Some nice person sent me a video with a horse's knee buckling. That's when the knee just doesn't seem to lock, and it buckles forward, usually causing the horse to stumble.
I thought we could talk about what it could be.
What grabs the eye is the knee.
That must be the problem, right?
It could be the problem. What else could it be?
It's helpful to change the question we're asking.
Most people start with this question: "the knee is buckling, so what's wrong with the knee?"
But always remember, the symptom (what we see) is almost always the compensation for the real problem.
Therefore, the real question is: "what could be cause of the knee not locking?"
Knee's don't lock when the stay apparatus isn't working. The stay apparatus goes up and down the entire leg. Therefore, what could affect the stay apparatus?
Here's my list:
knee arthritis
hoof trimming issues (imbalance or too high heel)
misalignment anywhere in the leg and/or sternum
My point here is not to list all possibilities.
My point is to help you shift your questions.
Because if you don't have the right questions, you can't get the right answers.
So just memorize this: the symptom we see or feel is almost always the compensation for the real problem.
If you know that, you can figure out anything.