All God's Critters Pet Transport

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  • All God's Critters Pet Transport

All God's Critters Pet Transport Brooks & David take great pride in treating your furry family members like one of their own. We are the only company with more than 99% Five (5) Star ratings.

Thank you to each of our past, current and future clientele who have trusted us to be their courier for so many beautiful fur (and feathered) babies. It is truly an honor to be of service and to have been rated the #1 Pet Courier anywhere in the world. Thank you all so very much for your love of what we do and how we do it. It is all about God's Critters! From the moment we are commissioned by our

clients, David goes right to work. Planning logistics down to every detail (where safe stops will be made for fuel, potty breaks and rest stops) purchasing necessary equipment (blankets, puppy pads, appropriate snacks and treats as well as feeding bowls and water for each pet). It is not as simple as just hitting the road. Nearly every single contingency is planned for in minute detail before the final itinerary is sent out to you. And that does take quite a bit of planning. Safe route detours in case of bad weather, accidents which block the primary route, or even the knuckleheads who think blocking a freeway as a form of protest. Emergency services locations on each route are also a factor. When David is at home between deliveries, he's also detailing our vehicles and sanitizing them to make sure the pets will always be healthy while in our care. Performing maintenance and repairs on the vehicles to make sure they are safe and worthy of traveling 1,000's of miles each trip is also a top priority. From oil changes, brake and tire maintenance, as well as suspension maintenance and repairs, David doesn't get much time off even when he is at home. By the time it is all said and done, David typically earns less than $5 per hour after expenses. At team meetings, we joke that he works hard for his road trips with fur babies. Because quite often, David only earns about $50 per day of travel. He's had days, despite driving 18 or 20 hours, where he only earned $8 for each day of travel. So, if there isn't much money in it, why do we do it? Because the pups/dogs, kittens/cats, bunnies and birds need to get home to their families, and we understand we are often the only option. We'd rather be the folks who do it right for nothing than have your business go to the company that is only in it for profit and deliver your pets in poor condition. (Not all other couriers are bad, but why take the risk of finding out?)

Any charge less than $799.99 is due in full at the time of booking. Charges of $800 or more are due as follows: 50% (or more at your discretion) due at the time of booking. The balance due at the time of delivery. NOTE: We do work with payment plans. For example, if it is 4 weeks from the date of pick-up and you need to break up the payments on a $1,000 charge, we will work with you to budget your payments. REFUND POLICY:
Make sure your decision is final to have us transport before commissioning us to deliver for you. Refunds for client-initiated cancellations are not provided once planning/itinerary is in place. (typically 7 to 14 days prior to the intended pickup of the pet[s])
If 100% trip payment was made, and trip cancelled by sender or recipient for reasons other than pet health, this will result in the payment being forfeited. Trips cancelled due to pet health receive a 50% refund of total trip cost. Alternatively, we can retain the payment and plan for a later delivery date. If All God's Critters Pet Transport cancels for ANY reason, a FULL REFUND is provided of all funds paid. Negative reviews made as a result of a decision you do not agree with will be met by legal action.


All for the glory of God!
This week has been a bit lonely, being stuck in SoCal for a few days between deliveries.
I spent some time catching up on reviews and doing paperwork. In that course, I ran across reviews I missed responding to. While reading through them, they all made me smile. Some made me laugh, and a few brought tears because of the deeper story behind the delivery.
Throughout it all, I remember I could never do the work of delivering pets without God's amazing grace and protection. He lends me strength, and He shows me endless blessings for my dedication and perseverance. THANK YOU, GOD ALMIGHTY IN HEAVEN FOR YOUR LOVE, PROTECTION, GRACE AND CONSTANT COMPANY AS I TRAVERSE THE HIGHWAYS AND BACKROADS OF THIS BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY YOU BLESSED US ALL WITH.....AMEN!

One of my favorite reviews by a wonderful breeder we have known for years:

Even our 1 year old CNK Brollie gets spoiled when he joins David on a pet transport trip!

Even our 1 year old CNK Brollie gets spoiled when he joins David on a pet transport trip!

We live in the middle of nowhere!And while I like it like that, it is important we stay connected to the outside world v...

We live in the middle of nowhere!
And while I like it like that, it is important we stay connected to the outside world via WiFi. Having a "system" installed would cost a fortune as they would have to run several miles of cabling or fiber.

We love this system as it grabs whatever cellular signal is available and converts it to WiFi for the whole house.

Join today and get 10% off your first month.

For all of our Puppy lovers out there!

For all of our Puppy lovers out there!

See a complete list of all dog food recalls and FDA warnings since 2009, as tracked by the editors of the Dog Food Advisor.

For all of our Kitty breeders out there;

For all of our Kitty breeders out there;

Stay informed of the latest cat food recalls and warnings with The Cat Food Advisor. Sign up for email alerts today.

Every critter gets spoiled when they travel with .  And they are always happy when they get to their destinations!

Every critter gets spoiled when they travel with . And they are always happy when they get to their destinations!

David has been quite busy the last 23.5 months!

David has been quite busy the last 23.5 months!

We finally got two   for ourselves.Here are Harley (left) and Brollie. They are two     pups from Crack O Noon Colorado ...

We finally got two for ourselves.
Here are Harley (left) and Brollie. They are two pups from Crack O Noon Colorado Mountain Dogs in Mancos, CO and will be 1 year old on June 1st. Thank you Wendy Francisco for two amazing pups from your farm!

Brollie decided he wanted to hide from the vacuum.At least he found a cozy spot!

Brollie decided he wanted to hide from the vacuum.
At least he found a cozy spot!

Always fun to treat a     to a     while taking them to their

Always fun to treat a to a while taking them to their

Do your own research, but David Erickson has been successfully using Japanese Coriolus Versicolor Mushrooms with absolut...

Do your own research, but David Erickson has been successfully using Japanese Coriolus Versicolor Mushrooms with absolute success for some cancerous growths the last couple months. We are now starting our fur babies on the product meant for pets, as the company has products for Dogs, Cats, Horses and Humans.

Any questions, reach out. David likely has some answers.

There is also a good interview at the following link where this product is discussed at length:

We have developed the first pet treats and gravies with the immune supporting Coriolus Versicolor Mushroom. This mushroom has been studied for 50 years, and there are over 400 studies worldwide that show that this mushroom is able to support the body's own immune system, which will give your pet the...

David has finalized the change-over from Premium Pet Transport to All God's Critters Pet Transport across all platforms....

David has finalized the change-over from Premium Pet Transport to All God's Critters Pet Transport across all platforms. Google didn't make it easy as they have discontinued the use of "short codes" on their platform. So, to find us on Google go to:
To find us on InstaGram:

We are not on any other platforms and have no websites of our own.

Hopefully this change will not only reflect the character and nature of our business, but will also make it more difficult for the scam artists to use our good name to perpetuate their thievery. David has already had 4 days without a single call from victims in other countries trying to figure out why we have not delivered the pet they paid for. And 4 days is a record. Calls were coming in just about every single day for the last several months.

Thanks to everyone who contributed feedback on our decision to change our name, and to those who have been supportive in many ways throughout this process.
We look forward to being of service to all of God's critters!
God Bless!

We are in the process of making the change from "Premium Pet Transport" to "All God's Critters Pet Transport" and hope t...

We are in the process of making the change from "Premium Pet Transport" to "All God's Critters Pet Transport" and hope to have it done by the time David heads to bed.
Apparently it is more difficult than first thought.
However, we have got to accomplish the task because number of calls we are getting from scam victims has increased in recent weeks. And they are all looking for a company that is using a name extremely similar to "Premium Pet Transport".
Thanks to everyone and their patience as we make this transition.
It was not an easy decision to make.
God Bless you all...stay well.

Just a few of our       the last few months!

Just a few of our the last few months!

Just a few of our   guests the last couple months ths!

Just a few of our guests the last couple months ths!

Due to an ongoing issue with scam artists using our good name to perpetuate their scams around the world, we are thinkin...

Due to an ongoing issue with scam artists using our good name to perpetuate their scams around the world, we are thinking of changing our name.

(Jacey and Japheth are tired of David spending all his free time on the phone and computer rather than spending time with them!)

Fact is, David spends at least two hours every single day with victims from all over the world. Y'all can see that from the more recent posts on our page. The number of phone calls we have been getting from around the world is increasing each week. Most come from Portugal or Spain. However, they have begun coming from Belgium, Italy, Poland and other places around Europe.

Because we are a God-loving family, we have thought about "ALMIGHTY Pet Transport". Can we get some feedback on this idea folks? Or better ideas?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

We think that changing our name may put a stop to most of the calls and will put a monkey wrench in the process for these scam artists using our name.

Let us know what you think, please.
We look forward to your feedback and ideas!

In Polish. Because we get scam victims from there also.Nie prowadzimy działalności poza Stanami Zjednoczonymi. Jeśli kon...

In Polish. Because we get scam victims from there also.
Nie prowadzimy działalności poza Stanami Zjednoczonymi.
Jeśli kontaktuje się z Tobą osoba podająca się za Premium Pet Transport i obiecująca dostawę psa, kota, ptaka lub innego zwierzaka, a mieszkasz w innym kraju niż Stany Zjednoczone, oznacza to, że zostałeś oszukany. Są ludzie, którzy używają nazw bardzo podobnych do naszych, np. „Premier Pet Transport” i „Premium Pet(s) Transport”. Komunikują się także głównie za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej. NIE komunikujemy się za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej, chyba że wyraźnie o to poprosi klient, który wpłacił już depozyt za nasze usługi.
Prawdę mówiąc, zawsze woleliśmy najpierw przeprowadzić wstępną konsultację przez telefon. Następnie wolimy wysyłać SMS-y za pośrednictwem telefonu komórkowego. Nasz numer to 850-758-2986.
NIE żądamy również płatności przy użyciu jakichkolwiek kart podarunkowych. Karty podarunkowe nie płacą za paliwo potrzebne do dostarczenia zwierząt domowych, ani nie płacą za nasze rachunki.
Jak rozumiemy, złodzieje żądają płatności za pomocą kart upominkowych Apple iTunes i podobnych. Zadaj sobie pytanie: kto chciałby zadawać sobie trud sprzedaży karty podarunkowej tylko po to, aby móc opłacić czynsz? To nie ma sensu. Tylko złodziej chce karty podarunkowej, ponieważ po jej otrzymaniu i wypłacie jest praktycznie niemożliwa do wyśledzenia.

Nie nawiązujemy również kontaktu z NIKIM z jakiegokolwiek powodu.
Jeśli potencjalny klient początkowo nie będzie chciał z nami rozmawiać przez telefon, nie będziemy służyć tej osobie lub rodzinie.

Jeśli zatem uważasz, że zostałeś oszukany przez kogoś, kto podszywa się pod nas lub wykorzystuje nasze dobre imię do dalszej kradzieży Twoich pieniędzy, skontaktuj się z lokalną policją oraz Interpolem i złóż raport w obu agencjach.
Podczas składania zgłoszenia policyjnego prosimy o udostępnienie władzom naszego Facebooka, Google ( i numeru telefonu. Zawsze jesteśmy gotowi pomóc władzom w zatrzymaniu tych złodziei.

Boże błogosław!

Nous n'opérons pas en dehors des États-Unis.  Si vous êtes contacté par quelqu'un prétendant être Premium Pet Transport ...

Nous n'opérons pas en dehors des États-Unis.
Si vous êtes contacté par quelqu'un prétendant être Premium Pet Transport et promettant de livrer un chien, un chat, un oiseau ou tout autre animal de compagnie, et que vous vivez dans un pays autre que les États-Unis, alors vous êtes victime d'une arnaque. Il y a des gens qui utilisent des noms extrêmement similaires aux nôtres, comme « Premier Pet Transport » et « Premium Pet(s) Transport ». Ils communiquent également principalement par courrier électronique. Nous NE communiquons PAS par e-mail, sauf demande expresse d'un client ayant déjà payé un acompte pour nos services.
En fait, nous préférons toujours faire d’abord notre première consultation par téléphone. Après cela, nous préférons envoyer des SMS sur nos téléphones portables. Notre numéro est le 850-758-2986.
Nous NE demandons PAS non plus de paiement par carte-cadeau de quelque nature que ce soit. Les cartes-cadeaux ne paient pas l'essence dont nous avons besoin pour livrer les animaux de compagnie, et les cartes-cadeaux ne paient pas non plus nos factures.
Nous comprenons que ces voleurs demandent un paiement via des cartes-cadeaux Apple iTunes, etc. Posez-vous la question : qui veut se donner la peine de vendre une carte-cadeau juste pour pouvoir payer le loyer ? N'a pas de sens. Seul un voleur veut une carte-cadeau car une fois reçue et encaissée, il est pratiquement impossible de la retracer.

Nous ne prenons pas non plus contact avec QUICONQUE pour quelque raison que ce soit.
Si un client potentiel ne souhaite pas nous parler au téléphone au départ, nous ne fournirons pas de services à cette personne ou à cette famille.

Par conséquent, si vous pensez être victime d'une arnaque par quelqu'un se faisant passer pour nous, ou utilisant notre bonne réputation pour promouvoir le vol de votre argent, veuillez contacter votre police locale ainsi qu'Interpol et déposer un rapport auprès des deux agences.
N'hésitez pas à partager notre Facebook, Google ( et notre numéro de téléphone avec les autorités lors du dépôt de votre rapport de police. Nous sommes toujours prêts à aider les autorités à arrêter ces vole

Não operamos fora dos Estados Unidos. Se você estiver sendo contatado por alguém que afirma ser Premium Pet Transport e ...

Não operamos fora dos Estados Unidos.
Se você estiver sendo contatado por alguém que afirma ser Premium Pet Transport e promete entregar um cachorro, um gato, um pássaro ou qualquer outro animal de estimação, e você mora em qualquer país que não seja os Estados Unidos, então você está sendo enganado. Existem pessoas que usam nomes extremamente semelhantes aos nossos, como "Premier Pet Transport" e "Premium Pet(s) Transport". Eles também se comunicam principalmente por e-mail. NÃO nos comunicamos por e-mail, a menos que solicitado especificamente por um cliente que já tenha pago um depósito pelos nossos serviços.
Na verdade, sempre preferimos fazer primeiro a nossa consulta inicial por telefone. Depois disso, preferimos enviar mensagem de texto pelo celular. Nosso número é 850-758-2986.
Também NÃO solicitamos pagamento usando cartões-presente de qualquer tipo. Os cartões-presente não pagam o combustível que precisamos para entregar animais de estimação, nem os cartões-presente pagam nossas contas.
Entendemos que esses ladrões estão solicitando pagamento por meio de cartões-presente do Apple iTunes e similares. Pergunte a si mesmo: quem quer se dar ao trabalho de vender um cartão-presente só para poder pagar o aluguel? Não faz sentido. Somente um ladrão deseja um cartão-presente, pois, uma vez recebido e sacado, é praticamente impossível rastreá-lo.

Também não iniciamos contato com NINGUÉM por qualquer motivo.
Se um cliente em potencial não estiver disposto a conversar conosco por telefone inicialmente, não prestaremos serviço a essa pessoa ou família.

Portanto, se você acha que está sendo enganado por alguém que finge ser nós, ou que está usando nosso bom nome para promover o roubo de seu dinheiro, entre em contato com a polícia local e também com a Interpol e registre uma denúncia em ambas as agências.
Sinta-se à vontade para compartilhar nosso Facebook, Google ( e número de telefone com as autoridades ao registrar seu boletim de ocorrência. Estamos sempre dispostos a ajudar as autoridades na prisão desses ladrões.

Deus abençoe!

Vamos postar isso em vários idiomas porque temos sido inundados com mensagens de pess


Nous n'opérons pas en dehors des États-Unis.
Si vous êtes contacté par quelqu'un prétendant être Premium Pet Transport et promettant de livrer un chien, un chat, un oiseau ou tout autre animal de compagnie, et que vous vivez dans un pays autre que les États-Unis, alors vous êtes victime d'une arnaque. Il y a des gens qui utilisent des noms extrêmement similaires aux nôtres, comme « Premier Pet Transport » et « Premium Pet(s) Transport ». Ils communiquent également principalement par courrier électronique. Nous NE communiquons PAS par e-mail, sauf demande expresse d'un client ayant déjà payé un acompte pour nos services.
En fait, nous préférons toujours faire d’abord notre première consultation par téléphone. Après cela, nous préférons envoyer des SMS sur nos téléphones portables. Notre numéro est le 850-758-2986.
Nous NE demandons PAS non plus de paiement par carte-cadeau de quelque nature que ce soit. Les cartes-cadeaux ne paient pas l'essence dont nous avons besoin pour livrer les animaux de compagnie, et les cartes-cadeaux ne paient pas non plus nos factures.
Nous comprenons que ces voleurs demandent un paiement via des cartes-cadeaux Apple iTunes, etc. Posez-vous la question : qui veut se donner la peine de vendre une carte-cadeau juste pour pouvoir payer le loyer ? N'a pas de sens. Seul un voleur veut une carte-cadeau car une fois reçue et encaissée, il est pratiquement impossible de la retracer.

Nous ne prenons pas non plus contact avec QUICONQUE pour quelque raison que ce soit.
Si un client potentiel ne souhaite pas nous parler au téléphone au départ, nous ne fournirons pas de services à cette personne ou à cette famille.

Par conséquent, si vous pensez être victime d'une arnaque par quelqu'un se faisant passer pour nous, ou utilisant notre bonne réputation pour promouvoir le vol de votre argent, veuillez contacter votre police locale ainsi qu'Interpol et déposer un rapport auprès des deux agences.
N'hésitez pas à partager notre Facebook, Google ( et notre numéro de téléphone avec les autorités lors du dépôt de votre rapport de police. Nous sommes toujours prêts à aider les autorités à arrêter ces voleurs.

Dieu bénit!

Nous publierons ceci dans plusieurs langues car nous avons été inondés de messages provenant de personnes de plusieurs pays.


Não operamos fora dos Estados Unidos.
Se você estiver sendo contatado por alguém que afirma ser Premium Pet Transport e promete entregar um cachorro, um gato, um pássaro ou qualquer outro animal de estimação, e você mora em qualquer país que não seja os Estados Unidos, então você está sendo enganado. Existem pessoas que usam nomes extremamente semelhantes aos nossos, como "Premier Pet Transport" e "Premium Pet(s) Transport". Eles também se comunicam principalmente por e-mail. NÃO nos comunicamos por e-mail, a menos que solicitado especificamente por um cliente que já tenha pago um depósito pelos nossos serviços.
Na verdade, sempre preferimos fazer primeiro a nossa consulta inicial por telefone. Depois disso, preferimos enviar mensagem de texto pelo celular. Nosso número é 850-758-2986.
Também NÃO solicitamos pagamento usando cartões-presente de qualquer tipo. Os cartões-presente não pagam o combustível que precisamos para entregar animais de estimação, nem os cartões-presente pagam nossas contas.
Entendemos que esses ladrões estão solicitando pagamento por meio de cartões-presente do Apple iTunes e similares. Pergunte a si mesmo: quem quer se dar ao trabalho de vender um cartão-presente só para poder pagar o aluguel? Não faz sentido. Somente um ladrão deseja um cartão-presente, pois, uma vez recebido e sacado, é praticamente impossível rastreá-lo.

Também não iniciamos contato com NINGUÉM por qualquer motivo.
Se um cliente em potencial não estiver disposto a conversar conosco por telefone inicialmente, não prestaremos serviço a essa pessoa ou família.

Portanto, se você acha que está sendo enganado por alguém que finge ser nós, ou que está usando nosso bom nome para promover o roubo de seu dinheiro, entre em contato com a polícia local e também com a Interpol e registre uma denúncia em ambas as agências.
Sinta-se à vontade para compartilhar nosso Facebook, Google ( e número de telefone com as autoridades ao registrar seu boletim de ocorrência. Estamos sempre dispostos a ajudar as autoridades na prisão desses ladrões.

Deus abençoe!

Vamos postar isso em vários idiomas porque temos sido inundados com mensagens de pessoas de vários países.


We do not operate outside the United States.
If you are being contacted by anyone claiming to be Premium Pet Transport and promising to deliver a dog, a cat, a bird or any other pet, and you live in any country other than the United States, then you are being scammed. There are people using names extremely similar to ours such as "Premier Pet Transport" and "Premium Pet(s) Transport" They are also primarily communicating via email. We do NOT communicate via email unless specifically requested by a client who has already paid a deposit for our services.
As a matter of fact, we have always preferred to have our initial consultation by phone first. After that, we prefer text message via cell phone. Our numbers are 423-405-4032 and 850-758-2986. These are the only phone numbers we use and are US phone numbers.
We also do NOT request payment using any gift cards of any kind. Gift cards do not pay for the fuel we need to deliver pets, nor do gift cards pay our bills.
It is our understanding these thieves are requesting payment via Apple iTunes gift cards and similar. Ask yourself: who wants to go through the trouble of selling a gift card just so they can pay their rent? It doesn't make sense. Only a thief wants a gift card as once it has been received and cashed out, it is virtually untraceable.

We also do not initiate contact with ANYBODY for any reason.
If a potential client is not willing to have a phone conversation with us initially, we will not be of service to that person or family.

So, if you feel that you are being scammed by someone pretending to be us, or they are using our good name to further their theft of your money, please contact your local police as well as Interpol and file a report with both agencies.
Please feel free to share our FaceBook, Google ( and phone number with the authorities when you file your police report. We are always willing to assist the authorities in apprehending these thieves.

God Bless!

We are going to post this in multiple languages because we have been inundated with messages from people in numerous countries.

Find out more about this business by following them on Google

Always a pleasure!

Always a pleasure!

Leaving home on a trip to deliver joy and happiness is always a bittersweet moment.Bitter because we leave this behind (...

Leaving home on a trip to deliver joy and happiness is always a bittersweet moment.
Bitter because we leave this behind (see photos) and joyful because we will always return after delivering fur babies to families across our beautiful country.
These photos are from the morning of departure last week as David headed out on deliveries from Texas to Idaho, and then from California to North Carolina to deliver 3 wonderful fur babies and a feathered friend for two different families.




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Premium Pet Transport

Furry family members have been a part of our lives since we were children. They are more than just a pet...THEY ARE FAMILY.

We recognize that their personalities and their needs are as unique as we are. So we strive to provide the best individualized care for each family member we transport for you! ~David~

Professionalism. Excellence. Timeliness.

Since the founding, Brooks & David's Premium Pet Transport has been known for quality service, exceptional efficiency and the highest level of individualized attention to every client.