grice of Equivibes UK knew just what her horse wanted for Christmas - and now these beautiful new boots are going through the worst mud imaginable, LOL!
No problem, they just hose down beautifully and truly do stay on better than any gumboots known to man! ;)
Open these Special Letter with Us...
Merry Christmas to our Cavallo Community! <3 🎅
We've received some VERY special Christmas mail - reviews from the North Pole! Won't you join us while we open our letters? 👝
First - thank you ALL for entering. We enjoyed looking through these photos so much! You are all so blessed to have such beautiful equines. <3
It was a tough call - really tough. How can you choose one out of all these beautiful equines? We talked it over and decided that there was a beautiful little pony that must win - this pony is shown waiting patiently for the Winter joy to happen but just needs Cavallo Boots to start it all off! The winner is Kristine Erb - Kristine, please check your PM's for a message from us!
- Your Cavallo Team
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Does your horse LOVE Winter?
Share your best photo in the comments below of your horse (booted or not) loving the wild, Winter weather. We're looking for PURE JOY here!
Our trusty Cavallo staff will each make a silent vote for their favourite photo, and we'll send the chosen horse a FREE pair of Cavallo Trek Hoof Boots, PLUS a FREE Cavallo Stud kit!
Lucky horse will be notified via PM here by Friday, December 14, 2024. Winner will be announced in the next Cavallo Newsletter! ;)
Order Now, Size LATER: Don't miss this Black Friday Pricing!
Order NOW, Size LATER! Don't Miss Out! 😲
Want BLACK FRIDAY pricing for Cavallo Boots but don't know your size? No Problem!! Get up to 30% OFF plus a free pair of hoof boot pads with every pair purchased: (Canada & USA Only 🇨🇦 🇺🇸)
You're right... We started early this year! 👀🖤
We know your horse needs their favourite boots and we didn't want you to miss this. So check it out - QUICK! (Promo available CANADA & USA ONLY) 🇺🇸 🇨🇦
Making the world a better place for horses - THAT'S why Cavallo sponsored the 2024 Liberty Festival. Carole explains further:
Are Cavallo Boots good on rocks? Video courtesy of Alisha Bender 😁
Alisha Bender: "I was so skeptical of these boots would actually have traction but let me tell you what!! We went to Mount St. Helens on extremely rocky/hilly slip on his front end where we had boots. We climbed a huge sandy hill, great traction! Very impressed."
Whatever your Discipline, Cavallo Has you Covered!
Whatever your Discipline, Cavallo Has you Covered!
Roping cattle? Into Dressage? Maybe you're a showjumper? Or maybe all three? ;)
No matter what your discipline of choice is, we've got a Cavallo Hoof Boot for your horse. Sue Grice of Equivibes and her horses do it all in this video with sure footing and comfortable hooves!
#hacking #trailriders #trailride #dressage #dressagehorse #dressagepony #roping #showjumpinghorse #showjumping #hoofboots #horsehoofboots #barefoothorse #hoofcarematters #hoofcare
Your Cavallo Newsletter has ARRIVED! 🦉 WHO is in it??
Check out these topics - get it now! #cavallohoofboots #heartland #ambermarshall #libertyfestival