Walked into the whelping suite today, and Jasmine's runt girl had not only escaped the whelping pool but apparently walked out of the kennel like the door was open. She is so tiny she fits right through the panels. So as to not let an opportunity pass, I quickly heated up some milk replacer for her. We are supplementing her since she is so skinny and just small in general.
For the first time since we created it....our maternity ward is full! It is a lot of extra work for us but soooo worth it. Giving these Mammas and babies a safe place is priceless!
Monday, we welcomed Jasmine and her 7 puppies into the Puppy Mamma family. She was very scared and shut down. We had to pick her up to take her outside, and for the first 24 hours, she didn't even potty. With some love and encouragement, she has really come around. She now feels like both her and her babies are safe. Thanks to HARTT for rescuing her and trusting us to care for her. Wonder what she thinks going from having puppies outside in the cold in an old tire to being safe and warm with a full belly?
A few of the cuties we have available for adoption. More info can be found on our website www.thepuppymamma.com
Puppies enjoying their food is the sweetest sound ever! Enjoy!
These are Felicity's puppies. The runt died shortly after we had to euthanize Felicity but these 2 are seemingly doing very well. They are just sooooo little!
Adoptable puppies loving the cool mornings!
RIP Felicity....you gave everything you had to your puppies. We will take it from here....
She was 12 years old....just too old to withstand the physical stress of motherhood....her puppies are only 3 weeks old and very small, but we will try our best to save them!
There are many reasons why a dog will try to bury their food. But, I believe, many of our Mamma dogs do it because they have experienced scarcity and they are trying to save what they have for later....not knowing that they now will have all they need and then some. It makes me sad to think of how they might have suffered in the past. But, I also feel privileged to give them all they need now. Watching them come to the realization that there will always be more fills my heart with gratitude for all of you that make this possible. Rest easy Mamma Felicity....we got you!
Charlotte's puppies are beginning to find their voices....
Sometimes in life you just need to go at things from a different angle....perspective taking
Happy Monday!!