Angel has been Adopted!!! She is going to Reno NV. Check this awesome children's books out!
So Toodles has a Mickey mouse stamp in his belly!! It's so cute.
When I find products I love. I always share with my bichon family's that adopt from us. From grooming supplies, shampoo & conditioner, clippers, and now this.... an all airline traveling bag!! This will work on Alegiant, Jet blue, Alaska, delta and all the others. Because of this carrier being smaller by 2 inches all around then the standard carriers. You find at the pet stores. This was purchased on Amazon. Because I had no clue finding this size carrier in Utah at the pet stores. Enjoy the quick review.
Relax when you can relax, get outside even if it's just in your backyard. Enjoy the moment. Hanging out with Jewels, Toodles, and our big clown Blizzard.
Play time, during piano lessons
Prada, snuggled in for a nice little nap.
Hazel did great!! 3 boys and 2 girls. Born today at 10AM. My kids and good friend put a few name options on the table: boys- Blizzard, Frosty, Snowball. Girls: Snowflake, January ( yep need ideas for the pups names, clearly then being born during winter time will never be forgotten.)
Lucky my mom's jersey are so sweet. We went on a walk with the cows.