Getting excited for the Gettysburg Reptile expo. We’re bringing a bunch of adult breeders. Here’s the list please reach out to us if you have any questions and everything is negotiable.
0.1 Albino Het Pied $400
0.1 VPI Axanthic $300
0.1 BEL Super Mojave $400
0.1 BEL Super Lesser $400
0.1 Pastel Bamboo Banana $400
0.1 Lesser Vanilla $300
0.1 Clown $700 Sold
0.1 Blade Het Clown $300
0.1 Mojave Het Clown $300
0.1 Pastel Red stripe $300
0.1 Siren $300
0.1 Black Potion(Mahogany Black Magic) $400
0.1 Pied $600
0.1 Super OD Fire $600
0.1 Super OD Fire $600
0.1 Pastel Mojave Poss Odium $300 398F
0.1 Pinstripe Spector Poss Mojave & Odium $300 396F
0.1 Black Pastel Pied "A" $800
0.1 Black Pastel Pied "B" $800
0.1 Black Pastel Het Pied $300
0.1 Leopard Black Pastel Het Pied $400
0.1 Super Black Pastel Het Pied $1000
0.1 Pastel Pied #7 $700
0.1 Pastel Paint Poss Yellowbelly 100% HP $400 Sold
0.1 Pastel Pied #8 $700
0.1 Pied #16 $600
0.1 Het Pied $250
0.1 Pastel Pied #4 $700
0.1 Pied #12 $600
0.1 Pastel Pied #15 $700
0.1 Pied #17 $600
0.1 BP Superstripe $400
0.1 Fire Yellowbelly $300
0.1 Spider Lace $400
0.1 Pastel Lesser Lace $400
0.1 Pastel HRA $300
1.0 GHI Kingpin $200
1.0 Bamboo Enchi $200
1.0 Fire Enchi Ghost $200
1.0 100% Triple Het Lavender, Albino, Pied, Ghost $150
1.0 Pastel Lace $200
1.0 Pinstripe Enchi Mojave Poss Odium $200 291M
1.0 Super BP Mahogany Het Pied $1100
1.0 Black Pastel Pied $400
1.0 Albino Black Pastel (Pos Super Black Pastel, Completely white with red eyes)$1000
1.0 Super Black Pastel Pied $2500
1.0 Orange Dream Yellowbelly Pied $600