Prairie Dog Page

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Prairie Dog Page A page to help prairie dogs in the wild and in captivity. If you are an owner looking for medical or behavioral advice, please pm the page, do not post.

I created this page because of my love for prairie dogs and my passion to work with other like-minded people to help them have the best life possible with the people entrusted to care for them. If you come here asking for advice regarding a critical health or behavioral issue, general prairie dog care, or for help with re-homing or adopting prairie dogs, and you don’t follow up or become proactive

in the care of this animal, (i.e. not responding to private messages or making necessary phone calls but instead keep commenting on a thread which may be misinterpreted) I will delete your post. I will no longer allow advice of such a serious nature to be given in the comments section of a thread as these unique and often misunderstood animals require special needs that must be addressed by a professional. Prairie dogs are individuals and each one is unique. The special requirements for the care of this animal, combined with the individual living dynamics of each household, make it impossible to give the advice needed via emails, Facebook posts or text messages. Passive aggressive manipulation to get a professional to respond blindly to only fragmented information instead of receiving a FREE telephone consultation for proper assistance won't be tolerated and such posts will be removed. It is the goal of this group to provide the individualized assistance this species requires by referring requests for help with this animal to a professional who will provide a FREE telephone consultation! Members who CONSISTENTLY ask for help but don’t follow up or become proactive in caring for these animals and continue to put their own agendas before the needs of the prairie dogs don’t deserve to have them and will be removed from the group. There is no room for egos here. It is all about the prairie dogs!

Prairie dog adoption opportunity near Wynot, Nebraska. *Please read this entirely BEFORE responding. * Thank you. SERIOU...

Prairie dog adoption opportunity near Wynot, Nebraska. *Please read this entirely BEFORE responding. * Thank you. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY BY PRIVATE MESSAGE, PHONE (425-870-1729), OR EMAIL TO GENA SEABERG AT [email protected]. All inquiries will receive a response within 72 hours on a first-come, first-served basis unless other emergency cases cause a delay. ONE INTACT MALE prairie dog, born in 2024, needs a knowledgeable, loving, and committed forever home. I will provide integration assistance if joining another male prairie dog or a male pair. He will not be placed into a home with an outdoor enclosure due to the potential for health issues that can occur due to potential parasite exposure coupled with skin and fungal problems that arise from overly humid climates or cold climates that are not the same as their native habitat. He will need someone with the time, commitment, knowledge, and patience to provide the long-term care and attention he deserves who has the experience and proper environment. Please spread the word to various social media groups so this precious prairie dog finds an ideal fit for a final forever home. I will NOT respond to messages posted on this thread. I appreciate your patience in my response time. To best reach me via private message, please first ensure we are current "friends" since FB Messenger does not always notify me or display messages promptly or consistently. My heartfelt thanks to all for their love of prairie dogs and for helping spread the word to help this prairie dog find his forever family.

If you do not want to use a fundraising platform, you can donate via PayPal using, I also have Ve...

If you do not want to use a fundraising platform, you can donate via PayPal using [email protected], I also have Venmo - -Natalino or CashApp $prairiedogtales and I also have Zelle. Please PM me for Zelle info.

*spotfund is the easiest place to create beautiful and free online fundraisers. It takes just minutes to start raising money today.

If you do not want to use a fundraising platform, you can donate via PayPal using, I also have Ve...

If you do not want to use a fundraising platform, you can donate via PayPal using [email protected], I also have Venmo - -Natalino or CashApp $prairiedogtales and I also have Zelle. Please PM me for Zelle info.

As all my friends know, I've been spending the last several years of my life dedic… Michele Natalino needs your support for Prairie Dog Rescue Support-Ongoing


As all my friends know, I've been spending the last several years of my life dedic… Michele Natalino needs your support for Prairie Dog Rescue Support-Ongoing

Only a sick individual would hurt an animal on purpose

Only a sick individual would hurt an animal on purpose


Artist: Gary Larson


Prairie Dog Service Announcement (PDSA) – Prairie Dogs are NOT legally permitted to be possessed as pets in California, and permits will NOT be issued. Please read more about this below:
One of many facets of my work with this species entails continual research and monitoring of the legality of possession of prairie dogs in captive situations in the United States and other countries around the globe. While there are exemptions to the possession of prairie dogs for licensed and accredited zoos, documented research through educational and other research entities, and those that can sometimes obtain permits as exotic brokers/dealers to sell some species to specific entities through special licensing requirements, there are many places where prairie dogs are not legal to be kept as a pet. There are a host of websites and social media platforms that contain misinformation on the topic. A client requested that I find out if the laws about pet prairie dog ownership had changed in California, where prairie dogs are not lawfully allowed as pets in the state, and permits will NOT be issued for their possession as pets.

As has been stated on several occasions in this group and others, upwards of a dozen entities can often have authority over the possession of prairie dogs in captivity as pets. Even if ONLY ONE of the various entities says that they are not allowed, they are not permitted. In the case of California, the Department of Fish and Wildlife is the entity with overall say and oversight.

Where this becomes particularly concerning in my work comes in finding experienced veterinary care as we all know that at some point, a prairie dog will require veterinary assistance, and having these resources identified BEFORE acquiring one is very important, mainly if an emergency arises as has happened countless times when someone doesn't have the help already readily identified and available. I often get calls in the middle of the night when someone discovers the hard way that they have no place to treat their beloved pet, and this lack of resources comes at their prairie dog's expense. It is HUGELY important to confirm by phone that a veterinarian will treat a prairie dog specifically BEFORE acquiring one. Just because a veterinary practice may treat exotics does NOT mean they will treat a prairie dog or some other non-common species, as many vets have exceptions for what they are willing to treat for numerous reasons.

I confirmed again this week by phone as well that there has NOT been any change in California’s laws on prairie dogs as pets with the State Veterinarian in California who stated that "Prairie dogs are not legal to possess, import, or be sold as a pet in California, and permits will NOT be issued for their possession as pets. Permits would only be allowable for those who meet the criteria of being a licensed and accredited zoo, or professional persons or organization meeting certain limited educational and other research studies."

The particular law, rule, or statute that prairie dogs are classified under is:

California Department of Fish and Wildlife Manual 671(see pages 1-3 and reference §2116 and §2118(b) under Rodentia) AND Title 14 of California Code of Regulations under Title 14 – 671(a)(b)(c)(2)(J)(1). “It is unlawful to import, transport, possess, or release alive into this state, except under a revocable, nontransferable permit as provided in this chapter and the regulations pertaining thereto, any wild animal of the following species: Order Rodentia (rodents): All species, except domesticated golden hamsters, also known as Syrian hamster, Mesocricetus auratus; domesticated races of rats or mice (white or albino; trained, dancing or spinning, laboratory-reared); and domestic strains of guinea pig (Cavia porcellus).”

Prairie dogs have NOT been legal as pets in this state for MANY years, and finding EXPERIENCED PRAIRIE DOG veterinary care isn't easy as they aren't routinely seen, but if you're fortunate enough to find a resource to treat them, that's a good thing, but be sure to find a vet before getting one so that you don't find yourself in a bad situation should the need for care arise.

Are there prairie dog police on the corner waiting to turn you in? No. Again, my only concerns are misinformation, dishonest sales, and, most importantly, access to licensed and experienced exotic veterinary care when this animal is in need. If you have an experienced vet who is willing to treat your prairie dog and you reside in California, that would be fantastic! However, a strong word of caution in these instances: if you take your prairie dog outdoors or if they were to bite someone, then the laws would most certainly apply, and I have to work seizure cases quite often due to people not knowing the rules in their state to try to save their pets.

I have dealt with countless seizure cases in various parts of this state, so it is important to be careful, proactive, and vigilant with your prairie dog(s) if you choose to keep them here, especially if out in public and being careful in their interactions with people, where someone may not see them as ideally as we do. Especially, if someone were to be bit or scratched. Then it potentially becomes a larger concern.

For those unaware, I hope this is helpful. For those who want to know anonymously the legal status of a prairie dog in another state or country, please reach out directly.

Why DON'T I post a list of legal/illegal states/countries for prairie dogs, and why should you be careful of anything posted in this regard and found online? Because laws are constantly in flux and change often, I check back as needed with all entities as part of my work to ensure what state/country I'm looking at is up to date and don't make assumptions at these wonderful animals' expense.

Unfortunately, knowledge of the legality of exotic pet ownership is always the responsibility of the buyer and not the seller, so please do not count on anyone selling a pet to you to know the laws. Ultimately, these businesses are often out for profit first, and many are unaware or will tell you what you want to hear to make a sale, knowing that they will not face repercussions unless caught doing so directly. Many sales of this species are only for a short time, so sometimes sellers sell them under the radar and never get caught.

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Currently, the following FOUR prairie dog adoption opportunities listed below need forever homes and are posted via Facebook (others may be available on a global basis that are not posted to social media, so please consider direct messaging me periodically if you're seeking a prairie dog in your particular area as what is available is constantly changing and not always posted online):

1) Near Orlando, Florida - 1 neutered male, born in 2020. Has dental special needs (not odontoma), otherwise healthy.
2) Near Grand Haven, Michigan – 2 intact males, born around 2018.
3) TIME SENSITIVE South of Houston, Texas – 2 intact females and 1 intact male, born in 2020.
4) Near Waco, Texas – 1 intact male, born in 2023.

Please consider a well-screened and well-managed rescue/rehome situation to add to your prairie dog clan as an alternative to purchasing pups to help those in need.

Yahoo to those who found their new forever homes! Thank you for always putting prairie dogs, their welfare, and their best interests first!


Many rescues are looking for their final forever homes. However, it is very important to be extremely careful with this species, particularly via Craigslist and other venues, including social media, as many placements not carefully screened and managed throughout the placement and integration process end up bouncing around to several homes unnecessarily and at the animal's expense instead of finding their optimal long-term success story we ALL want them to achieve by taking part in the careful due diligence not only of the prairie dog in need of a home but all characteristics of the potential new home that can significantly impact their long term success, lifespan, and behavioral outcomes along with the happiness and suitability for all in the house it is joining.

Placements are always 100% about getting the right match for all the prairie dogs in question. This is not limited to the prairie dog(s) needing adoption assistance and includes the established prairie dogs in the newly proposed home, the other animals of all species, and all the people residing there. IT IS IMPORTANT to recognize that some prairie dogs may be better matched to some homes MORE than others. When one prairie dog may not be a good fit or match for one home, it may be perfect in another setting with careful screening, transition, and integration plans in place to ensure that you take the time to get it right before moving them in the first place.

We STRONGLY RECOMMEND *FREE* professional assistance when taking a prairie dog into your home *BEFORE* you take the leap, be it as a new prairie dog owner or someone with prior experience with one or more that could be extremely different than the prairie dogs being considered currently. Receiving free professional support with prior diet, health history, integration, and other behavior considerations where you can benefit from 30+ years of doctoral work specializing in the species, coupled with the experience of assisting 100,000+ prairie dogs in captive settings, helps ensure a smooth outcome for EVERYONE concerned to make the placement a one-and-done situation instead of taking the animal in just because we can and then seeing it isn't a good fit and bouncing it to yet another home at its expense. No one wants that.

We want to do what's best for this animal as it has no voice, and sometimes doing what's right takes time. While finding a best-fit adoption placement may take time, we can trust that it will be a win for all concerned once that match is found. We strongly recommend it, as there are incredible prairie dogs out there if you're looking to rescue. However, because of the uniqueness of each individual soul of this colony-based, working animal, this means that adopting or even purchasing your first prairie dog can be a very bumpy and problematic experience where getting a bit of *FREE* guidance through a couple of quick phone calls can make all the difference to your ultimate success with the species. Taking that bit of assistance can result in a trouble-free experience that helps them flourish, and if you put in the work, you'll enjoy excellent outcomes and long lives with this unique animal.

Receiving professional and safe guidance regarding dietary changes or shifts in nutritional protocols during a rehome is critical. For that reason alone, it is a good reason to help partner for free for their success because the last thing they need is to change diets when going through the stress of changing homes. Dietary migrations and changes can be very challenging with this species, and how you change items and what order and quantity can cause a host of problems if an entire history is unknown. A stepped-out plan can make a world of difference to ensure a smooth, long-term outcome.

If you're interested in any of the placements on this website or in getting help with a placement you've discovered elsewhere that you're considering and want to ensure you have all bases covered for a smooth transition, please contact Gena Seaberg directly via Facebook Messenger at 425-870-1729 or by email at [email protected] for assistance.

Send a message to learn more


Prairie Dog Service Announcement (PDSA) – Prairie Dogs are NOT legally permitted to be possessed as pets in Alabama, and permits will NOT be issued. Please read more about this below:
One of many facets of my work with this species entails continual research and monitoring of the legality of possession of prairie dogs in captive situations in the United States and other countries around the globe. While there are exemptions to the possession of prairie dogs for licensed and accredited zoos, documented research through educational and other research entities, and those that can sometimes obtain permits as exotic brokers/dealers to sell some species to specific entities through special licensing requirements, there are many places where prairie dogs are not legal to be kept as a pet. There are a host of websites and social media platforms that contain misinformation on the topic. A client requested that I find out if the laws about pet prairie dog ownership had changed in Alabama, where prairie dogs are not lawfully allowed as pets in the state, and permits will NOT be issued for their possession as pets.

As has been stated on several occasions in this group and others, upwards of a dozen entities can often have authority over the possession of prairie dogs in captivity as pets. Even if ONLY ONE of the various entities says that they are not allowed, they are not permitted. In the case of Alabama, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Game and Fish Division is the entity with overall say and oversight.

Where this becomes particularly concerning in my work comes in finding experienced veterinary care as we all know that at some point, a prairie dog will require veterinary assistance, and having these resources identified BEFORE acquiring one is very important, mainly if an emergency arises as has happened countless times when someone doesn't have the help already readily identified and available. I often get calls in the middle of the night when someone discovers the hard way that they have no place to treat their beloved pet, and this lack of resources comes at their prairie dog's expense. It is HUGELY important to confirm by phone that a veterinarian will treat a prairie dog specifically BEFORE acquiring one. Just because a veterinary practice may treat exotics does NOT mean they will treat a prairie dog or some other non-common species, as many vets have exceptions for what they are willing to treat for numerous reasons.

I confirmed again today by phone as well that there has NOT been any change in Alabama’s laws on prairie dogs as pets with the State Veterinarian in Alabama who stated that "Prairie dogs are not legal to possess, import, or be sold as a pet in Alabama, and permits will NOT be issued for their possession as pets. Prairie dogs are classified as wild rodents per the administrative code, even if captive bred. Only those who meet the criteria mentioned above at the beginning of this message will be granted a limited special permit, unless an accredited zoo".

The particular law, rule, or statute that prairie dogs are classified under is:

Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Administrative Code Chapter 220-2 Game and Fish Division under 220-2-.26(1) found on pages 2-54 and 2-55. “No person, firm, corporation, partnership, or association shall possess, sell, offer for sale, import, bring, release, or cause to be brought or imported into the State of Alabama any of the following live fish or animals: Any of the following from any area outside the state of Alabama; any member of the family Cervidae (to include but not be limited to deer, elk, moose, caribou), species of coyote, species of fox, species of raccoon, species of skunk, wild rodent, or strain of wild turkey, …"

Prairie dogs have NOT been legal as pets in this state for MANY years, and finding EXPERIENCED PRAIRIE DOG veterinary care isn't easy as they aren't routinely seen, but if you're fortunate enough to find a resource to treat them, that's a good thing, but be sure to find a vet before getting one so that you don't find yourself in a bad situation should the need for care arise.

Are there prairie dog police on the corner waiting to turn you in? No. Again, my only concerns are misinformation, dishonest sales, and, most importantly, access to licensed and experienced exotic veterinary care when this animal is in need. If you have an experienced vet who is willing to treat your prairie dog and you reside in Alabama, that would be fantastic! However, a strong word of caution in these instances: if you take your prairie dog outdoors or if they were to bite someone, then the laws would most certainly apply, and I have to work seizure cases quite often due to people not knowing the rules in their state to try to save their pets.

For those unaware, I hope this is helpful. For those who want to know anonymously the legal status of a prairie dog in another state or country, please reach out directly.

Why DON'T I post a list of legal/illegal states/countries for prairie dogs, and why should you be careful of anything posted in this regard and found online? Because laws are constantly in flux and change often, I check back as needed with all entities as part of my work to ensure what state/country I'm looking at is up to date and don't make assumptions at these wonderful animals' expense.

Unfortunately, knowledge of the legality of exotic pet ownership is always the responsibility of the buyer and not the seller, so please do not count on anyone selling a pet to you to know the laws. Ultimately, these businesses are often out for profit first, and many are unaware or will tell you what you want to hear to make a sale, knowing that they will not face repercussions unless caught doing so directly. Many sales of this species are only for a short time, so sometimes sellers sell them under the radar and never get caught.

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Hello Colorado residents! Prairie Protection Colorado and Eco-Integrity Alliance will host a plant/bird/forest walk on May 26th at 10am. We will be discussing the planned forest destruction coming to Colorado in our backyards under the guise of wildfire protection. We will get familiar with bird calls, plants, and healthy forests, and folks will be able to see the Mountain Meadow Prairie Dog relocated to these lush meadows in 2015. This will be a fun day for all! Read more details here:

If you are interested please RSVP by emailing us at:
[email protected]

This will be a fun day with several forest, bird, and plant experts in a beautiful forest and meadow setting. We hope you can make it!

Happy Mother's Day wishes to all the beautiful and amazing mothers out there and my gratitude for your loving and caring...

Happy Mother's Day wishes to all the beautiful and amazing mothers out there and my gratitude for your loving and caring investment in your children, including those nurturing families of the pet or animal variety.

Prairie dog mothers in the wild always amaze me with their tenacious spirit. As prey species, they overcome so much to raise only one litter a year in often harsh extremes and under threat from their vanishing ecosystem. We could all take lessons from this invaluable keystone species in many ways.


Prairie dog adoption opportunity near Saginaw, Michigan. *Please read this post entirely BEFORE responding. * Thank you....

Prairie dog adoption opportunity near Saginaw, Michigan. *Please read this post entirely BEFORE responding. * Thank you. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY BY PRIVATE MESSAGE, PHONE (425-870-1729), OR EMAIL TO GENA SEABERG AT [email protected]. All inquiries will receive a response within 72 hours on a first-come, first-served basis unless other emergency cases cause a delay. AN INTACT MIXED-GENDER PAIR of prairie dogs, born in 2023, need a knowledgeable, loving, and committed forever home. Integration assistance will be provided as necessary if joining another mixed-gender pair. They will not be placed into a home with an outdoor enclosure due to the potential for health issues that can occur due to potential parasite exposure coupled with skin and fungal problems that arise from overly humid climates or cold climates that are not the same as their native habitat. They will need someone with the time, commitment, knowledge, and patience to provide the long-term care and attention they deserve. Please spread the word to various social media groups so these precious prairie dogs find an ideal fit for a final forever home. I will NOT respond to messages posted on this thread. Your patience in my response time is appreciated. To best reach me via private message, please first ensure we are current "friends" since FB Messenger does not always notify me or display messages promptly or consistently. My heartfelt thanks to all for their love of prairie dogs and for helping spread the word to help these prairie dogs find their forever family.


Prairie Dog Service Announcement (PDSA) – Prairie Dogs are NOT legally permitted to be possessed as pets in Louisiana, and permits will NOT be issued. Please read more about this below:

One of many facets of my work with this species entails continual research and monitoring of the legality of possession of prairie dogs in captive situations in the United States and other countries around the globe. While there are exemptions to the possession of prairie dogs for licensed and accredited zoos, documented research through educational entities, and those that can sometimes obtain permits as exotic brokers/dealers to sell some species to specific entities through special licensing requirements, there are many places where prairie dogs are not legal to be kept as a pet. There are a host of websites and social media platforms that contain misinformation on the topic. A client requested that I find out if the laws about pet prairie dog ownership had changed in Louisiana, where prairie dogs are not lawfully allowed as pets in the state, and permits will NOT be issued for their possession as pets.

As has been stated on several occasions in this group and others, upwards of a dozen entities can often have authority over the possession of prairie dogs in captivity as pets. Even if ONLY ONE of the various entities says that they are not allowed, they are not permitted. In the case of Louisiana, the Department of Health is the entity with overall say and oversight. In addition to the Department of Health, some parishes have put additional restrictions in place through their municipal codes. So, in addition to prairie dogs being illegal as pets in Louisiana per the Department of Health, the parishes of New Orleans, Shreveport, Baton Rouge, and East Baton Rouge have also put in additional municipal code restrictions.

Where this becomes particularly concerning in my work comes in finding experienced veterinary care as we all know that at some point, a prairie dog will require veterinary assistance, and having these resources identified BEFORE acquiring one is very important, mainly if an emergency arises as has happened countless times when someone doesn't have the help already readily identified and available. I often get calls in the middle of the night when someone discovers the hard way that they have no place to treat their beloved pet, and this lack of resources comes at their prairie dog's expense. It is HUGELY important to confirm by phone that a veterinarian will treat a prairie dog specifically BEFORE acquiring one. Just because a veterinary practice may treat exotics does NOT mean they will treat a prairie dog or some other non-common species, as many vets have exceptions for what they are willing to treat for numerous reasons.

I confirmed again today by phone as well that there has NOT been any change in Louisiana's laws on prairie dogs as pets with the State Veterinarian in Louisiana who stated that "Prairie dogs are not legal to possess, import, or be sold as a pet in Louisiana, and permits will NOT be issued for their possession as pets. Only those who meet the criteria mentioned above at the beginning of this message will be granted a permit".

The particular law, rule, or statute that prairie dogs are classified under is:

Louisiana Administrate Code Title 51, Part III, Chapter 3, §301 "Definition - Prairie Dogs―[formerly Paragraph 3:009] any burrowing rodents of the genus Cynomys. Prairie dogs can harbor the hantavirus. Prairie dogs are also known to be a host for and fleas, which carry the causative agent of Bubonic Plague, the bacteria Yersinia pestis. These fleas have the potential to infect other wild animals, as well as domestic animals and humans. Prairie dogs are not indigenous to Louisiana." AND §303A "Prohibition on Importation/Sale of Prairie Dogs A. [formerly paragraph 3:010] The importation and/or sale of prairie dogs in Louisiana is prohibited."

Prairie dogs have NOT been legal as pets in this state for MANY years, and finding EXPERIENCED PRAIRIE DOG veterinary care isn't easy as they aren't routinely seen, but if you're fortunate enough to find a resource to treat them, that's a good thing, but be sure to find a vet before getting one so that you don't find yourself in a bad situation should the need for care arise.

Are there prairie dog police on the corner waiting to turn you in? No. Again, my only concerns are misinformation, dishonest sales, and, most importantly, access to licensed and experienced exotic veterinary care when this animal is in need. If you have an experienced vet who is willing to treat your prairie dog and you reside in Louisiana, that would be fantastic! However, a strong word of caution in these instances: if you take your prairie dog outdoors or if they were to bite someone, then the laws would most certainly apply, and I have to work seizure cases quite often due to people not knowing the rules in their state to try to save their pets.

For those unaware, I hope this is helpful. For those who want to know anonymously the legal status of a prairie dog in another state or country, please reach out directly.

Why DON'T I post a list of legal/illegal states/countries for prairie dogs, and why should you be careful of anything posted in this regard and found online? Because laws are constantly in flux and change often, I check back as needed with all entities as part of my work to ensure what state/country I'm looking at is up to date and don't make assumptions at these wonderful animals' expense.

Unfortunately, knowledge of the legality of exotic pet ownership is always the responsibility of the buyer and not the seller, so please do not count on anyone selling a pet to you to know the laws. Ultimately, these businesses are often out for profit first, and many are unaware or will tell you what you want to hear to make a sale, knowing that they will not face repercussions unless caught doing so directly. Many sales of this species are only for a short time, so sometimes sellers sell them under the radar and never get caught.




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