Paws in Translation Dog Training & Behavior Services

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Paws in Translation Dog Training & Behavior Services Sara Marshall, CPDT-KA, KPA CTP, FDM is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer on Cape Cod

It’s getting hot out there—early late/walks and indoor activities are key, especially if you have a young energetic dog ...

It’s getting hot out there—early late/walks and indoor activities are key, especially if you have a young energetic dog like our friend here. Stay cool!

Sharing this info - play safe and always consider your dog's bare feet!

Sharing this info - play safe and always consider your dog's bare feet!

If you are local and want to train your own service dog, MasterPeace Dog Training in Franklin is absolutely work the dri...

If you are local and want to train your own service dog, MasterPeace Dog Training in Franklin is absolutely work the drive!

If you have a young puppy or are getting a puppy soon, read this!

If you have a young puppy or are getting a puppy soon, read this!

Are you worried about creating separation anxiety in your new puppy? Here's our plan to safely introduce "alone time" in a crate or pen.


Looking away is one of the calming signals in dog body language.

Just like a hard stare or prolonged eye contact may be a sign that a dog’s about to react, looking away is meant to calm a situation down.

The head position when looking away will vary – from side to side, holding in one position or subtle quick turns are all common variations, all while avoiding direct eye contact.

I have often watched in fascination when one of my dogs uses this form of communication with an insect! Her favourite thing to do is to hunt, catch and then play with a Parktown Prawn (King Cricket).

She means them no harm (I think) and just wants to engage in a game of how high can you jump before I can catch you.

She will carefully carry the cricket in her mouth without hurting it to the middle of the garden where there are no bushes where it may escape to.

After a quick play bow (from her, not the cricket!) the games begin. The game can go on for some time and when the cricket gets tired or plays dead, she will stop playing, sit quietly, avoid eye contact and keep looking away before starting the game again.

By this time, I usually feel really sorry for the cricket, will rescue it and put it out of reach, but I think this is a good example of how she uses the body language of looking away to try to calm the situation down, even if her intentions are completely selfish! I have no idea if the cricket understands what she is trying to communicate.

Body language can be subtle and fleeting, but with careful observation and knowing what to look for most of us can learn to recognize and interpret what our dogs are saying.

It’s always important to look at the context, the situation and especially what the rest of the body is doing when deciphering this amazing language.

Being able to understand a dog’s emotional state through their body language helps us to predict behaviour, prevent potential problems or allows us to just enjoy observing their language.


Dogs constantly communicate through their body language.

A “shake off” is one of the many types of body language and is one of the easier ones to notice.

The shake off can provide us with important insights as to how our dogs are feeling.

Besides being a very effective way to get rid of dirt, pesky bugs and water - dogs can remove up to 70% of water in one single shake off - the shake off is often seen just after something that a dog needs a mental reset from.

It’s a way to flush out adrenaline and could be compared to us taking a deep breath to reset our nervous system and calm ourselves down.

Dogs instinctively know they feel better when they just shake it all off!

It’s their way of saying “Phew, I’m glad that’s over, now I can put it behind me and move on”.

Shaking off is a positive way to calm down, reset and cope with stress – be that negative or positive stress.

Sometimes a shake off could be due to an underlying medical reason like an ear infection, allergy, itching or pain.

If you notice a shake off, look at what has just happened beforehand. This will provide a good clue as to what it is that your dog needs to reset from.

'Sup. 😎

'Sup. 😎

Relic and I were in Westwood, MA for his second-ever scent trial this weekend! He exceeded my expectations and we got to...

Relic and I were in Westwood, MA for his second-ever scent trial this weekend! He exceeded my expectations and we got to enjoy the benefits of an event held in a state park: hiking, bird-watching and being a dog. Thanks to Lucky Dog Events and everyone who helped make it happen.


Something important to think about from service dog trainer Kasey Joy Nash! My dogs think I'm nuts whenever I move the refrigerator and won't let them pick up any kibble that's gotten under it but this is exactly what I'm afraid of. Glad this pup is safe & sound.

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Not affiliated with this company but I have seen significant improvement in some dogs with their Calmer Canine loop. It'...

Not affiliated with this company but I have seen significant improvement in some dogs with their Calmer Canine loop. It's not cheap but that they are having a sale at the moment (ends at the end of today, 3/27)!

FLASH SALE! 🔥 Take 25% off your entire order with the code FLASH25! Hurry - this offer disappears at 11:59 PM EST on Wednesday, 3/27! SHOP NOW:

Yes, your dog needs cardio! Relying on fetch to satisfy your dog's exercise needs has consequences, though.

Yes, your dog needs cardio! Relying on fetch to satisfy your dog's exercise needs has consequences, though.


Healthy play is a joy to watch😀....however what we may believe is healthy play is anything but. Another issue is the dogs are playing really well together and then "BAM" one or both of the dogs have snapped at each other....or worse an actual fight has occurred.
Time is just not a good indication of healthy play.

There is an issue with extended play causing issues due to over arousal and being unable to have those VERY important breaks....but even a minute or two of play can cause fights if signals aren't respected.
Breaks and mini breaks are SO important....and if your dogs don't break naturally then you need to make sure they separate to have those healthy breaks.
Play can TURN.
Play turns and morphs into everything and anything else but play....This can happen when dogs become over aroused and play can be very over arousing.

The inability of dogs being able to read other dogs signals is also a big cause of fighting when "playing".

If you see either dog doing anything else BUT playing and the other dog is still insisting in need to intervene.
They can be suddenly very interested in a stick on the ground.
Turning away from the action.
Heading in your direction.
Yawning, scratching or licking their paws....

These can be signals given to take a break.

The next signal to take a break could be a these signals NEED to be respected.

Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make. Everyone is free to share on social media🙂, however off social media use of these marked graphics is prohibited.
Unmarked graphics are available for $ 1.20 USD or $ 2 NZD each (approx), these are then able to be used off Facebook for client handouts, posters or for personal use.
Screen shots are a violation of the copyright.
Please visit ABC Dogs Patreon Shop for unmarked graphics. All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright.

In keeping with the recent focus on cooperative care, here's the Chin Rest Challenge! I may post a video of my own coope...

In keeping with the recent focus on cooperative care, here's the Chin Rest Challenge! I may post a video of my own cooperative care work later on--if you want to share a progress video I'd love to see it!

Chin Rest Challenge: How to Use This Cooperative Care Behavior

These free webinars are usually very informative and packed with useful info!"📣 Important news!We pushed our webinar "St...

These free webinars are usually very informative and packed with useful info!

"📣 Important news!
We pushed our webinar "Stranger Danger: 4 Steps to Introducing Your Stranger-Danger Dog to New People" to March!
This talk with Karishma Warr, MA, CPDT-KA, FFCP, CSAT (she/them) from Calm Canine Academy is not to be missed for any human with a dog in their care.
It's happening on Mar 06, 2024, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM CST
RSVP here! Donations are welcome but not required. Our webinars are FREE: "

4 Steps to Introducing Your Stranger-Danger Dog to New People, with speaker Karishma Warr MA, CPDT-KA, FFCP, CSAT (she/them) FREE event, donations optional!


Town of Barnstable residents w/ 4-6 dogs: the new licensing regs affect you.

Dog behavior advice on social media can be so misleading sometimes, even from very credible sources. It comes at you in ...

Dog behavior advice on social media can be so misleading sometimes, even from very credible sources. It comes at you in snippets--I've had clients who hear "you can't give your dog anxiety" and interpret that to mean that no matter how they behave, it will not impact their dog. This is why I struggle with content creation--no matter what I do, I'm not going to be able to give everyone who watches the information that they need to fill in the gaps. Recently I witnessed someone walking their dog on-leash on a trail where they were approached by an off-leash dog. The off-leash dog's owner was present but didn't care to intervene (because "she's friendly!" NOT cool.) The owner with the dog on a leash focused on his own adolescent dog--holding the leash tightly to keep his dog at his side, even giving a couple yanks on a choke chain and saying, "no!" when his dog tried to engage with the loose dog that was literally in her face. I think the person with the leashed dog was trying to politely make the best of the situation and taking the opportunity to "teach" his dog to ignore loose dogs. In reality, this is how I see leash reactivity start time and time again: puppy or teenage dog gets rushed, all of a sudden their human is in a bad mood, they're choking and/or getting punished. I've seen similar outcomes in scenarios where people will stop breathing when they see another dog or human, start assuring their dog that everything will be okay as they run the other way and then crouch to hug or pet their dog. What triggered the sudden change in their person's behavior? The approach of a loose dog, the appearance of a dog or person on the horizon... and dogs can make associations with those things that you didn't necessarily intend based on your behavior. Changes in human behavior don't go unnoticed--your dog is an expert in your body language whether you know it or not!

From Dr. Lisa Radosta: When faced with an unfamiliar object, dogs can synchronize their reactions with their owners in a process known as social referencing. But what happens when dogs encounter an unfamiliar person? 🐶🤝
In this study, 72 pet dogs (Shepherds and Mastiff type dogs) were tested as they encountered a stranger. Pet parents were instructed to behave in one of three ways: stay still, approach, or retreat.
When the pet parent moved away (retreat), dogs looked at the stranger sooner, took more time before making contact and interacted more with their pet parent.
🐕 Breed differences were observed, with Mastiff type dogs behaving more independently than shepherds demonstrating that different breeds with behavior that is coded for presumably by their genetics will engage in social referencing at different frequencies. As is sometimes the case, DNA trumps the environment, but your behavior matters to your dog and in some cases depending on your dog's breed can cause him to behave differently.
C, Bedossa T, Gaunet F. When facing an unfamiliar person, pet dogs present social referencing based on their owners' direction of movement alone.
Animal Behaviour. 2016 Mar 1;113:147-56.

If your dog's recall needs work this class from Lizzy and the Good Dog People looks terrific! And it doesn't matter wher...

If your dog's recall needs work this class from Lizzy and the Good Dog People looks terrific! And it doesn't matter where in the world you are, it's virtual 😃

Recall For a Meatball starts Wednesday, January 17, at 7 pm EST! Train your dog to come when called using proven methods! Class is FUN, accessible, effective, efficient, and uses only force-free training. Perfect for learners at every skill level, even trainers take the course! Our small group meets live via Zoom for five Fridays. If you have a scheduling conflict, no problem! Each class recording is available for you to watch when you can. Sign up here:


This concept is confusing to a lot of people so, if you find yourself struggling to understand, you're not alone. Dogs can and often do have conflicting feelings. Your dog may stick around and tolerate something because they love you and enjoy being with you but that doesn't mean they love what's going on. I often hear "if my dog doesn't like this, why doesn't he tell me?" The fact is, opting out of participation and simply tolerating something is a polite way of telling you in dog language. The alternative is growling, snapping or biting--and it can escalate to that if your dog has had enough and you're not acknowledging the signs. Can we teach the dog to enjoy some of the things that they are simply tolerating? Absolutely, but teaching is different than continuing to do it and expecting the dog to get used to it. Shouldn't the dog just accept everything we do to them? NO. Dogs are the only species that we as a society expect perfection out of. Some dogs are extremely tolerant and will accept everything we throw at them and enjoy every minute of it but that is not the standard. It is completely unrealistic to expect that from all or even most members of their species. Get to know your dog and meet them where they are!

For everyone who has asked me to please take their dog home with me and train them myself: sorry, I still focus on helpi...

For everyone who has asked me to please take their dog home with me and train them myself: sorry, I still focus on helping people work with their dogs as a team so I don't offer that. 🤷‍♀️ However, Cape Cod Dog Center in Mashpee is launching a day-training school--go talk to them!

Happy New Year! 🥂 This year we are proud to announce…

🎓🐶🎉 Cape Cod Dog Academy! 🎉🐶🎓

CCDC’s doggie day school program, offering 4-6 week long dog training intensive programs integrated into our daily daycare or overnight services!

Sessions will teach your dog the life skills and manners they need to be at thier best, making you a proud pet parent! Students will receive report cards, homework and weekly parent teacher check ins as they work through thier training goals at school!

These training sessions will be force free and positive reinforcement based, never needing the use of harmful short cuts or aversive tools such as prong or ecollars to get results. By using a modern ethical and science based approach to animal training, you and your dog will both enjoy effecient and effective communication and increase the bond you share with each other! We are the only training program of this kind on Cape Cod.

Training plans will be customed designed by CCDC owner and 15+ year trainer Kailey to meet your dog’s personal needs and goals. The lessons will focus on but will not be limited to the following: sit, down, settle/place,come when called, stay, wait, drop it, leave it, loose leash walking, heeling, no jump greetings and more! We will also be introducing a puppy specific option for puppies 8-16 weeks to recieve early socialization and training foundations!

*Note* If you are needing help with fear, anxiety or aggressive behavior, this program will not cover these goals and I am happy to discuss with you private training/behavior options to address these needs. Please check out my training website for more information on my training education, credentials and services at:

Increase the bond you share with your dog by providing them with the tools they need to succeed today! Availability will be limited, Enrollment for late Feb/March begins today with tuition due in full at sign up. For more information please email me at [email protected]

Full service details and rates will be posted on our website soon! Here’s to an awesome New Year at CCDC and well behaved canine citizens!

Any other services you’ve always dreamed of CCDC offering? Petsitting? Walking? Field trips? Taxi? Feel free to comment below, we are always looking to expand our services to please our customers! ❤️

Wow, a lot of you are starting the year off with some dog training and/or behavior help! My schedule is bustling and I c...

Wow, a lot of you are starting the year off with some dog training and/or behavior help! My schedule is bustling and I can't wait to meet new people and dogs as well as continuing the journey with current clients. I'm trying to accommodate as many of you as I can but, if I'm not available when you need me, I'm always happy to share my recommendations for other local trainers. Happy New Year--let's rock Train Your Dog Month!

Start 2024 on the right paw with the APDT’s National Train Your Dog Month, which celebrates dogs and stresses the importance of canine training among pet professionals and families with four-legged members.

Throughout January, we will provide several resources for pet lovers, like understanding training methods and how to find the right trainer for you and your pet’s needs. Since many dogs and puppies are adopted or purchased from breeders and brought home during the winter holidays, January is the perfect month to focus on dog training education. Visit to learn more! If you are looking for a trainer near you, use the APDT trainer search at!

Excellent video--honestly, I see a lot of problems stem from forced greetings on-leash in puppyhood or adolescence, whet...

Excellent video--honestly, I see a lot of problems stem from forced greetings on-leash in puppyhood or adolescence, whether that's increased reactivity or overexuberance. Be your dog's advocate and blame me!

🎉JOIN the DOGGY•U Community! (100+ Exclusive Training Videos!) video talks about the idea of not allowing others to pet your ...

Training your own service dog (or thinking about it)? This seminar is for you! From At Your Service Dog Training, LLC: W...

Training your own service dog (or thinking about it)? This seminar is for you! From At Your Service Dog Training, LLC: We are Oh. So. Excited. to be offering this live, in-person workshop on helping owner-trained service dogs (SDiTs) learn how to focus around distraction. That is what public access training is all about! It will be in Northborough, MA, on Jan 27-28. All the guaranteed working spots are full, but we have space for auditers to attend and learn, and a couple of waitlist slots for attendees who would like a working spot if one becomes available.

Learn how to train a public access service dog to work reliably around distraction. This two-day workshop (Saturday 1pm to 6pm and Sunday 10am-5pm) will provide protocols for focus around distraction, relaxed disengagement, reading your dog’s emotional tone, proper equipment, anxiety reduction for...

Great article on aggression in small breeds. My own two small dogs came to me due to aggressive behaviors and I work wit...

Great article on aggression in small breeds. My own two small dogs came to me due to aggressive behaviors and I work with tiny aggression cases on regular basis. A lot of people assume these dogs think they're "big and tough" but I call it the Small Dog Curse. Why? Read on!

“Ankle biters. Napoleon complex. Small dog syndrome.”   How often have you heard phrases and labels like these when describing toy breed dogs out in the world who struggle with fear, reactivity, or aggression? It’s no secret that small dogs have accrued themselves a pretty poor reputation in ...


I do not currently teach group classes but, if you're in the market for local Puppy Kindergarten, this upcoming session is discounted! (And FYI, in general, I'm always happy to give local recommendations for classes and training so feel free to reach out! If I can't help you I might know the perfect person who can.)

Put your training to the test!

Put your training to the test!


We wish you a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.



Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday 08:00 - 18:00




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Who We Are

Welcome to Paws in Translation! Our motto is “Helping You and Your Dog Speak the Same Language” and that’s just what we strive to do with each and every client. Paws in Translation provides effective dog-friendly, people-friendly training to clients from Plymouth to Harwich.