Along with fun, games, and celebrations, there comes loss. We have lost some pretty great dogs recently. Little did I know, or even think about the fact that our daycare dogs would become such integral parts of our family, our lives, and our hearts. Working in veterinary medicine for many years it was always difficult to lose dogs that we had come to know, usually from puppyhood to geriatrics. It is MUCH more difficult when we lose one of our members here at K9 because it is like losing our own dog. We see your dogs 1-3x weekly every week and numerous times during the year when they stay with us. They are part of our HEART and we feel so blessed to know, and to have known so many great dogs.
Hunter, David, and Aunt Holly are three that we lost recently. I'm pretty sure Hunter and Holly are in a lake or pool under the rainbow,, and David is schmoozing with all the pretty ladies. We miss you, and think of you often.