Hesperia Lake Bird Rescue - 4 The Love of Rescue, Inc. 501c3

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Hesperia Lake Bird Rescue - 4 The Love of Rescue, Inc. 501c3 We advocate for animals and specialize in bird rescue. We partner with the lake to help the birds The mission of 4 The Love of Rescue, Inc.

is to help animals of all types. We specialize in bird rescue, wild and domestic. We partner with Hesperia Lake to help the birds that get tangled in fishing apparatus and tend to birds that need medical attention. We help to educate the community on the help animals need to further the bond between people and animals. We are a group of volunteers that run on donations, which has allowed us to become a thriving 501c3 nonprofit animal rescue.

Thank you to Bill Poole for reaching out for help so quickly for this barn owl. And thank you Charles Cannaday Jr. for g...

Thank you to Bill Poole for reaching out for help so quickly for this barn owl. And thank you Charles Cannaday Jr. for getting it to the vet that specializes in raptors. Unfortunately the injury was to severe, but I’m glad it was able to be assessed and not suffering anymore 🙁

Please remove all plastic seals/rings from milk and other bottles. It will only take a second and hope to save a life!

Please remove all plastic seals/rings from milk and other bottles. It will only take a second and hope to save a life!

This is angel wing in ducks and Geese. It can be prevented by not feeding bread and junk food. They sell bags of food at...

This is angel wing in ducks and Geese. It can be prevented by not feeding bread and junk food. They sell bags of food at the store, or you can bring your own chicken scratch. Please don’t feed bread and junk food. We thank you and so do the birds ❤️

Another baby bird that fell out of the nest. Krystle Patterson did an amazing job! The original nest was in a very flims...

Another baby bird that fell out of the nest. Krystle Patterson did an amazing job! The original nest was in a very flimsy location. So I told her it would be better to put the fallen baby back with the other babies and move the original nest into the makeshift and attach it close to where the original nest was.

I suggested because it was under the house eaves to cut the box with an opening for the parents to go in and out. Then to cut the box so it had tabs to nail, attach the makeshift nest to the eave. The fallen baby bird is the runt very small compared to the other babies that was probably not meant to make it. Now with Krystle’s help all the babies are more secure and have a fighting chance.

As you follow the pictures the last picture is so cute the mama bird checking out the makeshift nest. Thank you Krystle for helping this little family out ❤️


Music to my ears! Baby bird peeps are the best.. especially this morning when he wasn’t doing so well last night. For whatever reasons the crop, chest area, up to the throat puffed up with air. Pushing the throat area. I gently tries to alleviate some of the air by massaging it up through the throat and out its mouth, but it would only help temporarily and would fill again. It was so swollen that I was scared it would strangle his airway, but after several attempts had to leave it alone and hope for the best. I went to bed and was actually scared this morning to check on it. Thank goodness I woke to the sweetest peeps and one hungry baby and the swelling had gone completely down. Baby looks strong and active as you can tell in the video. I wasn’t able to check the stitches yet, but the crop held the food after the feeding. I’m feeding it in small increments due to all the crop has gone through and also due to its age. I am feeling more confident that this baby is going to pull through, even though I know we still aren’t out of the woods and still have aways to go. Thank you for all your love, well wishes and concern I appreciate it and know that baby does too ❤️

(Warning the second pic is a bit graphic.) This baby pigeon that is 9 days old. Got attacked by a squirrel. Squirrels ar...

(Warning the second pic is a bit graphic.)
This baby pigeon that is 9 days old. Got attacked by a squirrel. Squirrels are known to eats the crop out. (The sibling already got killed.) The crop has a huge gash. We wrapped the torn area that will hopefully keep the peas in, to keep it fed. Unfortunately the formula just ozzed out. Will be working on getting the crop stitched up. The eye got injured with the attack with a puncture wound below it. It survived last night and we started working on it early this morning. We are keeping it comfortable with heat and feeding it in small increments. Hopefully it will go on to make a full recovery. This baby that is fighting for its life could definitely use some good vibs and prayers. Thank you

Decorah Eagles North Nest prayers for all…https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=840821891408493&id=100064420700451...

Decorah Eagles North Nest prayers for all…


As North nest watchers probably know, DN18 swallowed fishing line that appears to have come in with a sucker fish that DNF brought to the nest on April 24. We’ve been monitoring it closely to see if it could clear the line by pulling it out or casting a pellet. The eaglet is eating and behaving normally, but it hasn’t yet managed to remove the line.

Eagles eat a lot of indigestible stuff, including sharp bones, and we were hoping DN18 would clear the line and any possible tackle on its own. Since it hasn't, we're considering our options, which include seeing if we can get a lift to the nest or going up the tree via rope or spikes. Whatever we do has to be quick and safe since we don’t want to accidentally injure DN17 in the process: one of the reasons we’ve stuck to monitoring so far. Weather is also a factor, since DNF and Mr. North will not approach the nest while anyone is in it or for some time afterwards. The eaglets are old enough to thermoregulate, but not to withstand cold, slashing rain. We've got a lot to consider and we're trying to make the best decision for everyone in the North eagle family. We don’t take that decision lightly.

We’ll keep everyone posted.

Keep your cats inside, the birds have entered breeding season.

Keep your cats inside, the birds have entered breeding season.

Posting for Michelle our lake unstringer. Fishing line removed! Thank you Michelle ❤️

Posting for Michelle our lake unstringer. Fishing line removed! Thank you Michelle ❤️

With spring and summer weather under way… The baby birds are falling out of nests and fledglings are fledgling, leaving ...

With spring and summer weather under way… The baby birds are falling out of nests and fledglings are fledgling, leaving the nest.

Here are example pictures of makeshift nests that can be made cozy with soft kleenexes, nesting materials, or the original nesting material with drainage on the bottom incase of rain. Also there needs to be enough air circulation, especially in summer so that the babies don’t get too hot and die. You can find something around your house to make a makeshift nest. It just has to be large enough for the parents to get in and out of and remember that the babies will be growing. Babies that are not full feathered are placed in the makeshift nest that is attached close to where the baby was found, or near the original nest that is not easily accessible. (If the nest is accessible you can put the baby back in the nest. If there is a chance the baby will fall out of the nest. Make a makeshift hammock to catch the baby so it doesn’t have a hard fall. Put the baby in a makeshift nest if the original nest is not safe.) You want to attach the makeshift nest out of the weather elements and where they are not an easy reach for predators to snag them. The parents will continue to care for the baby. Do not give a baby bird water, it will send their body into shock and kill them. If the baby is cold warm it back to normal body temperature, with your hands, heating pad or heat lamp. Make sure to not over heat, or cook the baby by accident. Do not feed them, they need to be hungry and cry for the parents to hear the baby cry and find them.

There is no need to remove the babies for help. They only need this bit of help, so they can remain with their parents that teach them the skills they need to survive. (If the original nest is not in a safe location. You can move the makeshift nest in increments, while the parents can hear and follow the moves until the makeshift nest is at the safer location.) Keeping babies with their parents is the best for everyone and the way nature intended, so please don’t kidnap the babies away from their dedicated parents.

The pictures after; Are of fledglings that are full feathered and may look like adult birds that need help because they can’t fly. The biggest way to know they are a fledglings is; There is no injuries, They cannot fly and do not have human fear yet. Fledgling ravens have blue eyes, or a blue haze and will turn black when they mature.

Most birds do not go from nest to sky, but are grounded strengthening to fly. (This strengthening process depending on the type of bird can take several day to several weeks.) The parents aren’t always with them, because it’s time for them to learn independence. The parents are very dedicated and continue to care for them until they take flight and there after. It is a myth that if you touch a baby bird that the parents will not take it back. If you see a fledgling that is wilting with dehydration you can swish your finger in a ramekin of water and put a drip of water to the side of the beak. The fledgling’s body temperature need to be of it’s normal body temperature and the water should be the same temperature so that it doesn’t send the fledgling into shock. If it drinks continue until it’s hydrated. You can also set a water container out with the fledgling, that is size appropriate so that the bird can get out and not drown. Containers will vary with the type and size of bird. You can put pebbles, rocks in the container to help them get out. This can help the parent as well as the fledgling especially in the summer heat.

If the fledgling is in an unsafe location move it to a safer location, close to where you found it. (Again if you need to move the fledgling far from the original location to get it safe, you can move the fledgling in increments to the safer location while the parents can hear, see the moves and know where the fledgling is. The fledgling will cry to be fed which is how the parents keep track of their location, so please don’t feed the fledgling because this is the time for it to learn independence.) Put the fledgling in a place out of harm’s way such as under a shrub or such. Out of the weather elements and where predators can’t easily find them. Then the parents can continue to care for it, while grounded and after they take flight teaching it the skills to survive. Be on fledgling watch if you can and keep it safe from predators such as; larger birds, cats, dogs, squirrels, etc.

If you have any questions you can messenger our Lake Page.


Our rescue is now excepting stars ⭐️. Please support our rescue, in helping animals in need. We specialize in bird rescue and partner with Hesperia Lake and help the birds; unstring fishing line and apparatus from the waterfowl that can be detrimental if not released. We also help birds that need medical attention.

Unfortunately bird rescue is not widely supported. So every donations helps us to continue to help birds that have no one to fend for them. We thank you and so do the birds!

Sharing.."My friend grew up in New England where they have pigeons. Apparently they also hate them. He was always saying...


"My friend grew up in New England where they have pigeons. Apparently they also hate them. He was always saying bad things about pigeons until I pointed something out that he never thought of before."

"We domesticated pigeons. They are (nearly) all over the world because HUMANS BROUGHT THEM THERE. And, they were more than pets. They carried messages. People raced them. They lived spoiled lives as honored human companions for centuries.

Then we got telephones and we threw them out like trash.

Literally, we threw them away.

Their species had already been fully domesticated and they could not survive in the wild; they lost all their survival instincts during the centuries that they lived caged by people.

That is why they live in cities with people instead of in a forest somewhere. It's OUR fault. And not only did we throw them away, but now humans curse them as "winged rats;" casting them as pests.

But they don't know how to live without us, and their instincts tell us that they should trust us. So, they continue to come up to humans and beg for food, because it's the only survival skill left in their genes.

They love us because they were bred by us to feel that way, and yet we hate them."

Save the birds from crashing into your windows. They are inexpensive, easy to apply and change out. They come in many di...

Save the birds from crashing into your windows. They are inexpensive, easy to apply and change out. They come in many different styles and colors. Anti-Collision Window Bird Stickers Decals

10 Pieces Flower Window Decals for Bird Strikes - Anti-Collision Window Decals to Save Birds from Window Collisions,Non Adhesive Reusable Vinyl Rainbow Window Stickers

Click on link to read.. Another fishing line threat. SWFL Eagle M15 luckily he was able to remove the hook and fishing l...

Click on link to read.. Another fishing line threat. SWFL Eagle M15 luckily he was able to remove the hook and fishing line. Please be fish apparatus aware as well as what’s harmful to birds and other wildlife that the article mentions.

In this video, M15 brings a fish to the nest. The fish was previously hooked and a piece of fishing line can be seen as Dad lands in the nest. A few moments ...

We are aware of this bird needing help. Will be trying to catch it to remove the line and have the foot assessed. Thank ...

We are aware of this bird needing help. Will be trying to catch it to remove the line and have the foot assessed. Thank you for everyone’s concern who have reached out. ***Please don’t try and catch, or chase it around. It will just alert it and make it that much harder to catch.

DUCKLINGS, BUNNIES AND CHICKS ARE NOT SPRING AND EASTER GIFTS - I know many people already know this, but please share. ...

DUCKLINGS, BUNNIES AND CHICKS ARE NOT SPRING AND EASTER GIFTS - I know many people already know this, but please share. It could help to save innocent lives.

Domestic ducks p**p about every 15 minutes and can live up to 20 years and more. It’s unlikely a child can take the duck to college. YET MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE OR WILL CELEBRATE SPRING OR EASTER by getting their children a duckling, or live pet.

Parents often assume they can set a duck free at a local lake once it outgrows its duckling stage, but "DOMESTIC DUCKS ARE NOT EQUIPPED TO SURVIVE IN THE WILD LIKE THEIR WILD COUSINS” They normally can't fly, their colors don't match the environment and they don't know how to act in the wild, "so they fall prey to many wild animals, dogs and, sadly, even people.” In many cases, territorial ducks at a lake or pond will kill newcomers.

STUFFED ANIMALS MAKE GREAT GIFTS - baby ducks, chicks and bunnies without all the p**p, upkeep, responsibility and money it takes to maintain a pet.

Hesperia Lake Bird Rescue thanks you and thank you for sharing



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