Esquire Golden Retrievers

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  • Esquire Golden Retrievers

Esquire Golden Retrievers We show, breed and love Goldens and want to share our passion for the breed and for the sport of dogs.


If anyone needs help changing the oil in your car, get a Golden Retriever. :)

An educational read about the myth of "English Cream" goldens. Hint, that's not a breed. There are "English Style" Golde...

An educational read about the myth of "English Cream" goldens. Hint, that's not a breed. There are "English Style" Goldens and they tend to be light in color. There are dark /"red" goldens too but they are all just Golden Retrievers. :)

"English Cream" Golden Retrievers: I bet you've heard that phrase. Except, English Cream Golden Retrievers don't exist. Here's the truth


Not our golden but if we had one of these, our pups would LOVE it like this doggie does. 😁

Typical Golden temperament:  😁🥰

Typical Golden temperament: 😁🥰


I promise I'm not going to microwave the puppies today, even though they made a concerted effort to prevent me from sleeping more than 15 minutes at a time. They are so noisy eating at night and they have begun barking. BARKING at 2 weeks old! 🤪🤪🤪

Anybody want a fresh baked cookie?  😁🥰

Anybody want a fresh baked cookie? 😁🥰

Summer & Arson babies are here!

Summer & Arson babies are here!

Arson x Summer puppies

We are so proud of Breezy and are thrilled at how he is turning out. He's maturing so beautifully!

We are so proud of Breezy and are thrilled at how he is turning out. He's maturing so beautifully!

From my friend Andrea Mraz, Breezy's owner and Mom.

"Thank-you Robert Scott!!
For those of you who know my, sometimes goofball, Breezy, for the sports we play, permit me to share this other side of my boy. Who knew he could shine so brightly?! Robert knew, and I thank him for bringing out his beauty and showing Breezy so expertly!
Yes, this is the same, formerly cone thieving, blossoming agility, NoseWork and obedience talent that we enjoy! Although our sports competition has taken a brief hiatus, our varied quests continue.
Thank-you to all of our Breezy fans for your kind support and guidance!
Robert Scott and Michael Rondeau you are the best and I thank you both for believing in Breezy!
This photo is from Breezy’s recent Best of Winners at the Santa Maria KC Show awarded by judge Mary Kathleen Faeth. Thank-you Mrs Faeth!
Our CH quest continues, along with all of our endeavors.
Enjoying our journey!
Happy Wednesday!💕🌻🐾


My office this morning. ☕️🥰🦴🐶🐥🐔🕷️🪴🍀🌲🪺🌝


Woo-Hoo!!! Summer ovulated and will have her Arson dates tomorrow and Friday. :D

Please don't shave your Goldens and here is why:

Please don't shave your Goldens and here is why:

We are very happy to announce that Summer & Splash are now in season and their boyfriends, Brinkley and Arson await thei...

We are very happy to announce that Summer & Splash are now in season and their boyfriends, Brinkley and Arson await their "dates". Inquiries welcome. :)


Dear Past And Future Puppy Owners
I loved them first. I thought of you years before you even realized. I planned for and cared about your baby long before you started thinking of adding to your family. I worried about your future with that puppy before you knew there would be one.
There were hours upon hours spent researching lines for the parents of your puppies. Going over breeder after breeder, choosing not only my pet but looking for a dog that will make you your pet. Worrying if you'd be happy, if I had chosen correctly and your puppy would grow up healthy and happy. Going over puppy after puppy with fellow breeders, running over my program with as many knowledgeable breeders as I can, determined to not miss anything. Tracing lines back as far as I could, learning the ins and outs not only for my knowledge but so that I was informed, prepared to go over every detail with you, to answer the questions that sometimes you don't even ask.
Then there's years of watching your puppies parents grow. Loving them and enjoying them as part of my family. Taking them every where I can, training them, socializing them, watching how they fill out. Asking myself I had made the right choice in both of them. Scrutinizing their conformation, how they move, and their temperament. There was the stress of health testing. Praying not only that my babies were healthy but that they had the genes to make your baby healthy.
Finally came the time to put your puppies parents together. For the next 63 days I worried, I obsessed, I grew excited. I watched your puppies mom like a hawk. Making sure my baby was ok, monitoring her diet better than I do my own. Concerned that she was getting enough of the right nutrients and that your growing baby was getting the best start possible.
I spent hours on the couch, floor, and dog bed with her watching her tummy grow and anxiously waiting. As your baby and mine grew I laid my hands on her tummy and felt the first movements of your puppy.
As the time grew close I spent most nights in the nursery with her. Making sure she didn't go into labor without me knowing, in case something went wrong and one of our babies needed help. When labor started my whole life stopped. I spent every second with her.
Your baby was born into my hands and I held my breath as I cleaned them up, watching for movement and breathing, cleaning them up, checking them over, and wondering if you'd love them as much as I already did. I helped your babies brother when mom got tired and he was stuck. I cried when your babies sister didn't make it.
For the first 8 weeks most of my life was filled with your baby. Watching them grow and making sure I was doing everything possible to make sure they started their lives the right way. Making sure each one was getting enough to eat, enough socialization time, that they were de-wormed and given their shots. I was the first person they saw when they opened their eyes. I spent my weeks playing with them and keeping them safe.
I searched for you and interviewed you. As you spoke I tried to read your character. Would you love them as much as I do? Would you bring them in as part of your family? Would you care for this tiny life that I brought into this world that I am responsible for? Some of you were turned away but some of you were welcomed into our family.
The day you took your baby home was harder than I'd ever let on. I was excited for you but I was also terrified. Had I chosen correctly? Were you who you seemed to be?
My love and worry didn't end there. I thought about your baby regularly, saddened when I didn't get updates, ecstatic when I did. I hoped you were caring for your baby the way I care for mine. I answered your questions happily and answered them again just as happily to your babies siblings new parents.
When your puppy's sister ate a couch I stayed up that night she was at the vets, waiting to hear that she was ok. When their brothers parents decided he no longer fit in their life I welcomed him home, sorry that I had chosen wrong for him and promised him it wouldn't happen again.
I loved your baby first and I will never stop.
-Author Unknown

So proud to announce that Esquire's Delta Breeze is now CHAMPION! She went WB, for her last single point at Malibu Kenne...

So proud to announce that Esquire's Delta Breeze is now CHAMPION! She went WB, for her last single point at Malibu Kennel club under respected judge Ronald Freeman. YAY, Delta! Thanks to Team Black N Gold and specifically Elizabeth Jordan Nelson for believing in Miss Delta.

Hi folks! We have Summer’s 10 month old son that we had been holding back as a show prospect but are ready to find his f...

Hi folks! We have Summer’s 10 month old son that we had been holding back as a show prospect but are ready to find his forever home. He ends up being taller than our breed standard allows and would never do well in the show ring with that disqualification. He is 25.5 inches tall at his shoulders and the standard is 24 inches tall. He’s just so tall and gorgeous but would not do well as a show dog. If you have any friends/colleagues/neighbors who might be looking, they should contact us. He is the same cost as any other puppy we've bred even though we have kept/fed/housed/trained him for 8 months past his regular go home age. He is a complete lovebug and is very people focused. He's a typical gentle sweetheart of a Golden but is going through his naughty teenager phase and will chew your shoes if they are not kept up and he is not entertained. He loves to cuddle but will not lick your face. He has had all of his required vaccines, including Rabies and Lepto. He has had his prelims done on hips and they are good. He will be sold on a limited-non breeding registration. He loves to run and play with his cousin who is 10 days older. Here is his pedigree:

We are super happy to announce that Summer is expecting Arson babies. Due Dec. 18th and going home  Feb 17-18-ish. Look ...

We are super happy to announce that Summer is expecting Arson babies. Due Dec. 18th and going home Feb 17-18-ish. Look at these adorable "baby" pictures. Inquiries welcome. :)
Here is the pedigree:


Today, all the puppies went on a "woods walk," where they have to follow us through various kinds of terrain, keep up, negotiate obstacles, solve problems, and not get lost.

On today's adventure, they had to go through ground cover over their heads, climb over logs, negotiate hills and gullies, deal with spiky blackberry plants, and figure out what to do with a small fish pond. Most of them went into the upper waterfall portion of the pond to play in water that was only knee deep to them. Some climbed down onto the first ledge of the pond itself where they could stand in water that came up above their bellies. And one went full-on swimming in the pond. All were able to find their way out, climbing up and over the various rocks and plants to get back to dry land.

Overall, the puppies had their feet on grass, dirt, wood chips, logs, rock, mulch, pebbles, tree roots, stumps, and pond plants. And they had a blast! A little unsure at first, they quickly got into the adventure and explored and tested their surroundings with typical puppy gusto. Every one of them had to solve problems and figure out what to do when they got left behind. And every one of them did great. It was a raging success.

Out of 17 puppies, we have one puppy who doesn't follow terribly well. This puppy gets engrossed in whatever flower, pine cone or stick grabs its attention, and gets left behind. It does not come to calls of "Puppy! Puppy! Puppy!" when distracted, like all the others do. This puppy's owner will have some recall work to do. All the other puppies followed very well with the exception of when the moms were with us, and then they all wanted to nurse on their mamas. But the mamas are done with that, and effectively taught the babies to back off. They were firm but loving. Summer actually put puppies' heads gently in her mouth to chill them out. It was rewarding to watch the mothers teach their own babies, and even the babies of the other litter.

One of the moms, Summer I think, regurgitated up her breakfast for all the puppies to eat, necessitating a brief snack break during the woods walk.

At one point, a puppy got fixated on playing with Gibbs, who is the sire of Splash's litter. Gibbs is an old man, and is not very tolerant of annoying toddlers. Gibbs was lying in a primo spot in deep grass, chewing on a ball -- a prized possession! -- and the one puppy kept running up on Gibbs and "attacking" him, jumping on him, biting him, and climbing on him. I watched this interaction very closely, in case Gibbs was to get too rough in correcting the puppy, as he doesn't put up with any crap from puppies. But while he growled menacingly, he didn't bare his teeth or take any action, and I think he secretly kind of liked the puppy's attempts to play, though he still maintained his typical "You kids get off my lawn!" old man attitude. :D

All in all, I think I had almost as much fun wrangling puppies as the puppies had. :)

5 weeks old and wookin pa nub on a sofa near you.  Two gorgeous boys left in our Redford x Summer "Adventure" litter.

5 weeks old and wookin pa nub on a sofa near you. Two gorgeous boys left in our Redford x Summer "Adventure" litter.


Well shoot! We had a family back out of a puppy situation due to a family emergency. The good news is, we now have three boys available.

You guys! Check out this beautiful picture of Delta going Winners B*tch/Best of Winners yesterday in Lodi. She is just 7...

You guys! Check out this beautiful picture of Delta going Winners B*tch/Best of Winners yesterday in Lodi. She is just 7 months old! Delta is from our first breeding between Redford x Summer. We loved what daddy Redford brought to the table so we went back to him to hopefully give us the boy of our dreams. We still have three boys available too. 🥰

We have one beautiful boy that will be available from the Redford x Summer litter. This is a repeat breeding. We have be...

We have one beautiful boy that will be available from the Redford x Summer litter. This is a repeat breeding. We have been to the very handsome Redford before and loved what he gave us on the first breeding so we came back to him. Please send a message if you are interested. Here is the pedigree/test breeding. Within that link you will find links to the OFA where you can verify each and every health clearance that we require in the Golden world. 🥰

I am a dog breeder. I have spent years learning pedigrees, going over dogs, talking, and learning from those in my breed...

I am a dog breeder. I have spent years learning pedigrees, going over dogs, talking, and learning from those in my breed and those outside it. I raise each litter as if I gave birth to them and spend an equal amount of time finding them loving forever homes. I only bring puppies into this world that I think will be the healthiest (mentally and physically) and best examples of their breed. I support each family who is chosen for one of my puppies and let them know they are now a part of my extended family. I treat them all well, answer calls day or night, through thick and thin. I am a BREEDER.
I am there if one needs to come back and will aggressively pursue the return of one of my dogs if it's not in the right place. I support my breed in rescue, research and education. I hold them when they arrive and when they leave this world. I share my knowledge and socialize my dogs so that they will be the advertisement for my dedication and for the breed. I don't keep track of the money and time invested in to my love of dogs, just as I don’t track the “investment” in my children. It would not be a true measure of how I feel or how deeply I love.
The price charged for my puppies is never for profit, but rather an investment in the next generation. We are not ashamed of who we are... We work hard at being good dog breeders and encourage other like-minded people. We are breeders and proud of it.

Summer and Redford did a great job again! Count 'em if you can and let us know your guess. We will find out on the 16th ...

Summer and Redford did a great job again! Count 'em if you can and let us know your guess. We will find out on the 16th when they are born. Guess the number of boys and girls too and win a super cool Golden Retriever car magnet.

To add to the chaos, Summer is expecting 10 puppies on the 16th of this month! She and Redford had to try and outdo Spla...

To add to the chaos, Summer is expecting 10 puppies on the 16th of this month! She and Redford had to try and outdo Splash & Gibbs and boy did they! Puppies available. :)


What an exciting morning! Took Splash in for her pregnancy count Xray and surprise-surprise! She's not expecting 6 as we were told by the vet who did her ultrasound. She's expecting 9!!!!! Xray pics coming as soon as the vet emails them to us. We still have puppies available. :)

Do these puppies make me look fat? Splash is due with Gibbs puppies on 5/7. Will she make it?  X-rays for count tomorrow...

Do these puppies make me look fat? Splash is due with Gibbs puppies on 5/7. Will she make it? X-rays for count tomorrow morning. 😁😍


This is good information when you’re looking for a breeder. I am always happy to help you find a responsible breeder even if I don’t have a puppy available.


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday 08:00 - 18:00
Sunday 08:00 - 18:00




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